Are poaching laws even enforced?

Are poaching laws even enforced?
Just saying I've never seen a cop in the woods.

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They have game wardens numbnuts. And they don’t usually patrol the woods, they usually wait on the highway and pull people over.

game wardens have teleporters they will show up as soon as you break the law

You've never once seen fish & game or rangers?
Forest cops are definitely a thing, and while the woods can be pretty big their job is literally knowing them well enough to spot illegal activity.

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>retard asks shallow question
>uses image that will get more attention than said question
Fuck you too.

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Hey I've never done anything illegal so I've never been arrested why do I never see cops

This is true.
Damn teleporters don't even make a sound, and the forest fuzz doesn't break a twig as they approach.

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For state game lands I get that, but what if you've got private property? Do they just waltz into it whenever they feel like?

that's my understanding, yes.

This is somehow true, I can not explain it. You can target shoot on private property for years just fine, but the day you entertain the thought of shooting that quail, he will show up.

Man, I'd love to know where you live that you never see game wardens. I don't even do illegal shit when I'm hunting, but I hate those dumb fuckers. I've had game wardens run over my turkey decoys on opening morning of Spring turkey season. Fuckin' 8am and the retards are driving around in their loud as fuck Silverados on a boat access only unit. And they wonder why people aren't more friendly towards them.

This but unironically
If they find ya
They gonna fuck ya

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They just have to wait until they see someone with a deer in the truck and then pull them over. Poachers, like any criminal, are 95% retards.

post more virska and guns

A seventh sense they have.
>be teenager
>out spotlighting deer with frens
>stop by the store to get some snacks
>2 rifles and spotlight in the truck.
>game warden pulls in
>what you boys doing tonight?
>we just picking up some things before we go coon hunting.
>were y'all shining lights in the field and shooting up at the Johnson place earlier?
> Nope
>I saw y'alls truck come from up there.
>Nope. Wasn't us.
>Where's the deer at?
>They're in the woods bedded down I reckon.
> safe coon hunting.
>Will do. Have a good one.
>Go coon hunting.
>Load venison in the truck 2AM the next morning. All packed away in the freezer by daylight.
>See same game warden a couple days later.
>How's the venison?
>Not too bad.
>You boys be careful.
The game never ends.

They're magic. Good hunting user.

jsut try to remove a couple logs from a park, holy shit you might as well have punched a family of eagles

I keked