What is Jow Forums's favorite melee weapon?

What is Jow Forums's favorite melee weapon?

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A gun.

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This is my favourite out of the ones I own

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lawn mower

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A 1796 LC or fuzzy wuzzy European blade broadsword

very nice

A bayonet for some slavshit gun is the most Jow Forums melee weapon I can think of

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Kriegsmesser. It was a huge fuck you to german sword laws. It's the sig arm brace of its time.

That's a controversial hypothesis. More likely it was to skirt guild laws for making swords, by blacksmiths who didnt want to pay membership. Thus they could act as knifemakers and make langsmesser

Brass knuckles

or was it that knifemakers just wanted in on the sword biz? I dont remember

I’m a big dawg

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I keep this in my back seat. That's kinda like a favorite.

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Lovely pattern.

More of that from what I've heard rather than not wanting to pay membership fees, as the local cutler's guild probably wasn't just going to let anyone in (paying or not) and oversaturate their market. Plus they were already part of the knife maker's guild and paying those fees. But the sword market did look nice, yet guild monopoly regulations were in the way, so...

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its a nice shamshir. here's a better image of the kara khorasan wootz

Attached: WootzBG19201080.jpg (1920x1078, 1.73M)

God I love a good axe.



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Its so cheap, too


The Nugget Spear

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No, burgerland. I normally use it to knock mud and shit off my boots before I get in. It just has additional uses, like hitting people.

I have my grandpa's blackjack sitting in my nightstand. I found it in his car after he passed, his neighbor and close friend told me he carried it in pretty much every vehicle he owned from 1958 on.

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Grab cables, swing.
Don't hit self.

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I have a sword, but it doesn't work without a horse so I may be screwed.

Mines a modular, theyd probably break out of their sockets

whats the top majigger for


24in Breaker Bar

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my 12" nigger dong

A gun

Koncerz is better. 1913 still cool tho


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Halberds. You put a spike, axe and hook all on a pole, what's not to like?

you parry with the back then run your opponent's blade down to the "hook"
then you twist to lock their blade in place and leverage it
it's also generally just to stop a blade from sliding down your own and being guided into you, same as any hilt

someone tell me if I'm wrong about any of this

pic related

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Another favourite from my collection.

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daggers and bowie knives. Really a cutlass or spear if muskets were the only guns avalible irl. I wont dedicate that much weight and space on me to a melee weapon when i can have a semi auto with 30+ rounds.

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or a bayonet. essentially a long dagger that be mounted on a longgun to be a short and stupid heavy unbalanced spear

an iron pipe



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That's a nice armor you have, would be a shame if something terrible happened to it

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Fave:heavy jian
Actually use in melee:any halberd

I honestly can't decide between rapiers and sabers,since both are stylin' as fuck,yet require barely any competency to wield well.

Rapiers take a ton of forearm strength to be effective. They're 1-1.5kg all held in one arm, at extention

Where is it?



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pic related

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the D-bat

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>rapiers and sabers
>require barely any competency to wield well
Sabres, perhaps, they cut well in a nice blade range, and the curve aids edge alignment too. Untrained people more often got issued hangers or cutlasses though. Rapier, nuh-uh.


>yet require barely any competency to wield well.
Yeah sure, feeling heavy swords requires barely any competency... What the hell made you think so user?
Sabres I kinda give it to you as you can learn and apply the basics quickly, but rapier...?

>Sword of any kind
>not needing competency
>implying this hard
Dude, rapiers are hard as shit to use. They weigh just as much as any other single handed sword, but all the technique is in the thrusts/quick forearm movements. It's very tiring if you aren't used to it. And sabers I can see picking up the basics quicker, what with the way edge allignment is improved with the blade shape, but it's still not easy by any stretch of the imagination. I've heard cutlasses and such have a bit less of a learning curve, though. Don't know how true that is.

Nice. Where did you get that?

This beauty that I inherited, Scabbard is not as black as pic related, paint's worn off and has some minor dents. Blade is in pristine shape and quality.

Somehow this Type 30 ended up in Europe before the end of ww2, that's how grandpa got 'em.

Attached: 0008662_arisaka-type-30-bayonet-with-scabbard_550.jpg (550x550, 25K)

>I've heard cutlasses and such have a bit less of a learning curve, though. Don't know how true that is.
Here, learn this page and you know how to cutlass.
Thing is, this sort of fighting method and weapons were intended for quick teaching to basic soldiers. The learning curve is different because you're never going to be or need to be an expert and the training takes that into account. It's not because the cutlass is a simple weapon, but the methodology had to be quick and to the point. If you want a weapon with multiple layers to it, cutlass just ain't it, doesn't make it a bad weapon in any way though.

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>Type XVIIIb
This guy fucks



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From another collector

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grug like pointy rock stick

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Defeated by a lightly tossed shirt.


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That looks like something I'd cut up a tuna with.

reminds me, one of those bullshit britbong police raids once confiscated a batlif

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You're one uncoordinated mo-fo.

>britbong police confiscated a batleth
>batleth are Klingon cultural items
>britbong police confirmed racists against Klingons

The Dindu Wrecker 9000.

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Is it tourist tier or actually good quality?

Where did you get it? I went to Morocco and had a hell of a time finding not completely garbage tier knives

E tool

Oops forgot pic

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It's a shamshir from ~1595 to 1600 by Assad Allah Al isfahani. It's legit as it gets, made of Kara Khorasan woot and exported to Poland at the bequest of Zygmunt III ważą via Armenian merchant sefer muratovich, who bought it from shah abbas

my penis

Oh shit nigga that’s awesome. What’s the price on that?

Bonhams recent sales say about11-18k usd

Sikh, bro.

Axe cane

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you could chop a camels hump off and drink its milk with one of those

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any viking sword, but especially the ones with short crossguards

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Attached: Ryukyu sword short (The Chiganemaru 治金丸).png (719x252, 185K)

Attached: Ryukyu knife (The Chatannakiri 北谷菜切).jpg (642x278, 18K)

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>all the technique is in the thrusts/quick forearm movements
there is a type of slash that can be done with a rapier
but its not all that useful and is hard to pull off

As seen on Agents of SHIELD.

Attached: AoS s04e05 axgunned.webm (624x352, 2.13M)

I kind of like Italian bastard sword
Cold Steel 88HNH and ColdSteel - 88ITSM. have the sort of look to them

and the now discontinued Windlass Steelcrafts - 120311

Attached: Italian Longsword - CS88ITSM.jpg (600x600, 16K)

>What is Jow Forums's favorite melee weapon?
If I have to pick a sword, then the Swiss saber is my go-to choice.
But, if I had to pick a type I would actually need to use in some made-up scenario (post-apoc, fantasy invasion, what-have-yous) then I'd go with something relatively short and blunt. Like or .

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although there are too many memes around this weapon for anyone to take it seriously
it can be used as a club like a quarterstaff or club
and also as a short spear with some thinner versions suited for throwing
feathers attached to the head is just to mess with people

other dank memes
patu - a club made of wood or bone for splitting peoples skulls open
mere - same deal but made of somewhat rare green stone / jade only 1337s had them

Koauau - bone flute - made of a thigh bone for spooking of opponents. or wood just because
pūrerehua - makes whooshing sounds
putatara - big sea shell for signaling purposes
and one I forget the name of that is just a wind chime filled with pebbles but made from a human skull

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