Is the mini14 unironically a good choice if the following are banned in your state?

Is the mini14 unironically a good choice if the following are banned in your state?

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If your state bans """assault weapons""" by name then yes, it's a great choice.

It was great in the 80s and 90s went cheap AR's weren't everywhere. Now they're just kind of a big "why would you buy that?"


what if you live in NYS

God have mercy on your soul

I know man, shit's fucked

You can cuck out an AR-15 in NY.

>what if you live in NYS
Then you KYS.

Attached: Mini14_new_stock_&_handguard_03-07-2018.jpg (1600x900, 1.2M)

SU-16 looks like a way better deal imo

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It's fine, it's a magfed semiauto 5.56 rifle... overpriced, but a fine rifle

As it stands, AR is a much better choice... but I do love those sidefolding minis

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Yes, though I'd still consider an SKS - if only for a cheaper rifle, cheaper ammo, and cheaper feed options (even the good milsurp clips are much less expensive than factory detachable 10-round MIni-14 mags.)

M1a's banned but Mini-14's legal? What state is this?

Just recently moved to a free state and bought an AR. I will say that I LOVE my mini 14 580 series. That smooth rotating bolt that flings brass two blocks over. Not the most accurate, kinda expensive magazines, extremely over heats quickly. But if your looking for an AR alternative. The mini is my choice

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How's a regular M14 as a battle rifle?

Maryland. And we’re banning ar15s very soon. It’s either a mini, AR10, scar, favor, or 5.45 ak for me dawg

the newer mini14s are fine if you want one. getting all of that other fun stuff off of a ban would be a better option though

this gives me more of a chuckle than it should

Just don't comply. Own what you want.

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M1As are banned but Minis aren't? Jesus that's weird.

Out of that list I'd get an AR10, but keep in mind ammo costs twice as much in a 7.62 rifle.

M14/M1A is FAL tier.


Garand if you want a real man's rifle.


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Unironically, Mini 14 is superior to AR’s imo.

The ar10 is unironically still allowed after they ban the ar15?

I got mine because I trust Ruger. It doesn't look scary so my neighbors don't freak out. It does just fine for what I need it for.
I got tired of the mall ninja options from ARs and wanted to be the butterfly I know I am.
Remember kids; Some people drive classic cars although there's a lot of tech put into modern super cars.

Out of the box, the Benelli MR1 is a better gun, and it takes AR mags.

However the Mini14 has a large selection of aftermarket accessories and parts availability.

Whatver the case, get what you can. Still better than nothing.

>*allows lots of dirt into your action just by existing*

Don't tell /brg/ that.

>get what you can. Still better than nothing
lol the absolute state of the "don't tread on me" crowd

I own both and I can honestly say that outside of aesthetics, you are wrong. I really like mini 14's but they aren't as good as AR-15's of comparable price for a wide variety of reasons

Yep, eight rounds of thirty aught six, that’s all ya need. Good enough for the GIs to beat the nahtzees, good enough for me. Just be quick on your reload, folks can tell when you run out by the sound of the clip.

>if the following are banned in your state?
>if the following are banned in your state?
>if the following are banned in your state?
>if the following are banned in your state?
>if the following are banned in your state?
>if the following are banned in your state?
>if the following are banned in your state?
>if the following are banned in your state?

For some reason, rednecks believe this. My brother is one of these people. Ruger’s marketing really works on them.

It’s better than a cucked AR, Live in ny and have both. It’s not a tack driver and I wouldn’t mount optics on it but it does what it’s supposed to do just fine. If you go the AR route do the thordsen stock with an ambi safety if you actually plan on shooting it in cucked configuration.

>Now they're just kind of a big "why would you buy that?"
why can more people just not accept that all guns deserve love. I don't care if it's big or small I just wanna own em all.

>aussie flags all over the shed
what is going on in this video

Shitposting firebase

Make your mag fixed, load with clips
Or build your own and keep your mouth shut

>lol just don't comply
If it's banned, you can't just go buy it in a store, and in the states where they ban "assault weapons" private sales tend to be illegal. Nor can we just buy it from a store the next state over, and people in those states don't do private sales to out of state buyers trying to get around state bans. Attempting to smuggle a scary "assault weapon" into a ban state is not easy, as they're near impossible to obtain, and definitely not legal. I don't think you're mature enough or intelligent enough to understand how incredibly stupid your post was.

You could always just not comply and build 80% builds...

>Mini superior to AR
Na, own both and can say that if I were to choose one to go into combat with it would be my AR (maybe not currently, grip thread is fucked).
>easier to load mags
>doesn’t heat up as quick
>can eat steel case without bitching
>more reliable
>more accurate
In addition, ARs are so much cheaper along with accessories and parts. Don’t get me wrong though, I love my mini-14 and tend to enjoy shooting it over my AR.

It’s like a bigger M1 carbine

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Absolutely a good choice

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Those are illegal now too

I'm a crab bro with a newer mini.

Replace the rear sight with an adjustable tech sight and buy six ruger thirty rounders from the nation's gun show in cash.

It runs well, even with steel case. I've shot nothing but tula in mine.

(Also, don't give up hope yet. I'm not going to sell my AR's until the bill actually passes and there was a lot of people present to protest during the hearings)

Post pic of mini pls. I’d like to see ur setup

I haven't made any modifications to mine except for replacing the cucked top hand guard with one that doesn't cover the op rod.

Long term goal is to buy the mags and replacement sight, plus use a primary arms 556 acss scope. The ruger rings are 1 inch but you can get replacement steel scope rings online for 30mm.

Also don't have any pictures.

If you have questions about MD legal intermediate cartilage slingers, feel free to ask. I own most of what's legal- several non 7.62 ak's, a ptr, mini, sks vz 58. No bren, scar, or IWI guns though. The galil ace is a hot pile of garbage

I thought the PTR was banned in Maryland?

ny here. sks was my first choice. i'll just get some nice collectable milsurps until i move away


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PTR 32 isn't. Legislators are retarded, but at least we get a cheaper shooting G3.

Pls respond

I live in Mass so when The Cuckening happened in 2016 I sold my basic bitch AR for a fortune and doubled down on Mini-14s.

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This was basically my mini before I sold it. Ended up going with an AR instead for reasons, but I sort of miss my mini just for being interesting and different

I'm sorry user... but you're not going to like the answer.

Currently at ~$1300 for Mini-14 GB:

$600-800 for stock alone:

Even knockoffs are going for the price of a new AR...

The only way I could possible condone this is finding a deal on Armslist or a pawnshop or something. Unless you have money to burn, then buy whatever you want

Attached: mini14GB.jpg (640x480, 160K)

I bought a complete blued factory folding rifle for $500 on Gunbroker four months ago. Sold it for $900 a few weeks ago. The deals are out there.

I don't like the idea of buying the stocks separately. The retards who split them up don't realize the factory folding guns had different gas blocks.

>Currently at ~$1300 for Mini-14 GB:

That's not a GB.

Ya sorry, had multiple GB tabs open

Attached: gb.jpg (640x480, 77K)

I bought a complete blued factory folding rifle for $500 on Gunbroker four months ago

Goddamn, that's a ridiculously good deal. Yeah they definitely are, you just gotta take the time to look for em and hope people with more money than sense don't find them

How is that bottom one MA compliant? Pre Ban?

I've always wondered, if your state bans a gun can you not just go buy it in the next state over? I mean some counties and cities ban fireworks but you can just buy them in the next city/county over, why not guns?

Why not 7.62 AKs?

AK in all variants are banned in MD

Forget 5.56/.223, get a 30 carbine in .30 carbine.

>Goddamn, that's a ridiculously good deal.

I've bought four Mini-14s online (three from Gunborker) and they all were decent deals.
>Stainless fixed GB for $500
>Stainless fixed GB for $500
>Blued fixed 581 series for $250
>Blued factory folder for $500

>How is that bottom one MA compliant? Pre Ban?
Yup. We're not cucked with pre-'94 guns yet. I have this on its way to me right now.

You can in practice, but it's not legal once you go back into your state. Plus many neighboring FFLs are very reluctant to sell to cuck state residents for that reason. I know Jow Forums is full of SHALL memes, but if you go to the range you're fucked if a LEO takes too much interest in you.

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That's the kind of gun you can instantly tell was a swap. Even if you ignore the blueing you can see the bottom-mounted sling swivel on the gas block that was used by the wood-stock guns.

Fun fact: Until last year the official service rifle of the Bermuda military was the Mini-14GB mounted in an off the shelf Choate synthetic stock. I have one of these stocks and it's actually super comfy.

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I always found it strange that I can bring my Maryland banned guns into maryland to go to the range. Feels dirty shooting my AK there.

It looks great but quite front heavy. Is it really the case ? Never touched a 14 before btw.

>I've bought four Mini-14s online (three from Gunborker) and they all were decent deals.

That gives me hope. Finding gun deals used to be one of my idle-pastimes, but my state got P2P sales cucked, and when shooting got popular a couple of years ago, I saw how millennials were spiking prices by constantly overpaying for shit, so I just kind of stopped deal hunting, but I might start poking around again somewhere down the line

Out of curiosity, were they Buy It Now deals or bid auctions?

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Those were Buy it Nows. But don't count out open auctions. You're not gonna get a $1K gun for $500, but half the time an open auction just deosn't attract a lot of attention when it ends. I see a lot of them go for $1-200 less than they would otherwise.

Mini-14s in general on Gunbroker aren't loved unless they're GBs or folders. I'd be shocked if you couldn't buy an average one for $400 every few weeks.

forget the gun control issues, leave before a stray round from the NYPD kills you


gunbroker is full of fudd fraud. you wont ever get a $1k gun at auction for $500 because mr fudd selling the gun uses his 2 other accounts to shill up the bidding to his desired reserve price in the "NO RESERVE!!" auction

That ain't it chief

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spend the money on LEAVING

That's illegal. You can buy guns across state lines, but they have to go through an FFL in your state.

>tfw live in Washington and configuration doesn't matter if it's semi-auto it's regulated

>banning guns by name
>not banning the mini 14 by name
this isn't the 90's anymore grandpa, they know about the mini 14/30

An Ares SCR is the biggest eat shit to gun grabbers while also being a s t h e t i c.
>not an AR15
>is an AR15
>rare enough now that they aren't really on the gungrabbers radar
>entirely featureless in sold form, so it's unbannable unless they take the fudds semi auto hunting rifles too.

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Long guns can be bought in person at out of state FFLs.

>I am a cuck
TLDR that for you

I have always wondered how that works

My mini-14 has not failed in any way in over 1,000+ pew pews. For anything less than 100 yards it's good to go.

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You can just buy stripped recievers in ban states and build them however you want. This isn't rocket surgery my dood.

Join the nypd, then you can throat hug people to death.

Hold up,
>Mangles reload with broken nose in rock in fuckery
So you saying
>grabs rifle grip and not pistol grip
That the M14
>Allows dirt into exposed action under stripper clip bridge
Waz a good rifle
>Absolutely useless in anything but match style shooting at determined distances
N shit?
>Shortest service time of any US rifle, literally brought back into service and had to have 1000s of dollars of upgrades done to it to hit anything, than replaced by a AR10

If any of those are banned, it's time to start using them.

...says the keyboard warrior

Truth. I have both. No problems with the mini, even as a 1980s model I have no problem with the accuracy but the SU is cheaper and takes AR mags. Mini has better sights I guess but you can throw a red dot on an SU from the factory.

You have something constructive to add?

No more than you do. Tough talk is cheap on the internet.

It's better than trying to demoralize everyone and suggest they should just tuck their heads between their legs and kiss their asses goodbye.

I mean got mine into California pretty easily. Just drove through the checkpoint

It’s doesn’t have any fucking sights


yeah, Id go for the mini30 though. I love mine.

>implying your style of rhetoric does anything but put dumb ideas in the heads of retards or make us all look like dangerous lunatics