Patch Thread

Trade, create, and sell your patches
>Previous Thread
>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Thread Theme

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Other urls found in this thread:

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just gunna shill this some more

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Where do you guys get your patches made?

also, do you run into problems with offensive patches being produced?

sauce on op patch

This is a nice thread

That's not very nice.
Honk honk.

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is that thing big enough?



I kinda want that for no other reason than to fuck with people

I doubt it

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or guy who had spares but stopped responding, pls show up again

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>she posed for playboy at 10
Too bad times have changed

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Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger patch when?

Attached: SPACE RANGER PATCHES.png (890x457, 87K)

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I'll print more stickers soon. they sold like ass. maybe 4th of july?

>been buyfagging on /a/
>friend introduces me to patches
>I want more now
Fuck this is addicting, at least they aren't as expensive as dakis.

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Where did you cop those Patches?

Fuck off

So, uh, what was up with that stuff in the last thread?

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i wanna know where to find the pickelhaube spurdo, the skull pilot fella, the BOS one, and frenchie spurdo

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rip Hemo

Amiami, they were up long ago so unless you seafch auctions you won't find them anywhere.


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You've been around a while, Tabby, I thought you would know it's from our friend RazgrizPatchGuy:

Who wants some toe jam and earl codes?



It's too lewd for most people lol.

Treat it like the luger clones I guess make a limited run, and just wait it out

I'll buy an extra two just for you though~

Not sure why these were deleted

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This is a blue board. I really don't care, but I'm surprised this is still up three hours later.

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Tyvm, I’ve been afk for like a year

nice Edytha daki m8

spurdos is badger pearl jam skull is skin

pls make the claymore catto :(


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even though i don't understand the hate that neet gets this one made me kek tbqhwyf

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Is anybody here a drawfag? I got an idea for a patch and artists are charging a fuck ton for commissions

i happen to be ONE of those things

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I liked the ones that FrenPatches made that weren't as obvious. Having Emperor Crimson stare at me from my patch board is unnerving.

Dear god what have you done? You've mad it angry!

The remove honk was on raz's site before you first showed up- and it's been out of stock longer. I figure you'd remember that one user last year who wouldn't shut up for five threads asking to buy one off of us.

I think this is just an oc operator cat girl, but I like the concept for the miniamlist cat patch

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Fuck off fur nigger

How does this patch work, though?

It's not really obvious at first glance. At least, it wasn't obvious for me. Besides, it's close enough to a medical diagram that you can claim it's not supposed to be absolutely lewd.


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Like in the patch she's wearing the pic above- it could all be the same red threading, but thinner or more sparse threads in the center to better accentuate the thicker/more dense threading around the face and ears.
I'm not sure I'm explaining myself too well, but for once I'm less interested in the source material, and more about an interesting way to do a patch.

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why nigga its a tsunami :^)

>How does this patch work, though?


shit taste tee bee ach

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Suck my chode

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a fag?

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I am. Whats up

You got a burner email? Portfolio?

>Bob has entered the chat

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You can't just post that and not post a source.

I had it custom made at a hadji shop in Afghanistan

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now thats some cute m8

>To get a patch of my bro Bob I need to go to Afghanistan

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I can't find pic related in the like provided can you post a more direct link for that particular patch?

Resolute Support mission or ISAF?
>not jundi

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henlo bob :)

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Sticker, when can I get some more mag panties? I want some shimapan

ya its alittle more on the nose than the Killer Queen stuff but King Crimson is supposed to be fucking terrifying anyway

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Neither, technically. I'm a filthy contractor at an SOF camp at Bagram.

Well, it looks like it came out fine. Now we just need the important one.

I hope the artist knows, cause I'm totally going to tell them

Are you a PTIDS whisperer? You lads are pretty cool.

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Nah, ECP security. Or gate guard, whatever term you prefer.

sticker next set when

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idk probably next month or somfin

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Don't forget I have a mystery set that I am saving for last

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i did not know about this mystery set

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probably not until fall, and that's optimistic.

it will have 3 new Jow Forumsusheens and 1 random foil of the previous sets

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What if you missed out on early sets?



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sticker will you draw me my patch idea for money

Ill restock them for a while as I go

maybe, if I like it I'll just ask for a couple of patches for my portfolio or whatever gay reason.
But I am loaded up on work as it is, but I can entertain the idea

I need one of each of these pls

they are in production give me two weeks to get them.

the first set will restock with the second set

i think im gonna put vodka catto on my vz58 case and china catto on my t97 case

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I also require these

BOS can be found through crimson, though the one I have is different...

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