Operation Poo-Storm #15

Operation Poo-Storm #15

It's over lads. This is probably the final thread on this subject.

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Other urls found in this thread:

m.dailyhunt.in/news/india/english/udayavani english-epaper-udayaeng/three held for posting anti india video in social media-newsid-109087050

Wut? That quickly?

Hordes of pajeets bullying poor chinese australian girl


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Fuck you, its nuclear war tomorrow and you can kick rocks you bleeding heart faggot

>Mig shot down an f16
>f16 shot down a mig


Modi is planning something. gonna have to wait and see until tomorrow night.

Damn this was disappointing and hilarious at the same time.

get poo'd on pakicucks.

>Mig shot down an f16

Literally blatantly false news. Pakistan specifically said they never used any F-16's, let alone "admit" they lost even a single plane.

Pakistan literally put this picture out yesterday: dawn.com/news/1466357


There is even a video: dailymotion.com/video/x734v4e

And today India is using the SAME image saying it's the F-16. This one picture is the single piece of proof they are using:

twitter.com/ANI/status/1100995296052441088 which is beyond absurd and only an idiot would accept it(And yes, Indian nationalists are blindly accepting it).

twitter.com/Liveuamap/status/1101029690276483073 (embed)

There is 0 proof of any F-16's being downed by India, ESPECIALLY since Pakistan didn't even use any F-16's, they used JF-17's. Not only that, the US has a usage agreement with Pakistan for the F-16 and would have put out a statement if one of the F-16's were crashed. And there's Indians claiming that Pakistan is trying to hide the fallen F-16, when you can obviously see there are hundreds of random villagers with mobile phones that recorded the whole situation next to the soldiers, how come you didn't see a single recording of the F-16?

This is "Confirmed" in the same way India "Confirmed" that it didn't lose any jets/pilots but then had to backtrack from its statement after Pakistan provided literal video recordings of the captured pilot

Or how India said it had killed 300 terrorists in Pakistan but as it turns out India only hit a few trees and didn't cause any casualties at all.

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you tell me.

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F-16 shot down mig.

So much for Modi, Indira had more balls than that little manlet

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All that is proven is images of a downed MiG-21.
Of course retarded Indians are trying to play this off as parts of a F-16, not even recognizing the color of their own nationality markings, or just lying through their teeth.

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He's going to win election in a landslide and there's nothing you can do about it pakicuck. I have no doubt he's going to keep fucking with pakistan even after this, too.

Just stop trying Pajeet.


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Someone needs to ad "last bit of national dignity" to the indian lost-section

paki fangirl cope.

i thought the Poos lost 2 jets?

>He's going to win the election
God do you have shit for brains rajesh?
Unless he escalates it, which I doubt he has lost.

Show me proof of f16 and i'l show you bobs and vagane

You are retarded if you actually believe this. He's a lock for a win, all escalating would do is increase his margin of victory.

t. buttmad terrorist mudslime

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Ah, just like you coped with the blown up trees, just like you coped with Mig jet being shot down, just like you coped with the missile debris and just like you copes with Imran Khan returning the pilot and then saying he cracked under pressure. Rajesh you lost.

The other jet fell on the Indian side of the border so there's no video evidence of it since they probably covered it up as fast as they could, which is why I only posted stuff with 100% undeniable proof available.

Hard to tell unless two distinctly different wrecks can be shown.
Now that they have admitted to one loss they can just play off anything else as pictures of that.

>Imran Khan returning the pilot and then saying he cracked under pressure
well... yeah?

>everyone online is a paki
What is Modi going to do except sit there and pound his chest ME HINDU NATIONALIST STRONG.
Lets say that Modi launches some counter attack to save face. Either way Modi has ruined Indias meme tier diplomatic of image WE WUZ SUPER PEACEFUL HINDUS AND SHIT. This was Indias greatest strength throughout the cold war and its gone.

Still not seeing any parts of "downed F-16" that hasn't come off a Indian MiG-21, Pajeet.

Five Russian airlines reroute flights amid tensions between India, Pakistan
March 01, 0:53 UTC+3
Pakistan earlier shut down its airspace amid escalating tensions with India


So what does Moscow know OP does not?

If he's locked for winning I apologise, clearly India is more retarded than I thought. Man with all you call centres and tech support you guys sure are fucking stupid.

i'm a complete brainlet but could there be cockpit recordings in the JF17s that could show the IAF jet being downed?

India has been militarily fucking with Pakistan and vice versa for decades, nothing is gone you ignoramus.

Poo fumes can choke out jet engines?

seething pakicuck lmao.

Pakistan has stopped the Indian incursion and won the diplomatic fight. Indian image of super enlightened peaceful yoga hindu is gone once and for all. This is a much bigger blow to India than what some may think.


Indians attack Kashmiri for saying Pakistan Zindabad

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Nah that's just paki cope, anyone with half a brain already knew of their military skirmishes. The fact is no one likes pakistan, China only supports them as a buffer.

If you squint and squat it kinda looks like an f16

Hey guys India Superpower 2019

pajeetoisd claim the second downed indian mig its a downed F16 from Pakistan disguised with an Indian flag and pajeetoids are retarded enough to believe it.

Interesting place......
Pilibhit/ Shahjahanpur: The Malur police have arrested a man for posting a picture on his Facebook account allegedly hurting national sentiments, on Friday.
thehindu.com News Cities Bengaluru

A 19-year-old man has been arrested in Greater Noida and charged with sedition for his alleged anti-national activities on social media, police said Tuesday. The accused, Shahzaad Solanki, was held around 10.30 pm on Monday during a security check on a road near Dungarpur, which comes under the jurisdiction of Dankaur police station, they said.
According to police, Solanki, a class 12 student, was disturbing “communal harmony” and “spreading hatred” by using social media for his “anti-national” activities. “He was posting pro-Pakistan slogans on WhatsApp which were getting circulated further. The police took suo motu cognisance after the posts reached on the WhatsApp of a local police officer,” a police official told PTI.

m.dailyhunt.in/news/india/english/udayavani english-epaper-udayaeng/three held for posting anti india video in social media-newsid-109087050

Hyderabad: Three people were Monday arrested in the Nizamabad district of Telangana for allegedly uploading an anti-national and pro-Pakistan video on the social media in the aftermath of the Pulwama terror attack, police said.The trio - two from Uttar Pradesh and another from Telangana - uploaded the video.The video purportedly showed the three dancing with a voice in the background allegedly raising anti-India and pro-Pakistan slogans, an investigating official told PTI over phone.Upon seeing the video, a person complained to the police.Based on the complaint, a case under IPC sections 153 A (promoting enmity) and 505 (2) (public mischief) was registered and the trio arrested, the official said.


Fucking curry niggers and rag heads leave her alone

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>phantom f-16 downed

show bobs pls X 1000
>Fucking curry niggers and rag heads leave her alone

BOBS! Pls now.

>>phantom f-16 downedSHOW BOBS! WHERE ARE THE BOBS???

so much bobs of this

>Lose 2 jets

> wing commander is taken captive

> face utter and abject humiliation

> be outgunned militarily, diplomatically, and morally by your enemy


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That's it nuke both of those shit holes

I'm so sorry rajesh you are very strong please shit on my floor and tape my white wife for victory celebration

This shit makes cnn and BBC look like a bastion of truth

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India can't stop winning, superpower by 2020

When you think your news media is bad, you can always take solace knowing poos hold the title

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Wow making movies about their failures.

it's always a fucking blueball
can something actually happen? it's been a serious happening drought since the European bombathons and the US election

>white wife

Right now we're mainly waiting for someone with access to live satellite imagery to release a pic of the camp.

Here's the coordinates: 34.463910 N, 73.318416 E (34°27'50.1"N 73°19'06.3"E).

If there's no visible damage, it will be humiliating for the Indians since it means they were either:
1. Too stupid to hit a known location with GPS-guided bombs
2. So afraid of Pakistani retaliation they missed it on purpose

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In 2016 India claimed to have done surgical strikes in Pakistan. Pakistan, then, said there was 0 damage done, invited international media to see for itself but Pakistan's side of the story was drowned out by Indian chest thumping. Even a UN mission stated that it saw no proof of the Indian attack doing any damage in 2016.

This time India thought it could get away by doing the same thing again, but Pakistan's retaliation and capturing a pilot most probably took India by surprise, and it put Pakistan on the center stage along with people listening to its side of the story. Then the blatant fake news coming out after that put a doubt to all Indian claims, and again Pakistan invited journalists to the site of "alleged Indian bombing" and this time Pakistan was heard.

This was tweeted by khan on 22 Sep 2018, still relevant?

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based Mark Wahlberg

No its not. India lost and is not willing to lose anything more.
Now if Pakistan wanted to take more land, they could. India couldn't do anything about it because they don't have control of the airspace.

The Jew Crab of truth has retweeted this so I'm inclined to listen to it.

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I want to believe

I thought they already returned the pilot. Is there a second pilot?

they announced to return him. the actual return takes place tomorrow

This fucker seems to think it’s not over, but I think whoever characterized this in thread #1 as “a bunch of Indian men passively aggressively shitting into their loincloths” was right from the start.

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>plane gets shot down
>but they give the pilot back
i don't even

Look who finally showed up a week late after it’s all over. Disgraceful.

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It's already tomorrow in local time

so it will take place later today

Never give up hope lads.

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BTW Saudis will arrive in Pakistan today to de-escalate the situation.

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Looks like we got blueballed. Feels bad. Maybe the pilot will mysteriously die before they can hand him over.


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Fuck you and your john brown gun club, you fucking reddit cuckold faggot. Sniveling pussy. Cunt. If you don’t pray for wsr then you don’t belong here. I found a book much more your speed, pic related. Faggot fuck.

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Me on the right hehe


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Paki here, here's what I've heard from some VERY credible sources on our side.

Our people are very confident that we shot two Indian aircraft to no loss, and conducted demonstrative strikes on their territory.


- A large PAF strike package headed into Indian airspace launched standoff munitions.
- Munitions very likely did hit their intended mark.
- One Mig-21 Bison and another aircraft (likely Su-30MKI) shot down when intercepting PAF strike package.
- Two seperate PAF pilots, and two seperate types of aircraft scored hits and subsequent kills.
- One IAF pilot captured and wreckage is there to verify, the other likely fell on the other side of the ceasefire line.
- PAF only claims F-16s weren't used in the strike package, they probably were used to take on Indian aircraft that were intercepting. This is partly due to not being legally allowed to use F-16s in offensive ops.
- That AMRAAM wreck was fired by an F-16, likely from Sqn No.9 "Griffins" who fly F-16s.
-No F-16s or other PAF shot down, PAF will proudly display all its inventory to anyone who asks once this is over.

That F-16 AMRAAM is very possibly the one that killed another Indian aircraft, even my own source was tightlipped about this one, saying that the PAF is very thorough when awarding kills. Since the wreckage of the second downed IAF aircraft can't be verified, RWR, radar views and any HUD footage would be used to identify both target and award the kill.

JF-17 can use it. The US gave training to Pak pilots in 2010.


All in all, we are very pleased. India violated our airspace and was intercepted and fled when we weren't expecting it, and during night. At that time it seems Pakistan wasn't aware of any strike, and only reported an airspace violation.

And in broad daylight, PAF aircraft took on India's supposedly superior air defence network, in a heavy EW environment, all when Indians were forewarned to expect a Pakistani response...

Despite that, we hit our targets, successfully employed SOWs and BVRAAMs, shooting down 2 IAF aircraft to no loss.

Indians claim that 24 PAF aircraft composed strike package and support. Even if we accept that one F-16 was downed to the cost of a Mig-21 (which it was not), India got violated despite being technically superior.

Right now, I expect some senior people in the Indian airforce to get a dressing down. ACM down to those in charge of CAS should be embarassed.

The last 48-72 hours have been quite bad for the Indian millitary, particularly for the Air Force and Air Defences. Our morale has been strengthened.

No it can't, it's not integrated on the JF-17.
The JF-17 that scored the kill, did so with the Chinese SD-10 BVRAAM.

This whole episode is a nice advert for Chinese avionics and their BVRAAM, as well as for Lockheed Martin and another for the AMRAAM.


Certainly not the case. SD-10 is basically an AMRAAM equivalent and Pakistan has 600 AIM-120C-5 as well as hundreds of SD-10.

Take my word for it, the JF-17 is not integrated with AMRAAM, only the SD-10.

See if you can find a picture of an actual JF-17 armed with one, you can find plenty with SD-10.

Dang, it's already over? It was just starting to get good :(


Do you think this can escalate further? Pakiguy

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Is it just me or does Imran Khan actually seem like a decent guy?

Jesus someone toss a nuke already


Final objective proof that India shot nothing more than a few trees.

India is doubtlessly going to hit back.
They can't deal with this level of humiliation.

Certainly can happen. All forces are still on highest level of preparedness. India will want to retaliate after such an embarrassment.

Right now it's a PR disaster for them, when the truth gets out that the PAF has all its F-16s and that both one F-16 and one JF-17 scored a seperate kill each on Indian aircraft, it'll be worse. But I suspect that will become clear long after de-escelation.

He's releasing the iaf pilot so yeah

OH NO, not the Crow!

indian C-17s have been moving a lot today, shits going down.

If Pakistan integrated the AMRAAM with the JF-17 wouldn't they be in a lot of trouble with the US?

Indian Ambassador to France interview today:


it seems like India will escalate; they call the releasing of the Indian pilot just a standard practice following the Geneva convention.

My personal opinion is that they have polished their narrative and have some very good spin doctors working with them.