What was the best bi-plane? Surely this is a solved problem by now

what was the best bi-plane? Surely this is a solved problem by now.

Attached: fairey Swordfish.jpg (1024x698, 59K)

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For me, it's the Swordfish. The best biplane.

depends on what role, its as broad a question as asking what is the best monoplane.

that said swordfish probably was the best maritime strike biplane and gloster gladiator has a fair shout for best biplane fighter


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nieuport 17. this is a fact. anyone who says otherwise is either a kraut shill or someone from a certain country where dental hygiene is non existent.

Obvisouly tri's were better.

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What was the Bi-planes the Brits use to BTFO of the Italian navy in WW2?

Swordfish, OP's pic

and the kraut shill comes in right on time. forget the flying razor, the triplane is le ebin because "muh red baron!" forgot to mention these are atrociously difficult to control didnt you, Otto?

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Best biplane for what? Define your terms. Because there is a different answer for WW1, WW2, torpedo bomber, and last good fighter that was in service in a war.

Honestly I just think the look the coolest. Calm the fuck down autist, I have no idea about the nuances of planes from 100 years ago.

this, if youre gonna shill a dutch built, german flown aircraft its gotta be the D.VII

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shut the fuck up Pierre

mr autist here, if you think theyre so cool, unironically, fuckin buy one mate.
theyre actually extremely cheap and easy to build. some dont even require licenses. you can build a fully functioning replica that you, yourself, can fly, in the cockpit, for 10-20k. not bad for a literal actual functioning airplane

d.viii looks less bulky and more efficient, but the d.vii looks pretty sick, ill give you that one

t. manfred von richthofen furiously typing in his grave

pretty sure these are illegal now.

FIAT Cr.42 Falco was considered the best biplane of WW2, which isn’t really much of a complement towards the Italians but there you go. Also one was fitted with a BMW V12 and still holds the record for fasted biplane.

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Waco bitch

what? since when? how so? i really wanted to build one

Nope, any airplane that weighs less than 200 lbs, carries less than 5 gallons of fuel and cannot exceed 60 miles per hour is legal to fly in the United States without a license. However, you are very likely to seriously injure or kill yourself without any sort of flight training, so please do that. Any airplane exceeding these specifications requires training and certification, and most WWI biplanes do in fact perform better than what an ultralight is legally allowed to.

I think the FFA (or whoever controls planes) axed them.

im getting my ppl so its no biggie, i just thought he meant illegal entirely.

Good man. Enjoy your airplane.

what do you mean by this? like nobody can fly them ever? did they deem it a safety thing? or is it just ppls can fly it?

They are not illegal and you are talking out of your ass. Please read FAA part 103-7, their legality is spelled out there.

These things weigh like 1300lbs

1300lbs? what the fuck are you on? you do know that these are 100 year old designs? do you also know that the fuselage is now made from aluminum?

No they fucking don't.
Did you just pull that number out of your ass?
The sellers website lists weight right fucking there.

The DR1 is outside the bounds for FAA 103 but there are plenty of options that aren't.

Honestly Jow Forums, I am a semi-rich fag and I can afford one of these. ASSUMING I got it built and everything functioned properly would I kill myself in this? Like if it fell out of the sky would it kill me? I've wanted one ever since I saw them in undergrad.

worst case scenario, the engine shits itself and dies on you, you then proceed to harmlessly glide at a relatively low speed in an aircraft that probably weighs less than one of your family members, while you cautiously eye a place to land. even if you dont buy a DESIGNATED ultralight, these things are pretty failsafe because the guy makes the fuselage out of aluminum instead of super heavy wood.

Yes. You absolutely would kill yourself.
Spend the money to have some lessons first, you don't need a license or anything but you should get some supervised practice before going up solo.

>Like if it fell out of the sky would it kill me?
Learning how to fly properly before attempting this is highly encouraged.

>one of these two is wrong

Just buy it, worst thing that happens is you die.

An-2 Colt.

Doubly so if you refit it with a reliable Western turboprop engine.

my scenario implies you know what the fuck youre doing. if you have 0 practice, yes, there is a 90 percent chance youre gonna fucking die. these are fairly safe otherwise because of the weight. for the most part, if youre not over a city and your engine dies, you wonty die if you know how to land a plane on the ground and not in a fucking lake

Is there anyway to self teach yourself?

Polikarpov Po-2

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>best bi-plane?

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no. you cant shortcut through everything

Retarded American kills himself, glorious Russia claims victory. Sounds a lot like ww2.

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