So HR8 passed house

What rope will we use? Dibbs on 550 cord

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Other urls found in this thread:

Note, it passed the House

On a second vote.

>water resources development act
I don't understand

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I just noticed, aparantly the gun one passed with like 50 votes. Sorry for mix up

Det cord

This nigger doesnt know anything about rope.

Came here to post this

Here it is

Heres a list of all firearm related bill currently circulating

Items of note:
>HR 8 & 1112
We all know what these ones are by now

>S. 94: Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Support Act
facilitate the establishment of additional or expanded public target ranges in certain States.

>H.R. 38 & S. 7: Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2019
Yeah boi!

>H.R. 157: Gun Manufacturers Accountability Act
Allows victims to sue firearm manufacturers if their 0roduct was used in a crime
>because it makes sense to sue Toyota for that fender bender on the highway, amirite

>HR 674, 435 & S 184
These all push to "research" causes of gun violence.
>cause that totally worked under Obama

>H.R. 155 & 775: Hearing Protection Act & SHUSH Act
Classifies cans as accessories so we dont have to pay the retard tax

>H.R. 686: Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act of 2019
Exactly what it says on the tin

>H.R. 717: Raise the Age Act
Because you need to be 18 to go to war, but 21 to buy a semi automatic at wally world

>S. 66: Assault Weapons Ban of 2019
The Dems annual attempt at a blanket AWB

Theres probably a lot of interesting shit i missed, but those are what jumped out at me

Remember to write your reps

>stop online ammunition sales
I’m gonna need more 550 cord

He linked H.R.8 from the 115th Congress, not the 116th.

>Report to the government if you buy more than 1k rounds in 5 days
Okay, so I'll just set up shipping so I get 1k cases delivered to my dealer every 6 days!
Seriously this is fucking retarded.

>S. 193
Another push for mandatory gunsafes

>S. 351
Bill looking to make it illegal for an agency or state to establish a gun registry

>H.R. 659
Federally licensed gun buy back programs, because we all know those work out so well.

>H.R. 687
Handgun registration and licenses, because once again, that works

>H.R. 282 SAFER Now Act
Assault weapons ban by a different name

>H.R. 175
Wants to make arrests for transporting firearms across state lines require proof of a planned crime

>Kansas voted yea, Missouri voted nay
you see who the traitors are Jow Forums

Can I get a rundown on HR8? I know it involves expanding background checks but is there more to it?

Makes all firearm sales (including private sales) go through a ffl
Theres also some reporting ammendment tacked on i think that if you fail a bg check, you get a follow up from local LEO's

Well then you shouldve posted it first

>if you fail a bg check, you get a follow up from local LEO's
>giving police officers even more paperwork to deal with
I can't see this being particularly popular with them.

handgun sales raised to 21, no 3 day deadline for delayed checks

This guy knows whats up.
Hanging rope is supposed to be 1/2" hemp line with a noose tied with 13 loops.
The knot is placed to the left side behind the persons back so when they fall it snaps up, breaking the neck.

You should make these into a list of support/don't support so we can at a glance tell our reps to vote the right way.

Wait, i was weong, its just dealing with the bg checks for private sales

The waiting period is part of HR 1112

Dunno where the inform LEO's came from, i remember hearing something about in the live stream yesterday, but im not finding it in the texts

The eternal Jow Forums cycle
>it'll never pass
>heh i-it'll get vetoed
>I can't believe it passed! I emailed my rep's secretary!
>noncompliance is resistance, amirite. Le doggo! XD
>think of the optics
Priceless, every time

Good choice.

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Jesus, re-reading HR 1112.....
If the bg check doesnt come back within 10 business days....
The person has to notify the Attorney General via a website or snail mail a petition to request immediate review

>no guaranteed timeframe of response other than "respond on an expedited basis"

>Select slower shipping option
>Save money
>Beat the government.

While i encourage actually reading these things at it provides quite a bit of insight into how our legislation does things, if this thread is still up after i get home ill take a crack at it

Name the last federal gun control bill that passed, faggot. I bet you aren't old enough to remember it.

>I'm older than you!
You sure showed him

rope is too floppy you could probably get it done with a garden hose although a jumprope is ideal as the handle is perfect for anal but the rope is too skinny to feel like anal beads so id use the hose probably with a nozzle for easier insertion

pretty sure trump banned bump stocks federally

Oh, ALSO tacked on to the end of hr 1112:

Replaces the term "mentally defective" with "mental illness, developmental disability, and emotional instability" in the sections where it defines who cant own firearms (aka, prohibited persons)

>autists can no longer own firearms
>/arg/ ceases to exist
>nothing of value was lost

>Here comes the knot!

Technically that was a federal regulation, not an actual bill

How do they even expect to enforce that? There's no way for them to track down every diagnosis a person has ever had (r-right?), never mind whether those conditions even reasonably preclude someone from owning a gun. Legislation for the sake of legislation, or laying groundwork for more draconian measures?

Its probably a setup for future laws that will give them a way to track that.
Hell this would excludes anyone diagnosed with autism, and anyone who ever went to court-ordered behavioral therapy

>well ackshually...

Or any combat vet who ever went to the VA for stress-related anything.

Its an important distinction to make because you can combat them in different ways

SOMEONE who isn't me, got banned for ASKING what caliber round would be best for sniping Jeffrey Epstein (mass pedophile).

The mods of A CERTAIN board would rather ban the righteously angry, than do anything in support of our rights.

none, because at the end of the day, everyone on this board has been and always will be a bunch of shiftless retards who do nothing more than spout memes from the comfort of their desk chairs or hold up stupid signs at circlejerk riots
i'd expect /tg/ or /a/ to be more capable of raising a fuss than you spineless fucks


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Yeah, go write your senators, the house voted on party lines. The Senate probably will too, but its it's better to reinforce that

>trusting modern-day politicians to do anything other than continue to stab you in the back
compass, not a spectrum
authoritarian statists are, surprise surprise, anti-gun. combine that with being a hillshill donator back in the 2000s and part of the new-york elite, what the fuck did you think was going to happen? take your eyes off one and the other shanks you in the back. the GoP isn't and never was on our side, because they're just as authoritarian as the leftists are. make no mistake, we're approaching the end. the GoP threw us our term-ly bones already and had them handily caught up in beauracracy or outright shot down by their buddies in congress. now that the gun control bills are rolling in, you think hitlary's buddy is going to do anything other than pass them right on through so he can take the claim for being "the man who brought gun control to the united states"?
the people of the united states of america have been being played for the past nearly 100 odd years, and this is the final gambit. the politicians were playing the long game, but we're in the endgame here; this is where they drop the facade and unite to deal the final blow. first the sixteenth amendment, then the NFA and countless other anti 2nd amendment bills, and now that the country is firmly under the grasp of the autocrats, it's time for a lasting AWB and bi-partisan anti-gun stances. it was never going to be a dem who came for your guns.
welcome to the end of days, gents. grab your ankles and kiss your asses goodbye, because within the next two years, the final remnants of a country for the people, by the people, will finally be shot dead in the streets alongside the concept of inalienable rights.

>New Yorker doing anything pro-gun

Ur retarded

whatever caliber you're comfortable with. Id recommend .308 or 7mm, though.

Brought a year to my eye, really. I will die with it if it happens.

Not even pretending anymore

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These are just stops along the way

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>a federal regulation, not an actual bill
so is it better that there wasn't even a vote?

Good luck

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>implying update of "gun violence" research wouldn't BTFO gun grabbers again with showing most gun violence is gang shooting and suicide, that Ar-15 are like almost 1% or less of gun violence (much less crime) & something along the lines of X00,000 accounts of gun violence vs (X)MILLION accounts of defensive gun use .
They would shut the fuck up so hard and scrabble to dismiss the FUCKIN FBI on this.

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It would give us so much ammunition. That said, I don't trust """researchers""" not to manipulate data to fit their worldview. They've already done enough of that in other fields.

see this man is not on your side and has not been since the beginning
and since i'm the kind of guy who likes to throw in 2 cents; i'm honestly sure that if he passes this gun control, he'll make himself a lot of friends on the left, maybe even enough to combat the crazy commie from new york or whoever the hell ends up being the democrat's pick for 2020. combine that with all the drooling morons from the GoP who go 'MUH WALL!' and see nothing other than MUH WALL, and you can guarantee he'll get a 2nd term.
so allow me to spell this out for you; Four? Eight. E-I-G-H-T. 8.

>mandatory training, the only way i would be okay with this is if training cleared you to own whatever it was for. Take a full auto class, you can now purchase full auto, take an explosives class, you can now buy grenade launchers and grenades. But that is never how it will be, they want England style take 100 hours of classes and be a member of a federally recognized sports club for five years and then maybe we'll let you own a break action O/U 12 gauge that you can only use at a federally approved skeet range, also you have to keep it at the range if you don't want bi monthly police visits that revolve around their schedule and not yours.

They've always bullshitted something about the NRA blocking research (I have no idea to what they refer to) but I think they know deep down they're fucked if we get an update every year on how THERES NO ASSAULT WEAPON EPIDEMIC.

as promised
>going to have to break this up

S. 94: Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Support Act
H.R. 877: Modernizing the Pittman-Robertson Fund for Tomorrow’s Needs Act
H.R. 38: Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2019
S. 351: Gun Owner Registration Information Protection Act
H.R. 155: Hearing Protection Act
H.R. 775: SHUSH Act
S. 202: SHUSH Act
S. 69: Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2019
H.R. 1072: SAGA Act
H.R. 175: To amend ...more comprehensively address the interstate transportation of firearms or ammunition.
H.R. 664: Recreational Lands Self-Defense Act of 2019
H.R. 606: Fairness in Firearm Testing Act
H.R. 608: School Watch and Tactics Act of 2019

H.R. 8: Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019
H.R. 1112: Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2019
S. 193: Ethan’s Law
H.R. 971: AVERT Future Gun Violence Act of 2019
S. 42: Background Check Expansion Act
H.R. 157: Gun Manufacturers Accountability Act
H.R. 1115: Firearm Safety Act of 2019
H.R. 869: Undetectable Firearms Modernization Act
H.R. 1111: Department of Peacebuilding Act of 2019
H.R. 744: Protecting Our Communities and Rights Act of 2019
S. 7: Extreme Risk Protection Order and Violence Prevention Act of 2019
H.R. 659: Buyback Our Safety Act
H.R. 717: Raise the Age Act
H.R. 952: Armor-Piercing Bullets Act of 2019

>thinking facts and logic do anything other than make liberals foam at the mouth with rage at your lack of compassion for the children
they literally give no shits what the statistics say, regardless of what they might spout. they only care about their feelings, and nothing will change that. there's a wonderful man who used to be on the radio who wrote a book on the subject about liberals and their violent reaction to facts.

No: (cont.)

S. 66: Assault Weapons Ban of 2019
H.R. 930: Stopping the Iron Pipeline Act of 2019
H.R. 821: NICS Review Act of 2019
H.R. 820: Gun Show Loophole Closing Act of 2019
H.R. 822: Firearm Risk Protection Act of 2019
H.R. 687: Handgun Licensing and Registration Act of 2019
H.R. 282: SAFER Now Act
S. 320: SECURE Firearm Storage Act
H.R. 1116: Keeping Guns from High-Risk Individuals Act
H.R. 719: MICRO Act
H.R. 686: Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act of 2019
H.R. 743: Securing Our Children Act of 2019
H.R. 167: To prohibit the transfer of a firearm at a gun show by a person who is not a licensed dealer.
H.R. 939: SECURE Firearm Storage Act

H.R. 569: Zero Tolerance for Domestic Abusers Act of 2019
S. 120: Protecting Domestic Violence and Stalking Victims Act of 2019
H.R. 1114: To require the Surgeon General ... submit to Congress an annual report on the effects of gun violence on public health.
H.R. 49: Accidental Firearms Transfers Reporting Act of 2019
H.R. 33: Gun Trafficking Prohibition Act
H.R. 511: Protecting Domestic Violence and Stalking Victims Act

S. 184: Gun Violence Prevention Research Act
H.R. 435: National Gun Violence Research Act
H.R. 674: Gun Violence Prevention Research Act of 2019

>Pay for the PRIVILEGE to take classes before you can exorcise your RIGHTS.

You won't get the retards who run on "muh feelings about chillren!" But you could get a clean sweep of the normies who don't exactly know what's going on but can understand bite sized facts backed up by a solid source

They don't care even a little about the facts
Wrong again, normies do not acknowledge the possibility of violence happening against them, so they don't sway towards appeals that are pro gun. Stop depending on normies, you'll be disappointed every time.

inB4 every ammo maker markets a "999 round can, just to stick it to the man"

they've already got a 333 rounder,buy 3 of those and some concealed carry rounds and your on "the list" and i think the tub o bullets is like 1300ish.

Just like Ronnie Barrett had his company make a round that is superior to .50BMG in every way to sell to states that ban .50BMG by name. It's even the same case width as .50BMG so all you need to do is a barrel swap, and any gun that can fire .50BMG can fire .416Barrett. He is truly the hero we need.

nooooo not my home state of kansas

Just read the opening statement of S. 66
>To regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes.
> ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited

Bloody traitors

Oh it gets worse than that, This is a sneaky fucking bill because it uses business days. So if you apply at the wrong time and your lgs is closed on the weekends they could get back to you after your nics expires.

>shall not be infringed
>is not unlimited

"Traitors" is putting it nicely. I'm with the guy suggesting razor wire.

You the real MVP Jow Forumsomrade

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You niggers seem to forget that up until he ran for president trump was a life long registered New York democrat and frequently attended parties thrown by the Clinton. Yall got played by the long con.

I mean 1/3 of Americans already think they will see a civil war in their lifetimes.
I figure if we can get that number up to over 50% and then push things a little bit further we'll have a stew going.
BTW Any anons in the Colorado are interested in annexing Boulder when the party does start?

And y'all wanted to give us shit over Saint Louis. Admit toasted ravioli and the Cardinals are awesome

Fuck the razor wire and go full spanish inquisition, burning them on the stake.

I fucking knew that bitchs in kansas were gonna fuck us. Seriously we have some of the best gun laws and of course dems flood our government. Been seeing more beaners wearing cali shirts also been seeing more pro dem shit pop up everywhere. Fuck off we are full. No more cali fags no more beaners. Least our blacks are good at culling them selves.

Based home state
I swear there aught to be hangings for this shit

shall not be infringed. see you in the trenches, gentlemen.

dude why even stop there let's tie them to the stake with razor wire and then burn them

Well I thought informing LEO’s was already a thing at least my friend who runs the LGS near me says that the sheriffs office is supposed to check up on whoever try’s to buy a gun and fails the background check but that could be just another cuck law since I’m in Washington state


>feb 2018
nigga just kys


what the fuck

how is it possible that the president is ignorant of the constitution?

Is it really worth killing yourself over this?

It's Trump, why were you expecting anything but ignorance on anything? Were you one of those people who thought this New York trust fund baby who probably hasn't done a single day's worth of straight up work in his life was somehow the voice of unemployed flyover state blue collar people?
Though at the same time background checks and the like aren't exactly new shit, so clearly this shit passes the constitutional test no matter how many tantruming kids stand there screaming "SHALL" until their faces turn blue.

wtf I hate Trump now

orange man bad

it was #HerTurn

This thread is not about weapons

this thread is in violation of nu-K Rules

Jannies are based and blue pilled and

this thread is over

double spacing because I support our

democrat leftist blue commie jannies

If he does not support us guys we may get our GO time soon. I don't think they get it some of us been waiting for this day

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It's unconstitutional on the federal level but that has nothing to do with 2A. Universal background checks does not plausibly fall under any of the federal powers. It is not interesting commerce, since it is literally the most intrastate kind of thing possible; another gun control law (gun free school zones) was already struck down as it wasn't justified under that power. In fact, the limitations of the interstate commerce clause are why we didn't get universal background checks at the same time as federally mandated background checks at traditional gun dealers: fed gov was only able to justify mandating the gun dealers to perform them because the gun dealers were directly buying guns across state lines. It will get struck down by the supreme court, and the Dems won't actually care because it will help them fearmonger and point their fingers are evil conservatives.

It’s nice to hear the hearing protection act and shush act live on, one can hope right?

Fuck, you’re right
The fact is this is unrelated
Jannies are doing their job
They’re great at it
Faggots should stop off topic threads

how accurate do you think their “prognosis” percentage is on that site?

orange man not bad

orange man good

What a pain in the neck...

Oh cool, threads still alive, thought the (((jannies))) would have purged it by now

>how is it possible

Trump supports a gun registry

Background checks
Since the Parkland shooting, Trump has said he wants to strengthen background checks, at times appearing to support universal checks that would apply to private sales and gun show sales.
“Very strong improvement and strengthening of background checks will be fully backed by White House,” Trump tweeted Monday. “Legislation moving forward.”

Trumps supports restricting accessories that Obama approved

Bump stocks
In February, Trump directed the Justice Department to develop regulations that would ban bump stocks, devices that are used to make legal semi-automatic weapons fire similarly to machine guns. In March, the Department formally submitted a regulation to ban the accessories, Reuters reports, which now needs to be approved by the Office of Management and Budget and then will be subject to a comment period. Trump tweeted Monday that bump stocks “will soon be out.”

Trump supports violating gun rights of 18 to 20yr old adults

Raising age limit
Trump has backed off raising the age limit to buy semiautomatic weapons, for now. The Washington Post reported that Trump had been interested in the idea of raising the minimum age to purchase a semiautomatic weapon from 18 to 21, and White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said at the end of February that raising the age of purchase is “on the table for us to discuss.”

Trump supports gun confiscation without due process

Mental health measures
Trump often emphasizes the link between mental health and mass shooters. After Parkland, he suggested that law enforcement should be able to take guns away from people they think are safety risks without going through the courts. His new plan doesn’t go that far and run afoul of due process, but he’s calling for an expansion of mental health programs and enhanced coordination between mental health care, schools and law enforcement.

Another important question: What exactly does this change? Absolutely nothing. Non compliance. I have nothing to live for, but I don’t know if the Feds want to die for a handful of Hi-caps and a scary salt rifle.

>feb 2018
Thats when trump decided to make 500,000 law abiding gun owners felons

yeah but still a bit late. Its clear that this is some shill trying to imply that if on of the retarded bills comes to his desk hes not gonna veto it.