Meetup/discord thread

Your state is shit edition

Any discords for Florida Jow Forumsommandos?

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Other urls found in this thread:

These are hilarious and depressing



how far away are you fuckers

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Make that 2 NC Jow Forumsommandos


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Nc no.3 how we doing boys

>highest cocaine use
Fuck yea boi

NC #4
336 here. Is there an NC discord?

>South Dakota
>Worst sex trafficking laws
Are they worst because they're lacking, or worst because they're needlessly over-restrictive?
Asking for a friend.

>that weather pattern
Same shit in VA why does this happen?

>Most racial disparity in criminal arrests
>most cocaine use

I thought it was supposed to be a map of bad things

How many other Jow Forumsommandos are in CO?
>hard mode: no tripfags

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>Kansas has worst emergency preparedness

Are they talking about natural disaster fatalities? Because I'd love to see how prepared for a natural disaster fucking Arizona is.

No but there should be

Nebraska Discord

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>Worst pedestrian safety.

Can confirm. We scrape dead hobo off the highway almost daily down here.

>tfw you'll never have any ky anons to be autistic with and probably get slaughtered by an actual cryptid deep inna woods with.

feels bad man

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719 here

Maine is pretty dope, dont know where it gets worst standard of living from

Corn fed cattle is crap and one of the reason why everyone is so fucking fat. Grass-fed or death.

it happens all over the states bro. Everyone thinks their weather is the craziest.

>panhandling is expressly illegal in Florida
>mfw homeless beggars pay with their lives
Also finally, another Florida Man

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727 here.

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At least we have our cigs

NC discord has the big gay. Activity in east and west carolina, but central carolina is dead quiet.

Wave's and Kentucky Best for the lot of us.

606 middle of nowhere.


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There is a illinois discord

561 going to school at FSU

#5 704 here

561 reporting in. Tired of those Homeless fucks getting fared from NY/NJ and dumped into the south. Some are getting restless down by my folks, actually knocking on people's windows at drive thrus and red lights. Only a matter of time before they get lit up.

>Why bother visiting a dentist when you don't got no teeth

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ill see you guys at the clark county shooting complex, one day.

don't you mean

>fuck 10 round mags

Florida discord

>most Iraq War casualties
holy fuck did ragheads just really not like Ben and Jerry's?

hay not all of use in Wisconsin are drunks!


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California is just the worst for anything.
>shit gun laws
>STDs rampage
>Mexicans, niggers, and chinese rats flooding in
>blue state
>high property taxes
>15 grand to register your fucking car
>Homeless people everywhere and state encouraged drug abuse

I know it gets said a lot, but it really is a liberal hellhole

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i tried the mingua beff jerky for the first time a few months ago. god it was bad. it tasted like it would doused in basedsauce and more salt.

Montana here

Trust me when i say the shredded stuff is much better. That's the only shit ill eat from Mingua. Their actual jerky pads are way too salty for me.

Surprisingly AZ has pretty good emergency alert systems and since 81% of the state's population lives in Phx or Tuscon the alerts reach most of everyone really fast. We also have the stupid motorists law for dipshits that drive through flooded areas during monsoon season. It's worse in rural areas, a massive snowstorm recently shutdown a whole small city out here because they didn't prepare enough snowplows to clear the highways in and out of town (we're talking like 30-36 inches of snow), whereas a much larger city nearby had 16 plows ready by the time the storm hit and kept the roads open.

ill give it a go.
wtf, since when is s-o-y word filtered for 'based"


Portland OR

Holy shit.

More populous UT discord


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>10 members
That's not the Florida discord, this is.

>Highest firearm death rate

Only due to suicide and population size statistics are a funny thing.

tfw no honolulu crew to do hoodrat shit

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Are Southfloridafags allowed?

i didnt know there were tow. why not merge?

Yes all Florida is allowed, from tally to miami

Mississippi has one?!

I don't run it, ask the server admin

nigga who the fuck are you, cause I probably will see you there

OH HAI user

theres a surprising amount of k discords, i actually keep a long list of states, the ones you see above are the only ones with non expiring invite links. the rest of the invites have expired.
ive thought about just joining every k discord as an "ambassador" but it seems like too much shit to wade through

no NC discord? :(

there is.

Thanks braj


>Most religious hate crimes
Typical Jew York

Any love for Pensacola Bros?

That discord is shit
This is the real one


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FIT here

Our gun club got disbanded and wiped because private college

Go back to fucking reddit
You discord using faggots are the cancer that are killing Jow Forums

Taking a break from posting on Jow Forums? I've seen your disgusting kind everywhere.

>discord is new
>remember 0 mentions of it on Jow Forums or other boards
>only Jow Forums was aware of it's existance
>discord is routinely mocked by Jow Forums and ignored by every other board
>newfag redditors flood every board with discord thread
the absolute fucking state of this website
Go back to R*ddit, faggot

>hey guys, come join discord so we cant anonymously post
>in a social media app used by lefties to organize raids
>utilizing chat features that are openly shared with federal law enforcement agencies

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Joined one Florida Jow Forumsommando discord, was there a total of three minutes and left. Nothing but dick pics, no guns, larpers and Jow Forumstards.

Don't hate the poltards. You guys are literally the front line of the race war lol

South Florida Discord, JOIN US for games and general bullshitery,

Wis/k/onsin reporting

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What the hell does reddit have to do with anything? Is this your subliminal cry for help?

>4 members

Discord is just an easy way to comminictae with local guys. Ive been to a few local meets already, theve been lots of fun.
If youre worried about illegal things being used against you, dont post them. Simple as that. If you dont want to meet local guys to shoot with, dont join the discord, simple as that.

As a student who is studying Wastewater engineering at a school in Missouri, I think this is hilarious

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Central NCfag, that’s because A) central north carolina is full of yankees and B) the centralfags are pretty busy people

Wis/k/onsin here,
New invite

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My sides
Tugfag is that you

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New Jersey discord, get in here and hate Murphy with us.

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Here is the link for the Texas server.
We have some requirements before entry is allowed.

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Here's the dang TX Jow Forums Discord

Y'all better get yer asses in here

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Fort Jow Forumsickass of Texas

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Didn't it impload because there were ATF rats?

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>most racial disparity in arrests
What the fuck does that mean?

That was the old one. We all left and formed Fort Jow Forumsickass

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sup niggers

Add Oklahoma