Leftists have and will never be pro-gun

Lately dumb civnats and leftypol shill as well as craposhithouse posters claim that leftists are not actually anti-gun and use the following quote from Marx to prove it:

>"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary. The destruction of the bourgeois democrats’ influence over the workers, and the enforcement of conditions which will compromise the rule of bourgeois democracy, which is for the moment inevitable, and make it as difficult as possible – these are the main points which the proletariat and therefore the League must keep in mind during and after the approaching uprising."

The issue is that Marx was stating this in the communist manifesto which is explictly calling for an armed revolution. He was not talking about private gun ownership, nor was he even talking about a right to bear arms. He says nothing about what would happen to the guns owned by the workers after the revolution.

Lenin said the same exact thing and calling for workers to be armed: marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1917/apr/20b.htm

So what did Lenin do after the revolution? He confiscated all the arms owned by peasants and imposrd draconian gun laws.

EVERY Marxist regime has had extremely strict gun laws.

Pro-gun rights is a right-wing position and has always been one. "Pro gun" leftists like Bernie are anti-gun and support an AWB. There are no exceptions.

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Yeah but its funny to point this quote out to an ignorant commie and watch their head explode

Kill yourself craposhithouse faggot.

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k was a lot better before you

Gun rights are political. Cry more faggot.

Politics belong on Jow Forums. Although this relates to guns, it is revolving around their politics and it is unfit for this board. See the sticky.


>gun rights discussion does not belong on Jow Forums
seething trannies

I'm a communist and I'm pro gun. If the proletariat aren't armed people like you can crawl out of their holes unabated.

this is a political discussion first

fuck off to pol


>See the sticky.
You fail to pass as a regular here just as badly as you fail to ass as a woman in real life. Rule enforcement has always been arbitrary and rare.

>fuck off to pol

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True. Sort of how commies have never been able to make a functioning country. Their retard ideology simply can't allow it.

Obviously. Keeping the workers armed is the fascist position.

You should consider Strasserism. Or NazBol gang.

>Keeping the workers armed is the fascist position
I dont think so m8. facists are just as anti gun as leftists

And capitalist places aren't doing this too?

Which is why you should go to pol

Kill yourself

Then you grab the guns after the revolution. Fucking kill yourself leftist fuck. Not a single marxist regime had lax gun laws. You need a monopoly on force to abolish private entetprise and property.

actually hitler loosened gun laws massively

Wrong. Hitler improved gun laws. For the people who weren't just previously involved in a communist revolt anyway (Jews).

>Not a single marxist regime had lax gun laws

Who are you and why are you me

Marx and Lenin called for a permanent revolution. Stalin disarmed the people, he was a blatantly authoritarian tyrant who doesn't represent the anarchist aspirations of communists and other leftists. Democrats aren't left wing. Sanders would be considered center right in any sane country. Every actual leftist who's read any theory at all is pro-gun

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Then grab the gun, put the barrel in your mouth, and pull the trigger.

there was a thread today. it was about 2007 and what k was like then.

that thread was deleted in 10 minutes.
you faggots have your own containment board where you can fuck off to at any time.

but nothing can take me back

>but nothing can take me back
I'm sure a helicopter could try.

No one gives a fuck, faggot commie anti white leftist. GTFO

k was better before you
not even that guy

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"When we get power THIS time we won't take the guns and genocide everyone who opposes or could oppose us"