Thoughts on the Charger?

Thoughts on the Charger?

I just feel like it'd be one of those guns that would be fun for a few weekends then once the new wore off it would just sit in the safe

Attached: charger.jpg (640x480, 87K)

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I feel like they need to make a PC9 version of it

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Bubba got his hands on a 10/22, that's it.

>fun for a few weekends
After that, you sell it on Armslist for $700 FIRM because you KNOW WHAT YOU GOT

Charger with a brace would be better

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>needing a "brace"

It got >10 round 10/22 magazines banned for canadians.

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I have one. Bought the adapter and put a Shockwave on it. It's a fun little gat.

A question to Charger owners:

When shooting offhand, do you hold the gun in one hand or two? Do you believe the gun is designed for use with one or two hands?

It's a .22, one handing is fine

Shh, we need to convince the RCMP it's a two-hander.

Yeah blame a gun and you're just as bad as the grabbers

SBR + Mall Ninja

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700 firms?
that's a lot of businesses to be trading for a little 22

i've seen ninja'd 10/22s go for crazy prices at auctions, $500-$1000

a 10/22 wouldnt be such a bad thing to sbr actually, considering the enormous aftermarket it has.

Ive got a brace and a 1-8 22lr acss on mine, love it

Kek we all know you threw it in that stock just to take a pic

big agree

when r&d watches mad max,just tape on a big rubber dong where the stock should be and you are all set for shtf

Looks liek fun.

this, but with a folding brace and a glock drum mag.

It's a fun little plinker. Your pic is the optimal setup.

When I go out shooting with my uncle, it's something he always brings, and we always shoot it at the end of session.

That's literally the RCMP's reasoning.

Rimfire rifles have no magazine capacity limits, but all pistols have a 10 round limit. According to the law, magazines are classified based on the firearm they were originally designed for, e.g. semiautomatic centrefire rifles are limited to 5 rounds, but you can legally use a 10 round pistol magazine in a carbine.

However, when the Charger was introduced, the RCMP decided that the 10/22 magazines were now subject to pistol restrictions. This has no legal backing but they will confiscate them and stop them at the border.

Apparently there's a mag adapter for 597 mags.

Fuck horse cops.

uhhh how hard would it be for an amateur to chop down and recrown the barrel on a 10/22 Charger?

Attached: 20150119_160529-1_zpsofkjdkco.jpg (480x242, 32K)

Why do that when you could make an Obrez for next to nothing.

It really isnt hard though.

You know stocks do a lot more for handling than just absorbing recoil right? Aside from giving you instant perfect sight alignment and allowing you to use your offhand to use controls without losing a sight picture, a stock will reduce muzzle sway to practically nothing improving your practical accuracy by an order of magnitude.

You realize these are bench rest pistols, right?

>This has no legal backing but they will confiscate them and stop them at the border.
Sounds like you can blame your overlords instead of the gun

You realize one uses a stock when shooting from the bench too, right?

And why do that when it's threaded?

>pistol caliber pistol

>Thoughts on the Charger?
I feel like a Charger with a tensioned barrel and a 1-6 strike eagle with some kind of buis solution would be a really good "backpacker/survival" gun.

>Why do that when you could make an Obrez for next to nothing.
Shortening the barrel on a Charger is totally legal.

Making an Obrez from an extant rifle is totally illegal, even under the NFA. The only way to make a legal Obrez (Under US law, anyway) is to start with a virgin receiver which was never made into or registered as a rifle, and then to build a pistol from that receiver. It's far more costly than shortening a charger.

I agree the question is a bit silly, but one has a lathe it is no big deal to cut threads on the new muzzle.

You could also you a braced charger for a decent back packing gun for small game hunting you fucking mong. You know where you cant really set up a bench.

>You realize these are bench rest pistols, right?

Charger is nowhere close to accurate enough for use in serious target competition or silhouette shooting, especially in a takedown configuration. This is either a fun plinker, or a decent backpacking/survival sort of thing.

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My mom has one, we have the obligatory walmart red dot, its not really fun to shoot, i would definitely get the rifle 10/22 instead

Great gun once you put it in a PMACA chassis and MFT stock/foregrip. Slap a red dot and can on it and pure fun ensues.

That's really nice. Just needs a little gold bead front sight. Is this something for sale or is it a one-off?

Got u user

Attached: CHARGER_SBA3.jpg (500x334, 27K)

Or, if you wanna go full HAM and get tactical, PMACA

Attached: tacticalcharger.jpg (2656x1494, 720K)

>needing a "brace"
>"benchrest pistol"

Let the adults talk please, user

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