Redpill me on the maverick 88 for home defense.
Redpill me on the maverick 88 for home defense
It’s cheap and goes bang when you pull the trigger.
AR is better. Full sized handgun (17+ mag capacity) in 9mm is better. AK is better. AK pistol with sig brace is better. Honestly, there are a lot of better options. Shotties are cuck-tier. Great for hunting many difference types of game if you were poor or in a shtf scenario, but realistically there's better weapons for both home defense and hunting anything but ducks.
It's cheap, easy to get, easy to operate, has a decent aftermarket, and can 1 shot drop with the right load.
It's a cheap, Mexican assembled/manufactured Mossberg. It isn't perfect, but for a cheap shotgun to protect yourself, it works.
Wrong. Shotguns are not 'cuck-tier' but your asshole is.
The Shockwave is the best HD gun there is, period
gay and wrong
mexican mossbergs are breddy good for the price.
It's light so it kicks more than some other shotties. Put about 50 rounds or so through mine. Buckshot mostly.
I would gladly pay a little more if they put the tang mounted safety from the 500/590 on it versus the shitty crossbolt. The tang safety along with the aft of the trigger slide release are my favorite things about the Mossberg over its competitors.
Get the 18in with the larger capacity.
>not using an LGM-30 Minuteman
>letting potential threats even enter your local hemisphere
what are you even doing dude
>looks like shit
>feels like shit
>shoots ok
I'm worried about over penetration issues. I'll stick with my W54 Davy Crockett.
Put a shell carrier in the side and a heat shield on the barrel to add weight and you've got a pretty good HD workhorse.
Source: keep mine under the bed loaded with #4 buck (I live in a connected townhome, #4 is least penetrating buck)
>using a safety on a pump shotty that should be stored cruiser ready
What sort of fuckwit keeps a loaded shotgun? You are super dumb.
Heat shield the mav 88 and done. 00 buck only.
I keep mine with 00 buck. Love it.
I have mine just about ready to go, just needs to be racked forward. They're good grab and go guns for the house.
Forgot pic
>maverick 88
for $200 its not bad
>someone breaks in
>go for shotgun
>rat is clinging to it
>have to have temporary real estate land use dispute with territorial rat
>by the time you whip it off, your attacker is already standing with a gun pointed to your head
Clean that shit up, fuck nasty motherfucker.
Not tactical enough. Why would you want an inexpensive yet highly efficient weapon that can destroy a target with #4 when you can pump 10+ rounds from a REAL weapon like an M-XX or AR/AK platform. You will be our Martyr when you get unjustly charged because your weapon looked to scary to the POCs and Fudds on the Jury.
Sad but true.
Now stick the Supreme box logo on the receiver
Nothing wrong with the idea. There's a lot better options, but it's cheap and effective.
@ $199
it's the five dolla foot long of shotty's
It's a shotgun.
Those who use them won't cry when it gets beat to shit in the evidence locker.
I wouldn't cry over any gun in an evidence locker. I'd rather have a metal pipe and and some plastic locked in a police station than me be locked 6 feet underground.
solid shotgun, better than rustington trash and cheaper.
The crossbolt safety is actually a plus if you’re going to put a pistol grip on it.
I'm looking at getting one in a few weeks. How much adjustment does it take to get used to the raptor grip?
Literally what the fuck is this retarded shit?
Shotguns are the god tier home defense weapon. A nuttless monkey can aim them, they don't over penetrate into your kids, neighbors, or neighbors kids room like an AR will, they have more than enough capacity to get the job done, people sit down when you shoot them with them.
The 88 is not cool and customizable like the 500. Neither the 88 or 500 have the metal trigger guard the 590 does, is plastic. The 88 has a button safety near the trigger, 500+ is up on the back.
If you were to only get 1 shotgun I would say go 500. If you really end up enjoying it you can upgrade it and use it for other stuff much easier than the 88.
If you're poor as fuck and just need a nigger removal device then you can't do much better.
clean your room, you live like a nigger
Actually the shotgun would be the best long gun if you could only afford one. Slugs, buckshot, birdshot, lock breaker round thingies, etc.
It's a very versatile weapon. You're just a faggot.
Go away, cletus.
>best for home defense
>w...well shtoguns can do things other than home defense!
never used the safety on a shotgun
>they don't over penetrate into your kids, neighbors, or neighbors kids room like an AR will
Almost any shot worthy of shooting someone with will likely penetrate most interior walls just fine, and unlike 556 will not lose significant energy from tumbling or fragmenting.
If you are speaking strictly about over penetration in the human body you are not using the right 556 ammo.
Other than that, decent post.
Shockwave GOAT. I didn't care for the raptor grip though and wound up doing this to mine
>using the safety know a shotgun
I got a Maverick 88 last year. I’m noticing minor rust on the barrel. What should I do?
nigga tell me that's for Melee
Trolling outside of /b/ is a bannable offense.
He has a DC, N64, and a PS2 you blind nigger.
>sega Dreamcast and crt television maintened in a constant state of readiness
A man of excellent taste
Thinking of finally grabbing a shotty for home defense/maybe a little hunting. Would you guys recommend the 88 or should I spend more for a 500/590?
I can see that, dumbfuck. There's no reason to assume he doesn't also have a Gamecube in the room to take advantage of the CRT's no input lag.
Why do you care so much about a children's party game?
You are partially correct. AR's are superior for a home defense weapon but that is only when you have the ability to train with it and the skill to properly operate a weapon in close quarters. A shotgun is a better choice for more people who can only really go to a range and want something that won't overpenetrate.
Bunch of fucking retards. Stop reading POG blogs. Chads like me use a lasso made of dark matter to wrassle a rogue planet and loose it at the nearest degenerate.
In one afternoon I ran 120 shells of birdshot and 40 shells of 00 buck through a old maverick 88 I paid 90 bucks for last summer. I didn't clean it, left it in my car for five days, and ran another 120 and 40. Not one issue. Now I look at all of my 2000$+ rifles and handguns that have issues every now and again with cognitive dissonance. I want to build the wall and kickspit the shitkickers but the mav88 is a well made shotgun, just don't buy one new, you don't need to.