How does one reduce recoil on ar15? No compensators please, surefire thingy doesn't count.
Thinking weight of bolt, buffer spring, and gas port.
How does one reduce recoil on ar15? No compensators please, surefire thingy doesn't count.
Thinking weight of bolt, buffer spring, and gas port.
Get a vltor A5 buffer tube and buffer system.
Surefire compensator
I love the rifle length buffer system.
>reduce recoil on ar15?
why? how soft can you possibly be??
Adjustable gas block will be a good way if the rifle is over gassed. If you're talking about competitive use, then buffer weights are a good way, and flash suppressors do take some off as well.
That said, if you need to buy shit to reduce recoil on an AR-15, you are a massive faggot. Put the rifle in the pocket of your shoulder and shoot like a fucking man.
Run a 20" with a rifle length gas system and rifle buffer. Alternatively, run a 14.5" w/ midlength gas system and A5 buffer system.
I would also suggest not being a pussy
rifle gas length
adjustable gas block turned down to the minimum that will cycle the gun
the lightest buffer weight and bolt carrier you can use that still cycles the rifle
Bro, nu/k/ cant hear you over his quadrupled up ear pro.
Increase the mass of the buffer and/or BCG
Smaller gas port/adjustable gas block
Stiffer buffer spring
Muzzle devices
Increase weight of weapon
Lower pressure ammunition (wolf gold)
This is correct
your pic related is very useful for getting rid of the "sprong" noise out of the AR15.
I use one on my integral 300BLK. It is good shit, in conjunction with a side charger it makes the platform less annoying.
>reduce the recoil
>on an ar15
I've fired an AK chambered in 7.62x39 and that barely made my shoulder hurt. Since you're such a massive pussy I would recommend getting the longest AR length possible and you might as well should drop a couple hundred dollars on some gimmicky bullshit while you're at it
Have you tried not being a bitch?
>barely made your shoulder hurt
Why did that even hurt your shoulder at all?
>How does one reduce recoil on ar15?
Hit the gym, you slack-jawed faggot. And quit drinking onions.
That junk doesnt last and was literally made just to reduce sproing for some autists you know that dont you?
Sounds like a bunch of jams weighting to happen ahhhhh, you guys are idiots why would you not use a comp?
A light weight bolt carrier maybe I think faxon sells one
this isn't constructive. no one is saying the AR15 kicks too much.
Shoot a 88 round milsurp 3 position match with a Finnish M39 and some 200 grain Lapua D166 loaded to 2700 fps and get back to me about recoil.
AR recoil.....
My HBAR has a Tubb flat wire buffer spring, Colt factory rifle buffer, Tubb Tungsten Carrier weight, 3 pound lead weight in the A2 stock storage compartment, and I shoot 28 grains of CFE 223 under a Nosler 77 Custom Competition.
Get about 5 firings iutof Lake City brass till the primer pockets get loose.
Really considering the LMT enhanced bolt carrier package.
Never comes out of the black on 300 yard rapid fire during recoil.
Leupold VX-R Patrol for optic.
I-it's not that the AR kicks too much... that would be silly... I just wish it w-would kick a little less maybe...?
Not him, but the question was hot to reduce recoil, not a single statement that there was too much inherent recoil.
For example the AR is also lightweight as hell, but some enthusiasts like pushing it further to be as lightweight as possible. Also for example, you're a fag without basic reading comprehension.
>that still cycles the gun
that's the tricky part
>rechamber it for 22
>I've fired an AK chambered in 7.62x39 and that barely made my shoulder hurt.
nu-Jow Forums, everyone
Look at my front sight against the tree right in the background. AR-15's don't kick. The thing that floored me when I first shot an AR was you can here the spring making spring noises in the buffer tube "swish swish"
lean forward more
pull the gun in more
film yourself shooting so you can see how much it actually kicks vs. what you percieve
go lift some heavy things
have a formerly solid Army body turned into a dad bod with mass that will absorb recoil better (my personal recommendation)
quit being a faggot about AR recoil
Adjustable gas block. Too much gas creates unnecessary bolt thrust.
Lol imagine being such a bitch an AK hurts your shoulder
Based A5 posters
Do you have any trouble with the side-charging handle coming loose? I've heard that was an issue, and that loctite should be used.
If you don't have any issues, where did you get your handle?
Excellent control.
Nearly zero movement off target.
Tubb flat spring gets rud of the sproingy sound.
Mine is just a slow kerchunk, kerchunk .
The heavy spring and bolt is to delay bolt opening more than reduced recoil.
The soot deposits on the case necks was dramatically reduced after adding the weight and stronger spring.
Didn't own a chronograph to do a before and after test.
Run n gun guys usually go lightweight bolt, light spring, 50 grain bullets, adjustable gas block, 18" rifle barrel and gas system.
Two different paths to low recoil depending on the intended use.
>some enthusiasts like pushing it further to be as lightw
yeah and they're also tards
>tough guys shitposting about how the ar-15 barely recoils and OP is a faggot.
I mean OP is always a faggot anyway, but recoil isn't a good thing even though the ar-15s recoil is nothing to bitch about, less recoil is ALWAYS a good thing.
That's nice, honey.
Lift more faggot recoil on AR15s is basically nonexistent.
If 5'3" POG chicks in the Army can handle M4 recoil in basic training, you can handle AR15 recoil.
"why would I make my gun more effective"
But my .308 doesn't really kick either.
Patrician taste
you literally could not become more soh-wee, no matter what you did
WTF Caliber are you shooting out of an AR-15 platform??? Yeah; you CAN shoot anything from 50BMG on down to .22 out of the AR-15 platform, but it is a lightweight rifle strictly designed for Close Quarter Combat. SO; with the application of the USUAL Calibers of .223, 5.56, and 7.62 my question is WHAT ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT??? If you have bought or built a more wildcat system of something like .458 SOCOM, 450 Bushmaster, 300 Win Mag, 3.38 Lapua, or 50 BMG then you simply HAVE to understand that you have overstepped the purpose of the rifle platform that you are using. Can you? Hmmm... Should you? Hmmm... Well there's always the Simms Limbsaver, and of course SECOND THOUGHTS... Get a Bolt Gun for the Large Bore you fucking fag!
Daiky reminder that semiautos have to be relagated to their own division in long range competition because they're objectively better on the clock anywhere out to 2500 yards.
we've already established that physical conditioning helps, but the thread is obviously about how to use technology to reduce recoil.
we are all very impressed at how badass you are but for the sake of the topic at hand it would be nice if you provided actual input.
They don't exist anymore, do they? I really liked the look of their billet receivers.
Duct tape a lead brick to the handguard
My 11 year old daughter has shot an AR15 all day and didn't complain about recoil or have any issues with accuracy. You are weaker than an 11 year old girl.
If you need to dump money into an AR to mitigate non existent recoil, you probably should go back to a Ruger 10/22.
Suppressor. Anyone who objects is a nogunz faggot.
And bolts dominate ultra long range shooting
Congrats user your really smart, no one knew that already
>How does one reduce recoil on ar15?
how do you reduce what is already negligible?
try not being a giant pussy with wet noodles for arms.
Then get an A5. It's a rifle length spring, with a rifle buffer stroke length, except they cut down the useless shoulder and added another weight in it.
I have that on two of my ARs. I love them. Eliminates "SPRUNG".
It's not "physical conditioning." It's proper shooting technique. You don't need to "Lift weights" to reduce recoil. You need to shoulder the gun properly and adjust your stance. This will improve your shooting all around.
You cannot avoid this with gadgets and add-ons
Ok u larping faggot
also lighten your cyclic mass and tune your gas system appropriately
>Increase the mass of the buffer and/or BCG
found the dude who flunked physics
as non existent as possible. Id mag dump torsos at 300 yards if I could
retard, it's not about pain
Shoot subsonic loads
I dont know what competition youre referring to but Im pretty sure prs doesnt do that and thay an autoloader has never won
Fab defense gl-shock stock and a rubber stock sleeve thingy.
That is probably the ugliest AR I’ve ever seen.
these are really awful user
Wtf is wrong with you. Take that shit off those poor rifles and go back to irons until you can afford real optics. At least primary arms or something jfc. That shit right there is literally worse than irons.
it wouldn’t look so awkward if he ditched the optic, the rubber on the stock and used a 30 rounder mag.
this rifle doesnt just have dwell time, the bullets actually get loitering citations before leaving the muzzle
>found the dude who flunked physics
Recoil is more complicated than just momentum, you know?
It's a transient phenomenon, changing spring rate and buffer weight change your peak impulse characteristics and distribute the momentum over more time.
A lighter buffer will carry less momentum, but it'll feel snappier if you don't tune your gas accordingly.
squats, lifting, and oats. Because if you're having a problem with .22 hornet magnum you're a fucking pussy.
Trigger trolling tremendously tactical. I post these pics to see you seethe, lol! And notice that the triggered post no pics! Lol
Pic is gl shock
what. this rifle was designed to be handed to a 150 pound 18 year old draft victim
the best way to reduce recoil is to start working out
>how do I reduce recoil on a rifle with practically zero recoil
You be a man and hold the rifle firmly
The only way to truly reduce recoil is to put as much gas as possible through a good muzzle device.
You can reduce felt recoil (acceleration) by increasing the mass of your body or the gun, or change your stance to borrow some of the Earth's mass. If the gun is jumping in your hands, instead of pushing you, you're holding it wrong.
Ok, you recoil bitch.
Pretty sure (like 102%) that he's not asking about reducing recoil because his shoulder hurts. He wants faster follow up shots, which means keeping that muzzle from moving around as much as possible.
Do you guys even practice double taps outside of 25 yards? Or do you sit at the range pretending the commies stand still at 10 yards? I bet you are the niggers and chinks that mag dump at 5 yards with a fucking rented AR at your indoor range while shooting the ceiling. Fuck off.
Thank you to everyone else.
>asks for general advice on Jow Forums
>gets general advice from Jow Forums
>no that's not what I wanted
Is she cute? Can you post a picture of her?
>thinks shitty advice is advice
I hit a nerve huh? Stop shooting ceilings faggot.
show me her taps at 50 yrds. then kys, you don't have a daughter.
>I bet you are the niggers and chinks that mag dump at 5 yards with a fucking rented AR at your indoor range while shooting the ceiling.
ooh nice straw-man
simple fact is, when you start doing stupid AR shit, you start having stupid AR problems.
> short stroke
> light strike
> accidental double taps
> bullet too slow cause you're shooting a 7 inch barrel
> the fucking law folder
> dirt falling in through weight reducing swiss cheese holes
>> short stroke
Thats only if you start fucking with your gas settings and should only be done for competition
>> light strike
Not really a thing with ARs unless you're doing stupid shit with the bolt or trigger springs
>> accidental double taps
How? If you mean lighters triggers those are pretty much universally agreed to be good
>> bullet too slow cause you're shooting a 7 inch barrel
Haven't seen the spec ops guys who use those complain yet
>> the fucking law folder
Yeah thats retarded
>> dirt falling in through weight reducing swiss cheese holes
Also retarded memeshit
That wasn't the point dumbass. The point is you asked for advice from Jow Forums and promptly got what any sensible person would expect, but you're throwing a little tantrum about it for some odd reason.
>he uses the poverty horse lower
hahaha holy heck guy you need to lurk more