CMP Garands

How is the QC on CMPS supplies. As they seem to be a good place to get em?

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The field grades pass the white glove tests. More you pay after that (also have a service grade) are more about matching parts and stock conditions. They won't sell a non-functioning gun, unless it's explicitly stated.

Good to know. Been wanting one, something almost mystical about a Garand that makes me just want one.

they're great guns if it helps, and can be sub moa with right ammo. bores are a luck of the draw thing, but you can get new ones for pretty cheap and installing one isn't that hard.

you're going to need one of these
also, PING!

I’d say pretty good. I bought my garand from them and I’m very happy with it. Can’t be getting a garand at that price, with a nice hard shell case and having UPS deliver it to your front door


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>but you can get new ones for pretty cheap and installing one isn't that hard.
No, but you either need someone with the tooling or get that tooling yourself. Chamber depth is determined by the bolt-barrel interface. A new barrel is always chambered short, then finished once it's fit to the receiver.
A pull-through reamers and a set of go-no-go gauges will cost you more than just getting a Garand with a fine barrel.
>t. built a .308 Garand

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I got one of the CMP refurbs with a dicked up windage knob. I’ve never heard of anything being wrong on one before or after however. I wasn’t even mad. I got a new one from a smith a little ways up the road and it was a straight swap. No problems since.

Anyone know what the current wait time is for service grade rifles?

I ordered mine last summer and I think I got the rifle about a month after I sent off the order form.

should I order a service or field grade?

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Unless you are a boomer collector that plans on just looking at it, get the cheapest one. CMP will not sell a non-functioning Garand. It's not as if you will be getting a historical one from WW2 regardless, they sold out of that time period almost a decade ago. All the ones you're getting now were made at the end of production in the early 1950s where they were then promptly dunked in cosmoline and put in a warehouse for the next 75 years.

Field. Rack grade's shit. Field is like "standard" grade for mil-work

Also, consider a LOT of the guns are returns from mil-aid to other countries: The Philipines, Turkey, etc.

I got a service grade a few years ago with a 1943 serial.

Yeah my elevation knob on my service grade special doesn't like to stay adjusted. I still need to get that fixed/swapped

Is it worth spending the extra hundred to get a service grade rather than a field grade?

Also has anyone tried the Prvi Partisan 30-06 made for M1 garand seems like a great deal?

Is it a bad idea to get a 308 Special grade? I don't have anything in 3006 right now and don't want to stock another caliber

Thats because what that user it said isnt completely correct, the US was just sending garands everywhere. Some pre 1945 production garands Definetly found there way to the philipines

there are lots of people who do the .308 conversion + chopping it down to carbine size for nearly the cost of a "special' .308 one.

Honestly, buy a .30-06, save up - and then send it out to be rebarrelled. It's a great gun for .308 too.

I got a service grade 2 months ago with a 1944 serial and it had still gone to the Phillipines. I think it's a luck of the draw sort of deal.

Is joining a local members-only range enough of a qualifier with the CMP to buy an M1?

I got a service grade and it came with a barrel that measures tighter than the numbers they give for collector's grade.
Amazing rifle.

I’ve got a friend with a CMP Garand and he swears by PPUs stuff. Also it’s a general observation of mine that if I’m looking at a gun with a weird caliber, the based Serbs make it

I bought some collectors grade, like whatever the top non sniper scoped grade was back in 2013 or 2015.

Paid just under $1,000

Never fired it, I'm just so busy and worried about the OP rod with modern ammo.

1 day, until then it's my safe queen.

I do shoot my other guns multiple times a year.

if you had emailed CMP they would have exchanged your rifle or sent you a replacement part for free

random old men at the range will think less of you and you will get zero respect from them so i highly recommend you get the 30-06

Theres a database of accepted clubs. If yours isn’t there you can join the national Garand Collectors Club for like $25

>pay 1000 for a rifle you will never shoot
absolute tard tier, if you dont want to handload at least buy commercial M2 ball.
there are two realistic options as a Service Grade garand owner (bought in October 2018, September 1941 Springfield armory) Rack grades are beater rifles. They still shoot straight, but if they have the old GI stock they can be dinged and nicked without feeling bad. The Special grades are too nice to fuck with- even to take to a gun show really. Shoot them, take care of them, and hide them away. They will also typically have the nicest barrels (brand new).

Not at all, you can shoot most 308 ammo due to the modern chambering and specials have brand new barrels.
also my gun

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>tfw RNG number is in excess of 15k

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My Service Grade that I bought in October of last year was a 1940 five digit serial that has a practically brand new barrel in it (Throat and Muzzle erosion were 1).
I've had nothing but success with Prvi .30-06 through my Garand, I'd recommend it.