I'm finally going to do it Jow Forums

I'm finally going to do it Jow Forums
Shit is about to hit the fan and I want to make my own fallout shelter to live in.
I saved up about $90,000 and I wounder if Atlas is a good company to build it

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Get the Mini. Sit out the atomic hellfire above in your own personal underground jail cell.

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nice car
I'm actually planning on moving out from my apartment and into the shelter for good. I do have more money though my wife will probably be a bit iffy if she finds out i spend it, plus the land I already bought for it.

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doomsday shelters are just plain stupid. betting on apocalyptic SHTF is stupid. thinking you can do anything actually useful with $90k is stupid. thinking you can go from an apartment to a doomsday shelter as your primary residence with $90k is RETARDED.

get a home, moron. you say you've already bought land - hopefully enough, hopefully something you can actually use. now build a home on it. not a fucking shitty underground closet. without knowing your specifics (especially climate) it's impossible to advise further, but $90K should be enough to get you in something decent if you're cheap and canny and can evade the government fucking you around.

I would just live in one of these regardless of SHTF and feel awesome and comfy but I would hate to be stuck in an apartment of equal size because I’m stupid

Your wife is gonna divorce your dumb ass for not clearing a major purchase with her first. Relationships and especially marriage is a partnership and when you go rogue with this stupid shit, she has every reason to drop your ass. Worse, you dont even have a real plan, you didn't research obviously, maybe some cursory google searches but FFS man


atlas is shit, get one of these

>Your wife is gonna divorce your dumb ass

Now he can hide from his ex-wife and her pack of Jew lawyers in the bunker. Its perfect.

where does your poo and pee go?

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I saw someone on /diy/ recommend using a septic tank as the start of a underground shelter, multi functionality use!

unironically this
wtf are you thinking

build your own faggot

working man hands.

Literally buying a 90k hole in the ground

Build it yourself. Seriously.


Alright to elaborate a bit further.

Look into earthship houses (strictly for theory), rammed earth, and Nubian vault construction. Skip earth bags, they are dumb. Learn what a catenary arch is. Learn about passive solar heating and rainwater collection. Learn how to build a cistern and how to use the land you have. If you haven't already planted crops and fruit trees you are wrong. Nukes probably won't fall. You should be more concerned about economic collapse or the Yellowstone supervolcano. Go look at Off Grid Build (OGB) and Handeeman on youtube.

If you are buying a turn key vault to hide yourself in, you are being FLEECED. I promise you, you could do much better on your own. Take your 90k and use it to buy materials and rent earth moving equipment.

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This implies OP is even remotely competent and given his posting this is highly questionable

Also if nukes do fall you are fucked anyway. Nuclear winter is no joke. Expect years of failed crops. Literally no food, nor game to hunt (because no vegetation to eat).

He can learn. Maybe.

Alright I will.
I was in the Army as a diesel mechanic and knew how to use heavy equipment, however things like plumbing an electricity are't my forte. So I was willing to shill a some cash to a construction company of any kind to install and build the shelter, the only ones I knew that specialized in fallout shelters are Atlas and Rising S. I was wondering what company will do it best
There's always aquaponics

>Thinking that he actually has a wife and isn't larping

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>having records of your shelter's construction
Trust me electrical and plumbing is piss easy if you do a lot of research, and you can contract out those bits to a professional for far cheaper. If you can use heavy equipment you should have no problem digging it.

Hey guys, not OP here but I also want to build a shelter.
I'm not a poor fag like op with a nagging wife and I think my project is more ambitious with kitchen and dining room, 6 beds, 3 bathrooms, and gaming room.
I'm not as savvy with construction as OP so I was also wounder what company can help me with this project

>Vault Tec

This is the only right answer!