Ancap signature gun

Commies have their AKs, conservatives have their AR-15s, nazis have their MG-42, liberals have their "Gun free zone" signs, and anarchists have their sharpened rocks.

Jow Forums, what's the most ancap gun out there? What would private police use? Contracted military?

bonus - signature guns for other ideologies

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Other urls found in this thread:

Recreational tactical nuke obviously. Weilded by an army of child prostitutes.

Whatever is the lowest functional option on the free market.

So Hi-Point

A budget AR that’s “just as good”.

These guys usually blow too much money on pot to buy anything but PSA

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AR 15s are ANCAP. A "conservative" gun would be something like a double barrel shotgun

i mean there are a lot of "jesus was a gun owner" tards that own AR-15s, even if a lot are fudd as fuck

Flamethrower. Watching the suffering is the best part.

Or CIWS mounted in the bed of a Ford Raptor

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Glocks and ARs, just like every reasonably equipped police force and security agency.

Cheap enough to buy in bulk, reliable enough to keep going, and easy to keep fed for your yearly 50 round qual that is all that is required to be labeled a "professional."

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there is only one answer

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land mines

An airsoft gun of some type, because most of Jow Forums is noguns

Hi point is a good choice for the average resident of ancapistan, but that private security would probably have something sleeker and more expenisve

An-Caps, what fucking idiots. It’s dont tread on me til Coke Cola sends their trademarked Private Police Force then it’s all good because logic. You guys go hand in hand with Communist, you only see yourselves at the top, never at the bottom slaving away in some mine or shop.

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Probably like an Aug

>asking what gun represents an ideology
>must be a ringing endorsement of that ideology even if other ideologies are mentioned in the post

cry more statist

Trade unions are extensions of anarcho capitalism too. In this way, I am guaranteed security enough without the need of an oppressive state.

>functional in the defense of anything beyond a petty criminal

That’s cute, you know until a country like China, Russia, or god forbid a unified EU owns a majority of the Defense it already does.

>”Hey let’s invade An-Capistan”
>”oops we can’t their private military force wouldn’t allow us!”
>”Oh that’s ok I own the company so I’m ordering a McStand Down so Chinese troops can garrison the area while we rape the land of its resources!”

Keep on with your illusions of playing Red Dawn in a world you would not thrive in, much less survive.

3D printed liberators and guns off the deep web.

US govt already owes 1.12 trillion dollars to china so they pretty much own the military already.

cry more leftist cunt

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You got everything right except for conservatives; the conservative gun is a m1 garand or pump shotgun, the ancap gun is the AR15.

Cry more nazi bitch you can come get some you already got humiliated twice, you sure you want a round 3 faggot?

>Humiliated twice
What did he meant by this ?

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Ahh yes. I remember when the Ancaps jumped into France and Charged the beaches of Normandy. You know what, ancaps and Communist aren’t people but atleast Communist love their country.

>10 mm carbine

Ywn own a
> CIWS mounted in the bed of a Ford Raptor
user why must you torture me so?

>bonus - signature guns for other ideologies
There’s an AR for everyone, user.

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UGV armored assault drone with sentry gun, grenade laucher and flamethrower addon.

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HK51 with giggle switch. Nothing says "fuck you I can do what I want" like 308 in full auto from an 8-inch barrel.

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>Commies have their AKs, conservatives have their AR-15s
That's fucking retarded. Everyone carries everything. Here's ANTIFA commie pieces of shit. What do you see?

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Sun Zhu would like a word about underestimating your enemies. Better to crush them like they are Navy SEALs than retards.

a bunch of fakers

you're a dumb nigger.
they have more guns than you.

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>open dust cover
>pistol brace
They're faggots, but theyre not carrying airsoft guns.

a pack of fags

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I see far more Ancaps shit on big corps and government formed market monopolies than I see the average lefty or conservative do these days, who gladly tongue the balls of any corporation who'll virtue signal a little bit to them on Twitter.

>but atleast Communist love their country
No they don't.

Cute that you think that, Ping Pong.

the "final form" of communism literally has no borders and no nations, tf you smoking

also, loving your government and loving your country are two different things. I love the US, but the gubberment is pretty shit

Scary 3D printed rifles, of course.

I would actually say something like Winchester 1873, because the 'Wild West' was IMO as close as humanity has ever been to ancap. However has got a point.

>People criticizing anime and traps are the degenerates

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Ironically, that's actually the UN.
>yo, we gotta ban loli, think of da chillun
>woops, turns out we're actual real life child serial sexual predators, but, uh, still, listen to us

Compromise isn't one side forever taking bit by bit. KYS
>dont tread on me til Coke Cola sends their trademarked Private Police Force then it’s all good
Are you mistaking memes for reality?

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Wouldn't a lever action rifle be the symbol of libertarianism? Given its use in among pioneers and the Wild West. It was also never a standard for our standing army either, who went from flintlocks to bolt actions, it's purely a symbol of independence. An AR15 is too much a "statist gun." You can buy those modern lever guns with detachable magazines as well. A .223 lever gun sounds pretty fun.

So fucking true
>$600 set up?
>or $350 OTD and 2oz of weed?


Obviously the gun of the Ancap would be garage made firearms that are cheap to manufacture and cheap to keep fed. ex. STEN, M3, PPS-43, etc.

I always thought the nazi signature gun was the luger or the mp40.

Cowboy guns. The Wild West was the closest thing to an ancap society that we have ever had in the US.

Anything 3d printed


Maybe the USFA clone:
>high quality improvement of the original design, while still staying true in every way that matters
>owner makes an absolutely retarded decision which kills his company, because that's the free market, fuckups have consequences

That pic accurately describes me and if doesn't describe you you're probably a fag

I'm so glad someone made this into a gif. That's way shorter than 8 inches

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How did we let fashion get this autistic? Would look better wearing overalls.

>1 cm carbine

>m-muh lesser evil
Just because the Republicans oppose the Democrats, it doesn't mean they're your friends, they're clearly perfectly fine with just signing away your rights to whatever large corporation or government entity that asks them to.

I'm baffled that you're so gleeful about settling for having your rights violated.

PA luty smg

>Ronald Regean posting
Low IQ niggtard detected.
It's cool that you are allegedly a libertarian but your brain is so smooth that you didn't know Reagan was a Commiefornia, beta male, gun grabber faggot. Very cool.

Reminder that this guy signed the Hughes Amendment, while the NRA basically applauded him and sucked his dick.

"His inalienable right, but not you, peasant."

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What's the difference between ancaps and anarchists? Someone Pls explain

ancaps believe in the power of money to step on their necks
anarchists believe in burning it down

lol, commie

The true DIY spirit. Could work.

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Oh no! They fired like five shots and then masturbated for three hours about murdering fat guys with top hats! I guess we'll just have to be socialist now.

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Anarcho-capitalists want anarchy.
Anarchists want to eradicate the concept of one person being higher than another (outside of mentorship) from existence.

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>they have more guns than you
They really, REALLY don't.

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I've always viewed ancaps as being an smg crowd

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Top Kek

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Both Anarchist Capitalists and Anarchist Communists (Ancoms or simply Anarchists) believe that a coercive State should not exist, the worker should own the full value of their labor, and that "offensive" violence is morally wrong. Where they fundamentally differ is that Ancaps believe that hierarchy is a natural state of humanity, while Ancoms believe hierarchies should be totally abolished.

see this one
>They really, REALLY don't.
prove it, faggot.

your work? it's a beaut.

Subguns are a good recreational weapon, and friendly to tinkering:
>pistol calibers are cheap, so you can afford to play around on full-auto
>pistol calibers are low pressure, so you don't really need to make a complex action, or even bother heat treating the receiver
>the action can be incredibly simple, so a tinkerer could easily figure out something that works that wouldn't be very hard to make
>many pistol calibers suppress well, which invites playing around with silencers, a working silencer can be quite simple too
>open to shortcuts, if you wanted to skip some steps, you could use a few spare parts from other guns, perhaps ones you had lying around which you weren't using (pistol grips, magazines, sights, etc)

So assuming the law doesn't get into the way, what you have is a pretty easy project that can be pretty fun and enriching. I mean, full-auto with pistol calibers is never dull.

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Hierarchy doesn't have to be harmful, and can be voluntary.
Commies don't believe this, yet insists on forcefully establishing an imperialistic state to enforce communism, through a powerful and centralized hierarchy.

Of course not, wouldn't want to paint an unnecessary target on my back. :^)

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Daily reminder that Luty, an otherwise healthy adult, randomly died of cancer at 46. Nothing suspicious at all.

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>Three fags and an overweight dike
How will the right ever cope

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this or your standard vanilla basic bitch M4 (illegal full retard)

Honestly? I can kinda buy it, because cancer can kind of just come and fuck you out of nowhere, even if you have a good lifestyle. Good health and genes means a low risk, but it doesn't mean immunity.

On the the other hand, British politics can be really sleazy and shady, so I'd also be willing to buy that he could have been poisoned or something.

>Recreational tactical nuke obviously. Weilded by an army of child SEX SLAVES.

As if you could defeat ANTIFA...

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doesn't look any worse than your average Jow Forums meetup

100 Jow Forumsommandos vs 100 ANTIFA commie faggots.

Who would win?

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How's this?

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>commonly known as "The Right Arm of The Free World"
>full authoritarian right

Are you the retarded?

>Mexican carry, with a Glock, with a long-ass mag
>guy with crossbow (probably couldn't pass a background check) can't afford shoes

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AR-15 is top right. AK-47 is at the center.

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The ancap weapon would be a dido that doubles as a heroin needle.

>they have more guns than you.
lolno not even close.

Besides, there's more to counterinsurgency than guns.

their leader would fuck you up.

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not the makers of soap or deodorant, that's for sure