GWG Military edition

I am fucking celebrating today. One of my daughters, the one with an interest in uniforms and guns, was accepted today for a year of conscript service here in Norway. This opens the door to further military education. Only one in seven per birth year are allowed in and they only pick those who are in best shape and best motivated. I'm so proud of her, I could cry. I don't do that. Instead I'll be posting GWG Mil girl photos as an offering of thankfulness to Odin and Jow Forums. And before you ask. No, there'll be no photos of my daughter. I'm joyous, not stupid.

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Cool. How many does conscription each year in Norway?

We have just recently reactivated it in Sweden and we only take like 5000 a year now during start up

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There's 65-70.000 in each age group. Our regular military force is about 23.000 strong now including officers, hired specialists and foreign-mission hirelings (NATO, UN and for other purposes). Abouty 9-10 000 of these are conscripts serving one year. These are not sent out of the country during service. It's just a fragment of the army I service in in my time but people are now fighting to get in instead of fighting to get out so motivation is great. Equipment and training is up to date, which it certainly wasn't in my time.

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Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

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If you like your copypasta that old then perhaps you'll enjoy some of the newest Laurel&Hardy movies.

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>women in the military
>any year

Don't you have anyone else to give all those govt. handouts to?

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We are a small, wealthy neighbor to Russia. Gee. Why'd we want our young people ready to fight if the day comes?

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>wanting to kill White Nationalist Russians on behalf of global financial elites


You do realize how many global financial elites today are also White Nationalist Russians?

Isn't "bootlicker" a term favored by Antifa, though?

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Wish we had wooks this hot, all we had were trashy redneck bitches who were almost always fat or pregnant or ugly womanlet Latinas whose M16A4 were almost as tall as them

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Getting pregnant while in the Norwegian army is fairly rare among female conscript I think; there's no bonus to it whatsoever. People who fight to get in and can get out any day if they just write a request, don't need excuses to leave. For the women in a military career children is going to be an option eventually and the system goes to considerable length to keep them in the system with pregnancy uniforms and bonuses etc.

Keep in mind that women in Norway on an average get their first child aged 29. Average conscript age is 19.

As for body fat - it's not an option. With far more candidates than the system needs, only the best fit are even allowed in.

My daughter who was accepted today, has been doing fitness the whole last year to get in shape for this test, Averaging almost 3 hours per day of physical activity including boxing. She has worked hard for this. You should have SEEN some of the guys I served with back then. Some of the cooks could barely fit into the kitchen. Most of us would not have been accepted today, including me.

Stupid ass pasta, not funny.

Laugh everytime though.

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Good ones!

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Oh, and as for requesting to leave - it happens, and it was one of the things that worried the top brass back when they were considering to fully include women or not. The results have been somewhat surprising. The male:female ratio of accepted conscripts is about 50/50. The percentage completing their year, including those leaving for health or social reasons, is 85 for the men and 87 for the women.

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What role will she be fulfilling? Do conscripts learn to operate specialized equipment or do they all fall in basic light infantry?

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It is interesting how different things are in Norway as they are here. In the U.S, if you have a pulse you'll get in. It sounds like your daughter worked very hard for something she wanted, I'm sure she's proud of herself and I bet you are proud as a father as well.

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Our armed forces are comprised of Army, Airforce, Navy, and Home Guard. Conscripts are trained to do lots of technical jobs but there are a lot of career specialists; these have typically been conscripts first. My daughter is entering the Airforce and is hoping for a career there afterwards. At this point she has not had the hope and chance of becoming a pilot ruled out, but the requirements for that are very high. Considering the dramatic changes in lifestyle she has made just to get conscripted, there is a chance.

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You are right on all accounts. USA has been fascinating to watch as well; I was particularly interested when they started sending the National Guard to Iraq. Not the first time they were employed internationally but it must have been a surprise to the Guardsmen.

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Russians are niggers that happen to be white for some odd reason and entire country is owned by jewish oligarchs. All they have are H-I-V, S-P-A-C-E and T-I-G-E-R-S.

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Stop falling for CNN fake news, user.

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Did you mean "wanting to kill normal russian people forced to fight wars for the corrupted, thieving russian elite"?

Normal russians love the west, it's the thieving little rats at the top that deserve to get killed.

And like before, it's actually *russians* who are going to get rid of the scum so Russia can finally heal.

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It's a well-established fact that Russia supports right-wing nationalist parties across Europe. They also place great emphasis on promoting Christianity and fighting degeneracy.

>This opens the door to further military education
>State administered """education"""

>Russia supports right-wing nationalist parties across Europe

Yes, to divide nations by feeding fake news to stupid individuals.

The "traditional values" trick is actually for russian people - a curious way to try to divide normal russians and normal western people into "them" and "us" by corrupt, lying, thieving russian government.


All the propaganda in the world can't change that and russians see it every day.

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Since you guys mention Russia. Here in Norway I have never heard anyone say, even in the last decade of the USSR, that they hate or fear Russia. It's never been a thing. We have also in my lifetime feared that Russia was going to attack us in particular. Sure they spy on us and we spy on them, and their and our surveillance planes play Twister on a daily basis at the border, but there's no hostility or sense of being fundamentally different besides our political goals. If we are attacked it'll be an attack on the entire NATO.

Heh. The Russians have invaded us once. In 1944, to wipe the German occupants off the map. It was of major help. And when the war ended, they promtly marched out again. It was the only country they left just like that when peace commenced.

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So you're basically saying conscription is useless because there's no immediate external threat to be found and the poor sods who get conscripted are put up with being indentured serfs just because?

The absolute state of yurocucks.

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They sure love to test their electronic warfare equipment on you guys.

You're part of "west" and that's it for you. That's what you're going to get, whether or not things turn hot.

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Well, there's no immediate military threat to USA this week either so you may just as well dismantle your armed forces and burn your equipment? Don't let me stop you.

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With all the vatniks in this thread, it's also possible that the "norwegian" not.

Sure. Of course we'll get attacked if they ever want to fight all 30 NATO countries at once. So will you. And?

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Charming. If there are vatniks out there who love Norway I don't see the problem.

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Not saying that the military as a whole is useless, it's just the practice of conscription that's a waste of time and effort. Military budgets are stretched tightly enough as it is, I would much rather limited funds be spent on a dedicated, professional volunteer force than diluting it to be glorified daycare for an indifferent mob of uncommitted feckless youth.
Conscripts only make sense if you expect to actually imminently use them. If you're just pulling someone in for a year of peacetime training then you're actually going to only get a few months of training because they're soon lazily clockwatching for their release date. If you try to call them up years later, their fitness will be lost and they'll have forgotten most of what you taught them anyway.
We don't have Napoleonic field battles anymore. Conscription is obsolete.

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They also support extremist left wing groups. This is to divide europe, and has been going on since the 50's. They basically support anyone who is against a united europe and Nato, because they know thats the only way they can be relevant again.

What are these OD clothes? Is there any way to buy them online?

You havent been a conscript have you?

Conscription lowers costs drastically (you basically get a free workforce to do all your logistics/maintanence/transportation) and gives a good base to select people for a professional army.

Finlands Army is conscript based, has a wartime strength of 290 000 and costs around 25 billion euros a year. Swedens is professional, has a wartime strength of around 40 000 and costs twice as much a year (50 billion euros). Guess wich one would win a war?

It's the m75 field uniform. Most have green pants and a camo pattern on the jacket. Older versions of the jacket exists in the same color as the pants. The older version is rare.

The jackets you see in those photos that seem solid color are just really old and used jackets.

>their fitness will be lost and they'll have forgotten most of what you taught them anyway.

Refresher exercizes is a thing, and I have met a shitload of conscripts who hasnt seen a gun in ten years, and still remebered almost everything we tried to learn them. Within a few days they were just as good as the current conscripts.

Well, you have thought it through. I disagree but I'll explain my position. I am in a very small country, 5 million people, and right next door is a warlike country of 143 million (not counting satellite republic -stans.) with a standing force almost as big as our entire population. We have been having a polite standoff of sorts since roughly the 18th century. Although we are wealtiher as a nation than we've ever been before, there are limits to how big an army we can field at any time.

The system in Norway since 1945 has been an army consisting of an career officer cadre, and conscripts. Conscripts serve their one year, then are on call for duty when needed - typically NATO exercises. I was at three big ones. Many would be moved to the National Guard, who at times have been almost ten times as large as the regular forces. 180.000 Guardsmen is a big number in a country of 5 million. There are fewer no.

The result? A vast percentage of our population is trained to fight if need be. Most will not be capable of sustaining a Verdun battle but that does mot matter as our strategy is to hide between the trees and shoot the invaders in the ass, then bolt off and repeat until our NATO friends arrive.

Today we have our career officers, some career specialist, a number of mission volunteers, and a bunch of conscripts. Our military is overwhelmingly suppprted in the population and by all political parties. People are kicking and screaming to get IN, not out. We are proud when our best are sent to Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. I think this system works. That our soldiers will likely never have to fight to defend our homeland is the biggest bonus we could possibly get.

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Best I can offer; there are other Norwegian milsurp shops but they don't sell out of the country. They speak English just fine if you send them an email.

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>We don't have Napoleonic field battles anymore. Conscription is obsolete.

"I don't know what I'm talking about" the post.

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Amen brother. That's why I aborted my wife's first two pregnancies. The one last year we didnt until 8 months so it was a little risky but successful.

Shes now preggo with a boy. Finally .

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Someone should give her chocolate :(

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A couple of oldtimers next. When WW2 started there were no female Norwegians in uniform. That changed. Some few volunteered with the Deutsche Rote Kreuz or got nurse positions in the SS. Many took on extremely dangerous tasks within the Resistance units. Some of those who escaped and went to England or Canada got admin positions or, more rarely, guard duties.

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