Operation Poo-Storm #16, Pray for Nuclear War Edition

The weapons of the Indian-Pakistani war discussion thread.

The Indians bombed multiple targets in Pakistan.


Widespread artillery fire and skirmishes along the India-Pakistan border.


Pakistan launches airstrikes against targets in Indian territory and shoots down a Mig-21.


Heavy artillery fire in Kashmir and troop movements around Sialkot.


Captured Indian pilot released.


To catch you up:

On February 14th terrorists associated with Pakistani groups car bombed a convoy of Indian soldiers.


Both sides have been talking shit:




Now both sides are preparing for a fight:



Random analysis.




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Other urls found in this thread:


Rolling for reescalation


dubs for crispy poppadum and fried curry rolling

Now this is my kind of parade
Look at all those dogs
A beautiful sight to behold

kek wills it

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If dubs global thermonuclear war this month.

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Rolling for trips of nuclear fallout over China starting Turd War III properly.

Hypotetically, what would the consequences of both countries unloading their nuclear arsenals on each other be, ecologically, for the rest of the world?

>pakistan will hand over captured pilot despite incoming attack by india

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1.1 billion less people emitting coal and other fossil fuels from outdated and inefficient engines.

Does anyone know how much PM Khan supports non-state fighters in Kashmir? Is he trying to reduce their numbers or does he only "mow the grass" when he is expected to by allies?

Small but potent radiation cloud fucking up asia and possibly crossing the ocean to the us. All poos dead

Largest refugee crisis in history making the North African one look like a joke.

Basically read the camp of the saints. Unless our leaders have courage they will accept them and our societies will be destroyed within 5 years


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As much as I want to see war, we all know nothing is going to happen.

If quads China has a boxer rebellion

Nothing will ever happen.

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China would collapse as well, due to the fact that they would win the award for "third most irradiated." after a few weeks. Tons of their people would die in a matter of months from radiation sickness. And knowing china, they'd probably make matters even worse by hoping to use some dystopian, Commie doctrine to quarantine the most affected areas AND they's be removing Poo and Paki in record numbers as potentially armed "refugees" poured into China.

Who would also be keeling over left and right from radiation sickness anyway.

shut up swedecuck

racial sanitation

How many refugees flood Australia?

Make me. There's never any happening.

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None. RAN will take care of them.

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I see everyone saying this but nobody is providing any proof.

Paki here. I can't speak about the ecologica; effects, but I suspect most analyses out there are underestimating the damage.

First stage might well involve TNW exchange, this is the defensive doctrine Pakistan has built with tactical BMs.

Beyond that...

At a minimum, tens of millions dead immediately. Followed by tens more due to the destruction of state infrastructure and radiation, fallout would spread elsewhere, not sure how far or where. Destruction of wheat and other crops represent a major portion of the world's food source, supply chains disrupted too, expect hundreds of millions of deaths in the subcontinent and outside. Giant amount of refugees too.

>Pakistan ceases to exist.
>India would exist but in a pathetic capacity, survivers might wish they had died.

Indian and Pakistani nukes are far more advanced now than the last tests in 1998, where both tested devices with yields between 15 and 40 kt.

Sufficient time has passed for them to vastly improve Uranium and Plutonium production (fissile material). And sufficient time has passed for us to build thermonuclear warheads, as all other nuclear powers managed in shorter time decades ago. Pakistan for a while was using tritium for a half-measure between the older nukes and thermonuclear capability, that's probably present even on the Pakistani side too now.

Both have ample delivery systems for nukes. Indian SAM systems, both current and future, that includes Akash, S-400, PAD and AAD, all will not be sufficient in stopping any meaningful number of incoming Pakistani warheads. Pakistan has no ABM capacity.

Basically, Indian and Pakistani warheads aren't limited by yield anymore, there as big as they need to be before losing efficiciency in yield increases.

Also a word on why most estimates show that we in Pakistan have more warheads than India does. It seems counter-intuitive at first, but it's basically because we have more targets in India, and they have fewer to target here.

They would have to get past Thailand and Indonesia first.
Thailand is already killing Muslims fyom Bangladesh.

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>doesnt provide any proof

Paki here again, as I said above, not an expert on this but isn't it the case that western China isn't very populated, and fallout from the subcontinent might be stopped due to the Himalayas and Karakoram?

Dont worry, no way they will be a nuclear war.

Winter is Coming.

Pakistan won the airspace but they will not push into India so India will win the Propaganda War.
Both states don't want to upset their gravy trains.
No borders will change, so its just children playing at war.

I would like it too from pure voyeuristic perspectiv. It wont happen and lets be glad for the lives saved even if it is just Poos.

Das it mane

I was playing around with that nuke simulator site and easily got India and Pakistan up above 10 million dead each with less than 15 detonations of 40 or 60 kt yields just by busting the major cities.

Then I suppose you can massively increase that number. Both yields should be higher and the number of warheads much greater.

I suppose we're looking at possibly a number in the hundreds of millions.


So which twitter accounts should we be directing tweets at so we can get the real party started?
Both sides seem like the type that with the right pushing would have to stop pounding their chest and do something.

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in my recollection india and Pakistan have each a max yield of 45 and 60 kilotons

So it's not quite over yet.
Widespread and ongoing reports of civilian deaths in shelling across the LOC.

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Any links to something reputable?

Nope, that's only on paper and close to what both were capable of 20 years ago. Yield is not limited by size anymore, only what's sensible to have in one warhead.

The Indians, and likely the Pakis as well, have shut off internet access to the regions and given that the media is completely unreliable it's hard to tell what is happening. I suspect there is some lazy shelling going back and forth but not much more.

Too early.
International outlets don't seem to have anyone on the ground unfortunately, which means their reports are delayed by 24 hours.

top kek

I always liked how modest pajeets are.

It’s not happening, is it boys?

It's funny to see my work experience with people from the Subcontinent lines up with their geopolitical posturing almost perfectly. The institutionalized dishonesty is a one to one match.

We're basically waiting on the Indian response so they can "have the last word" before peace negotiations start. If they fuck that up massively and there are loads of civilian casualties this could go on for weeks if not months, exponentially increasing the likelihood that we get a happening. I think it's a coin toss right now, personally.

of course not.
>Be careful above all things not to let go of the atomic weapon until you are sure and more than sure that other means of preserving peace are in your hands
-Winston Churchill.

I have the same question


There's no more happening. The airstrike that started this thing itself was just a political gesture to show the Indian government did something about a terrorist bombing.

All that's left is to posture and everyone goes home again.

Running a war takes a major commitment something these shitholes probably can't muster.

I spent a summer in Rajasthan and met a lot of great poos that I can vouch for. I hope they'll be okay.

Plenty of happening, go to pol threads.
Heavy shelling near the border, civvys and soldiers dead on both sides
Heavy shilling on a boards
Taliban making moves in afghan
Balochi sepratists hit a paki paramilitary camp

Who's laughing now?


Apparently the Indians are getting aggressive with the cross-LOC shelling.
Significant civilian casualties.

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What the fuck are the Indians doing??? So many fucking holes in the story

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Who is this autistic retarded faggot? You fags keep screenshotting him but I don't think a single fucking thing he has said has been backed up by any sort of facts

And where did the mig wreckage come from?

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An indian mig21 was shot down and the pilot was captured.

Anything further is just lies or speculation. We don't know what shot it down we don't know for sure if any additional aircraft were downed on either side.

Yes I know. So why do people keep posting that fags tweets?

I'm looking at twitter and despite the release of the pilot, Indians are calling for war, bloodshed and even "vengeance" (for what???). This is unbelievable.

I'll be very honest here, a week ago I was pretty neutral on India. I had heard some less than flattering stories about Indian IT guys from a relative who has worked with them and knew about the various memes which don't exactly portray India in a positive light but I didn't have any negative feelings or anything.

Not anymore, what I've seen over the last few days (both on Jow Forums and twitter) was quite a redpill. Indians are utter scum.

Indian claims are largely unfounded and some bordering on retarded, but this claim is also pure speculation that also goes against actual photographic evidence.

Wow. You sure convinced me. Death to India!

I'm not trying to convince you nor anyone else, Pajeet, besides I'm pretty sure most Western observers feel the same already.

>Death to India!
Fine with me.

Mate, death to all of these fucks please someone NUKE SOMEONE

>all the goofs in this thread who think it's over just because the pakis handed over the pilot

There is still huge amounts of shelling going on right now.

Did Pakistan just shoot down Su-30 just now? Pakistan defense source just said.

Fresh air combat?

I dont think so. Trying to get more information from some credible sources.


wtf source???

we need some naval clashes

>various sources saying still major exchange of fire along LoC despite return of pilot
>"A consensus has developed within Pakistani circles in last 24 hours that even if Pakistan releases Indian pilot, some kind of Indian military action is still expected. "

Sauce: twitter.com/Natsecjeff/status/1101507604357005312

>"As clashes at LoC continue, a feeling of remorse is setting in within Pakistani circles. >Many people (in media, military, intelligence, diplomatic and political circles) are feeling that Pakistan has given too much of a concession to India in return for nothing by releasing pilot"
>"Pakistan's FM appears on media and defended the decision to unconditionally release the Indian pilot. On a question that whether India will reciprocate by moving towards peace, he could not say that with complete surety and instead spinned his answer."

Sauce: twitter.com/Natsecjeff/status/1101533644311674881

>India today releases a poll that 41% of the population wants more attacks, and only 14% believe no airstrikes to be a right response.
>Similar OSINT reports about Pakistan population fuming, as well as murmuring that Pakistan might not be so willing to give away the pilot as originally thought. Rumors suggest a no attacks for X amount of months might be in the equation.
>The escalation isn't over with yet, like what was posted earlier military posture is still the same. CAPs missions, no recall of mobilization, etc. The situation could still deteriorate as everyone thought it was ending while SA slept.

Source: indiatoday.in/india/story/iaf-strikes-political-gold-for-narendra-modi-pse-poll-1467474-2019-02-28

It's not calming down at all. We're all gonna die anyway. If it wasn't for climatic change it'll be for nuclear hellfire or just radiation cancer.

It's not fresh aircombat. Remeber when that video surfaced of that plane going down and people saw two pilots and two ejections? Apparently, that was a Su-30.

It's not official sources. We'll find out in a few hours.

Bateman guide my dubs

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>Remeber when that video surfaced of that plane going down and people saw two pilots and two ejections? Apparently, that was a Su-30.

yes, it was funny how Pakistan said they had only 1 pilot after saying they had 2. It's possible they kept the 2nd one completely hidden.



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Nah, that was a different one. If they kept the second one hidden India would of called them out on that shit. No photo evidence has been provided about the two pilots that ejected. Maybe they fell on India's side and India doesn't want to reveal that they did, in fact, lose a Su-30. Could be possible since most of their claims already have been shit.

>Remeber when that video surfaced of that plane going down and people saw two pilots and two ejections?
People keep claiming this, but so far none has actually posted LINKS TO THE FUCKING VIDEO

This is hilarious

Is anyone sperging out at the fact that MSM is late as fuck to this shitshow? Like BBC reported the terror attack 2 weeks ago but nobody was focusing on it and now that it's calmed down the MSM is fearmongering. I fucking hate it. It reminds me of when all the normies would catch up on something I've been autistic about for a while, and they have no idea how deep it goes.

This whole thing has been just about what you’d expect if you gave a bunch of apes nuclear weapons and Twitter.

It's been posted, in one of the previous Operation Poo-Storm. I broke it down. During the first 0-30 seconds you can hear two distinctive sounds which sound like ejections, then at around 0:43 you hear one guy say, "There's one pilot right?" and then in 0:46 two other guys say "No, there's two". I'll try find it for you now.


HOLY FUCKING SHIT. That is LITERALLY the video of the MIG getting shot that was put on Pakistani media within minutes after the news broke. Imagine using Pakistan's videos to peddle your propaganda just like they showed MIG parts as 'fallen F-16' parts baka.

This is the video, sorry I got my timings incorrect, the youtube video you hear around the 0:50 second mark them talking about the pilots.

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What do you guys think is the most annoying part of the coverage of this conflict?

Shitty twitter fags.

The confusion because neither side has any reliable media outlets.

those fools. now the indian and pakis will be bottled up from lack of strage porn searches and begging fat 9th grade girls for bob and vegita pics.

they are asking for war by shutting off the internet. there will be cattle raped from this sahib!

Indian media

this is the most reliable twitter guy i've found until now: twitter.com/khalid_pk

every single one of his claims ended up being true

All the outright lies