First they lose a carrier

>First they lose a carrier
>Now they're losing 2 amphibious warfare ships
This is how it starts. The US navy is unraveling in the face of China's meteoric ascension. The era of western imperialism is over.

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>losing amphibious warfare ships
As a marine it pains me to say this but Amphibious warfare hasn’t been relevant in ages. The military has made the switch to airborne troops now
>t. Waiting for ParaMarines to come back

yes china will control half the world and the us will control the other


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>China's meteoric ascension
I really don't care if the insectoids get exclusive fishery rights 7000 miles away from my shores. Beyond that, they have zero ability to project their paper-tiger force, and babysitting Chinese-owned mining operations in the Heart of Darkness doesn't count

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I'd be willing to bet that what China considers "fat" and what the USA considers "fat" are two very different things. China simply has higher standards.

>8% have overly large testicular veins

what on earth does this mean and what does it have to do with fitness

These ships haven't been "cut", only their acquisition has been delayed in the 2020 budget.
>“This is going to be a strategy-driven budget, and here’s where you see the strategy coming though,” he said. The imperative to increase “lethality” — hammered home by then-Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and picked up by acting SecDef Patrick Shanahan — in many ways supports moving some LPD money into more deadly surface combatants that can both defend themselves and strike distant enemies.
Now, this is interesting, could it be possible that the Large Surface Combatant is being accelerated?

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That's actually adorable.

The US Navy is undergoing major restructuring to fit a new model that shifts focus on LHDs carrying F-35's, no shit a paradigm shift like that will shake things up.

Even if a shooting war with china started the 1 billion mouths they have to feed would starve and with troops elsewhere the uygers in the west would rebel. I dont think we have much to worry about outside of their nukes, growing navy, and now developing hypersonic capabilities.

The US Military should only consist of the US Navy, which should only have 3 carrier strike force groups. 1 for each cost and 1 in reserves. We got nuclear capable submarines. Do you really think China would fuck with the United States? Really?

We pay way too much for defense. We could be happy with less than a 10th of the current budget.

>Large Surface Combatant
Don't you mean Large Surface Target?

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They probably couldn't afford toilets and urinals for those ships. Gender fluid/neutral toilets are fucking expensive. All those navy trannies can't serve without them.

>A varicocele (VAR-ih-koe-seel) is an enlargement of the veins within the loose bag of skin that holds your testicles (scrotum). A varicocele is similar to a varicose vein you might see in your leg. Varicoceles are a common cause of low sperm production and decreased sperm quality, which can cause infertility

>Higher quality standards
I know you're a shill and all, but have you ever seen the PLA's equipment????

Literal bullshit

It's a condition called a varicocele, which means the blood vessels circulating around your testicles are over-dilated. The additional blood circulation raises intra-scrotal temperature. Quick bio lesson: your scrotum hangs outside your pelvis because the temperatures where spermatogenesis is most effective are slightly lower than your core temperature (your core temp is ~36-37C, spermatogenesis is most effective around 33-34C). Your testicles also produce testosterone. I'm estimating here, but I think the medical concern here is that higher intra-scrotal temperatures result in lower testosterone production, so these guys with varicoceles would also have low levels of testosterone, needed for muscle building.

The era of waito piggu is over.

The age of the Chinese has come.

Hey look, a retard. Wanna know what costs over 3x as much as defense, even at the retardedly inflated budget we have now? Social security and welfare. 51% percent of all Federal spending was on those two programs, meanwhile defense was a measly 15% in 2018.

And the defense budget is at least discretionary, welfare and SS is mandated by law.

Before ree'ing about our military spending that secures an American hegemony over everything that matters how about you try and get congress to stop blowing all our money on niggers and boomers?

Post body and guns with timestamp

>lose a carrier

but thats wrong

Rubbish. Air transportable assets like the Stryker and soon to be Mobile Protected Firepower have become important, but if you think this means an 'airborne troops' focus you'd be wrong.

I mean, you should already know you are getting brand new and better 8x8 amphibious vehicles which WILL be utilized in-land for more than AAVs would go in an assault.

Fuck is that what the Marines are saying? Over in Airborne land all we talk about is how irrelevant we are and amphibious assaults are the only useful insertions.

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Oh look, a Large Underwater Target for USN nuke boats

If you'd ever been delayed from a flight youd actually want to murder her.

excuse me?

>China simply has higher standards.
they only steal from the best

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Or incredibly stupid

It fucking trump. That fucktard is ruining our strong military. In b4 liberal.