This is literally the best gun ever made
This is literally the best gun ever made
Says some slavaboo who has never been in the same room as one, let alone used one.
It makes my penis weenus hard I'll grant you that
>outranged by an AK74 or M16
It looks like someone took a kids stick figure gun and turned it into an functional gun.
[spoiler]Still cool af[/spoiler]
literally AS Val - the off-brand budget edition
Agreed. Too bad they're unobtainium guns.
>gun isn't capable of firing farther than every other gun ever made so it bad
Considering infantry combat commonly happens as far as 400 yards at the farthest, yes, the AS VAL, with its 9x39mm cartridge, would be outranged by any common assault rifle, even 7.62x39mm, or outright old 7.92x33mm.
5.45x39mm and 5.56x45mm can easily be used to engage a user of 9x39mm from well over twice its maximum effective range if need be.
It's a beast in CQB, and good for suppressing, but it's worthless as a universal infantry rifle.
I'm not even comparing it to a battle rifle here.
>worthless as a universal infantry rifle
That's why it's a specialized rifle
You have good taste but the thumbhole/SVD style stock version is better.
>not knowing how to close the distance
range is for soiboys
Welcum to metro
>durr guys dis video game gun r much moar better thin any other 1 because I said so!
OP you’ve never even held or shot one, how can you speak on it?
>not understanding that to close the distance you have to have a symmetrical (or near enough to it) force application capacity
This, retards can't even separate the good slavshit from the bargain bin slavshit
I want to FUCK that gun!
>it's another Jow Forums circlejerks about a gun they've never even been in a thousand-mile radius from
How about you buy real guns and learn to use them you fucksticks
Fuck you