During World War II, it was common for soldiers to keep family photos under clear grips on their 1911 pistols...

During World War II, it was common for soldiers to keep family photos under clear grips on their 1911 pistols. They were called “Sweetheart Grips.”

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This post is from reddit. I know this since I'm a faggot like OP.

Oh look, the fifteen year old kid thinks it'd be hilarious to trick some thirteen year old kids into believing some bullshit.

except its true?

>Millions of gis jerked off holding a 1911 in their hand looking at those sweet sweet grips
No wonder they became so popular aftwr the war.

Most soldiers didn't have pistols.

you two HAVE TO GO BACK to that faggot commie antifa shithole. just fucking leave! never come back on Jow Forums again!
anyway, just fuck off and choke on that BBC semen that you gulp.

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But then how did the 1911 win WW2?

Through sheer force of will alone.

its didnt

correction sir but this is 4channel. I believe YOU need to leave

How many people where in ww1 for the very late participation of the USA who were issued 1911s and did this? Because it seems utterly implausible to me.

During the 19th century, pitbulls were extremely popular with families with young children due to them being fiercely protective of infants. In fact, they were nicknamed nanny dogs :)

O fuck off

Really, because when I type www.Jow Forums.org/k/ into my adress bar it brings me right here. Seems like YOU'RE the one who needs to go back to their tranny discord.

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>He didn't get there memo

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Is this the spastic tranny again?

>The year of our lord two thousand and Bladerunner
>sweetie posting

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yeah? and I bet you're so retarded you call this barqs instead of bangs

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There was a thread up on resetera about trying to force a cultural split between nsfw and sfw boards. I just assumed the discord trannies were in on it as well.

Fucking casual

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post your sweethearts

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not mine but my favorite I've seen here

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What's the best way to do this?

What? Are you retarded?

Literally just get clear grips and slip an appropriately shaped piece of paper under it. Then you can have custom grips that look like anything you can fit into a grip shaped space using any image editor you care to use.

Little late to the party, aren't they? That split has existed for over a decade already. Did they not catch the saying about pissing into an ocean of piss?

some steam faggot stole my grip design.

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>dumb millennial who didn’t learn cursive in school

>that fucking logo

I want off this ride

>dumb boomer who doesnt know memes

Oh, so you're a redditard who has a "home board" are you?

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How old are you buddie?


Is it just me or does he look like zoomer wojak? The resemblance is striking

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>t. Retard

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this bait is tremendous

unironically this is a sick 1911 config

The flavor of aged thyme really sets this brand apart

It's almost as if the wojak was modelled after actual zoomer! :DDD
[spoiler]You're an idiot[/spoiler]

welcome to Jow Forums now git out

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Whats the best photo editor tho? Will I get the same quality picture if I use gimp over photoshop?

Where do I get these for a BHP?

Where is the one of Ryoko from Tenchi on a Steyr-Hahn?

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Don't be mean :

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every time

Fuck pitbulls

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That fucking logo. Holy shit l*dditors are cucks that slurp up jamals splooge.

Wow this is a dumb question