Imagine you're Imran Khan

The Steppe blood is coursing through your veins crackling with the power of Islam.
You know that Modi won't back down in this war even though you've returned his pilot.
What do you now?

Attached: imran khan at the table.jpg (700x400, 46K)

Other urls found in this thread:

M-Mark Wahlberg? Is that you?

Why does he dress like han solo?

All cricket players know how to wield the force

>Imagine you're Imran Khan
Give the launch order then kill myself.

He will go down as one of the greatest eliminator of global pollution a true champion of the cause,.

If you knew him, you'd know he'd never actually launch a nuke.

>I want every warhead, every isotope, every goddamned scrap of metal we have strapped to a rocket and I want them now
>are we going to target new dehli sir?
>No, I have a different target in mind

>BREAKING NEWS; at 0300 local time, the population of Ho Chi Minh city was decimated in an apparent first strike from Pakistan. Casualty figures are unknown but believed to be in the hundreds of thousands. Updates as they beecome available.

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That would start world war 3 without a doubt. Wouldn't even be contained to South Asia.

Is that a white dude? What percentage of Pakistan's population is white?

He's a pakhtoon. They have the highest birthrates in Pakistan and make up 15% of the population

some Pakis are white/russian looking, some are Arab looking, some are Indian looking, and some are East Asian looking. it's a weird place.

Post a picture of all my F-16s and ask India what exactly they are talking about.

Channel the spirit of Zia Al Huq and dare the Indians to step even one inch over the LOK.
If they do, 130 out of the 150 nuclear warheads under my command hit the population centre's in India.
The last 20 nukes wipe Israel off the map.

Nuke a bunch of street shitters because my Islamic overlords have told me to to. Then when the retaliation comes I hide in Saudi Arabia.

If i was him for a day, Id escalate starting with slitting the pilots throat slowly, ISIS style, until a nuclear war broke out. Get millions of Muslims killed, and genuinely improve the world a lot.

Welcome to north india into Afghanistan user.

Butthurt Boomer detected


>be paki prime minister
>get US support through cooperation with dealing with afghanistan rumble
>get paramilitary Islamic terrorists groups to constantly provoke india with bombings
>poos bomb us
>start retaliating
>shoot down their russhit planes
>send american trained spec op death squads to cut down the poos with their pants down(in the middle of he street)
>all the while keep saying we just want peace
>but there will never be peace as long as a single man, woman, or child is still missing their toilets

fucking lmao
I fucking love wahlberg

cry to the US about how they just sold me such a shitty jet that it can get BTFO by a fucking MiG-21.

America hates Pakistan atm

The cream rises to the top, Mexico's Congress is entirely white looking.

Dumbass newcunt

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Lmao retarded poo, where's the proof an F-16 was shot down. Don't show us a spent AMRAAM shell either, that's just proof that one was fired at you.

imran khan is based as fuck

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You're not kidding.

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pakistan is basically the brazil of asia

they pretty much mog indians in every aspect which is why indians hate them

most pakistanis online don't give a shit about india but india froths at the mouth over pakistanis

about 15-20% of pak's population is what you think of when you think indian

the other 80% is pashtun, afghan, persian, etc since it got conquered a shit ton in ancient times

t. history major ("y not stem?!! im not retarded)

>Starting WWIII for the lulz

>Not nuking Israel and NYC, wiping out 80% of the Jews and taking one for the team

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The absokute STATE of nu-Jow Forums

I like his clothes looks really comfy. I think that grip would only really help relieve your shooting arm/shoulder tho and not help much.

Lay of the S oy, and read more books user. Your ignorance is showing.

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this. pretty much every asian ive ever met that actually managed to be somewhat attractive were all pakis

hello my fellow white gun enthusiasts!!
Dont you think it would be great wiping iran off the map? we need to talk about americas real enemies. the persians.
they want to see white people wiped out and flood europe with dark skinned welfare drains.

fucking persians. nuke tehran when?

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f/16 never got shot down

Iranians never hurt white people. They only fought Muslims. Why would you hurt them?

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What’s going on in Slovakia?

The inbreeding is off the fucking charts and so far the level of incompetence has been pretty equal so who knows what could happen

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India doesn't have inbreeding and yet they're even more incompetent despite being a big country with the potential to be a superpower

thinking american trained spec op death squads can cut down the poos is a total badass thing, BUT only in dream.
Indians are dead serious when it comes down to kashmeer. they have their most badass men in that region and that's the reason not only wants to wind up in kashmeer with them indians. haven't you seen not one talks about kashmeer at UN. only pakis.
Shooting amraam onto poo military installations what the fuck were they thinking. pakis are immature and trying to spiral us into kashmeer. I ain't fighting the poos in kashmir. it's afghanistan but fucked up 70 times over.

>poo soldiers
pick one


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They fixed it alot from 2014 onwards. Its only the remote rural regions which are not in the loop. It ws 80% over last pol checked.

>using your left hand to hold your wrist
is this an actual shooting tactic?


Anyone have the vocaroo?

I don't even care about the towels, but imran is a Chad, especially compared to modi
>modi was married in 1968
>left his wife because he couldn't handle hernever got married again
>didn't talk about his wife until 2014.
>imran had 3 wives, one was a white brit
>modi net worth: 320,000 usd
>imran networth: 13 million usd
>modi: 5'7''
>imran 6'2''
>Modi's family belonged to the Modh-Ghanchi-Teli (oil-presser) community, which is categorised as an Other Backward Class by the Indian government. As a child, Modi helped his father sell tea at the Vadnagar railway station and later ran a tea stall with his brother near a bus terminus. Modi completed his higher secondary education in Vadnagar in 1967, where a teacher described him as an average student
Actually just go through the articles. Imran is a Chad.

Don't push me kiddo

it was actually common during the 50s and 60s in pistol shooting competitions until they banned the hand on wrist grip too. just try it yourself. doesnt help much with recoil or target reacquisition but does help with steadying your hand

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notice how big his fucking hands are

Alliance with Iran, China, and Turkey to destroy India once and for all.

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Trips of truth

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>this man is in oxford university hall of fame

How does he do it?

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not even funny uk's been taken over by the zionists this is the isreali flag in the edl march

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