/msg/ - Milsurp General

Feels edition

>That feel when there's a surp you want for a decent price on JewBroker but there's also a gun show tomorrow.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>That feel when you have no money
You do not know the worst of feels. It's when you see something amazingly priced. But you cannot afford it.

I DO know that feel actually, despite appearances I do not have an unlimited amount of money.

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>that feel when your M1903 came in almost 2 weeks ago but your kitchen-table FFL has "the flu" so you still can't pick it up
Why did I let my C&R expire bros

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I hope that feel does not come often anymore. I work for Fast Food. I'm trying to get out, but being broke sucks. But hey! I bought a spanish Mauser for $50 the other day. It was some dudes sporter project. But he didn't do anything thank God. The wood is crap, but I''ll fix it up!

>That Mosin wood
I love it.

We all make mistakes user.

Yeah, I'm in a pretty good situation right now, which helps a lot, but work is really short on hours, which leaves me hanging a bit.

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mfw when I never got a C&R because of my horrid anxiety causing me to fear the Fed or something.
And I like visiting my Gunstore. It's the only Time I get out sadly.

I did not want to waste a space in the catalog, so I figured I would put it here since I hung out in here the most. I just wanted to say goodbye Fren's. Thank you for all of the information you have given me over the years. But its time I move onto another part of my life. I wish you all luck in surp hunting and I hope you all have wonderful lives. Thank you for being a friend.

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That's good, But hey, Light hours at least mean light work.
I'm moving in with my parents again a soon, and rent will no longer be a issue, so maybe that will help a lot.
Also, picked up this berreta 92s for $200. Did I do alright?

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Why do you leave? If you could explain?

I didn't renew it because it was too easy to spend money. At least by going through an FFL I had to face a guy who knew how much I was spending

See you tomorrow
But seriously good luck in your future endeavors!

That's a good price for a 92S

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Good, I like the fact that the importer didn't mark the slide. So the slide remains perfect. But I just bought it, I didn't really research it before buying. So it's good to know I did good.

That's a good price and it looks a heck of a lot less beat-to-shit than they usually are near that range

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Is 1200 smackaroos overpriced for a Springfield Krag that looks to be in good condition overall? Didn't really get to look in the barrel but everything's well oiled and clean as fuck. Action is smooth.

I've seen moderately busted ones for 700ish. 1200 seems like what I would expect for a very good one.

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That's a fairly reasonable price for a very good one

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Question for you reloaders. I had a problem with blown primers today, with a norma case being the worst. I am positive I'm not over loading, 150 grain bullet with 44 grains of 4064. I got absolutely no other signs of overpressure, the bolt was smooth as fuck and recoil was minimal. I've also never seen this with my gun on factory loads, a M1917, nor have I seen this with the .308s I loaded using the same primers. What the fuck is going on?

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Holy 1890 Cuirassier Carbine! gunbroker.com/item/800575963

That's not a blown primer.
Looks like a rifle with excessive headspace. Combined with light loads the primer will back out to the bolt face while the case stays put.

Do you know anything about Vetterli? There were two in the same store. One was of a darker wood and a bit more beat up than the other which was pretty light almost tan colored wood. The tan one says it's a model 1870/87 and made 1887 for $600.

I actually forgot I took a couple pictures of the Krag already, silly me.

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I have been disillusioned with firearms for some time now. I have all of these firearms I barely shoot, because of both time and money...also I have some medical issues. I never thought I would say this, but they kind of have just turned into pieces of wood and metal to me. Since I am feeling like that I think they should be in the hands of someone who will appreciate them more than me now. I think I will be ok with just a rifle for home defense and a pistol for concealed carry.

Thank you fren. Best of luck!

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Well it was nice talking with you in the Discord, best of luck wherever you go friend.


Daaaamn. I wonder how much it'll go for.

Not a thing.

Sad to hear, but if that's how you feel then you definitely shouldn't cling to them. How do you plan to sell them?

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Sad to hear that you lost interest in guns. Best of luck to you.

Seeing as how Ian of FW is the high bidder and he's got bottomless funds, as far as people are willing to bid him up.

Well fuck. I was hoping it would have to do with the fact that the brass it happened with was very well worn norma and USGI stuff. Should I call around to local shops to see if anyone can check headspace or just buy the gauges myself?
Also, the few rounds I did shoot that were actually once reloaded new brass didn't experience this. Could worn primer cups be the problem?

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Thank you fren, you were all pretty nice in the discord.

I have been thinking about it since the end of last spring, thanks for understanding fren. I have some close RL friends and family who are interested in some of them. Whatever they don't want I will probably sell at a gunshow with a sign on me with the prices for them.

Take care of yourself friend

Thanks fren, good luck to you as well!

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Undersized brass could also do it, loose cups don't help.
Measure the brass first then go for the field and nogo guages. They're fairly cheap and good insurance.

Will do. I'll probably buy a box of PPU, shoot it, check for the same thing, replicate the load, and see from there.
Please remind a retard, which is the worst to fail? Field or no go?

Thank you fren, you too!

If it can chamber a field guage it's time to see a n armourer.
Chambering a NOGO means it will still work but may have risk of brass failure, especially when relooding.

Good bye fren. Never forget us.

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I never will

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I can sympathize buddy.

>TFW I can't compete against Ian for the Curassier

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What’s the going rate for a Russian capture K98k these days? I’ve been out of the milsurp game for half a decade but I’m feeling the itch to pick up a K98k again and I’m not really wanting to pay the money for a proper German one.

If you had a choice between a mix and match Russian capture K98k or a Czech vz24, which would you choose?

Good luck man, you're always welcome back.

Last year there was a guy at a monthly show near me selling a couple for $500 in decent shape.

What would I choose? I'd choose the Russian capture, because I love captures, because to me two countries' histories is even better than one
But I'm not like other girls ;)

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Thank you, Jow Forumsap. You are a great person, even if you are a filthy Wolverine :)

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Thank you for your help. I'm actually going to just buy some never fired brass and load that to the same specs, and that'll tell me for sure whether or not it's the rifle or the brass, and I'm suspecting it's a brass issue, I did measure some brass and there appears to be no length issues.

How much for your BR

That is actually the one rifle I am planning on keeping fren. Sorry about that :( Thanks for asking though!

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Good choice. What's the rest of the family look like

>Daewoo will probably go to some family members
hey it's me your long lost brother

Fug I got mine for $600.
I got a Yugo capture for $375 last month.

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What is the best way to get the smoothest, most buttery bolt action for my K31? I'm not sure if I'm simply not pulling hard enough at first but it seems that when I first pull the bolt it has that millimeter or so where it feels like it hangs a bit tight and needs to be yanked.

How do you seat your primers when you reload? Blown out pockets can cause this but it would be fairly obvious that there is zero resistance when you seat the primer.

Are you dry firing or actually shooting? For some unfucking known reason my k31 is smooth as butter when actually shooting

I'm a fairly new reloader, this is only actually the second batch I've loaded, seating the primers was really easy though. I'm using a Lee 50th set. I ended up ordering a field gauge, so I'll know in a few days if the rifle is too far gone or not. If headspace isn't an issue I'll try some newer cases.

Been some time since I was actually able to get to a range but I believe it has a sort of catch with that millimeter movement before the bolt fully allows you to pull, then after firing I think it either stays about the same or maybe gets the tiniest bit tougher.

That's the camming of the bolt head and the cocking as well. I'm fairly certain the k31 cocks on open. Is your bolt matching? Make sure everything internal is reasonably well lubed. I know some people use lithium grease with their k31s.

100% matching. I'll probably take it apart and lube everything again I guess. How is the swiss automatenfett after all this time? I have a full can from a kit and wouldn't mind slathering a bit of it on.

I've heard it works wonders, I'd use if I had it.

The roll up kit I bought is just from ebay. Has everything together and it came with one empty, one full to the damn brim can. Been on a bit of a swiss kick so I also got a bayonet and am going to get the clamp-on mount for it as well.

Goodbye Owlanon. I wish you the best for your future and good luck to whatever passion you find next. Stay safe and godspeed, fren.

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>tfw somebody called my surp fugly in the last /msg/

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so I got a k43 and I am planning on putting a meopta zf4 scope but they don't make mounts. does waffenmeister zf4 scope mounts suffice? are there scopes any better? they are about 100 bucks cheaper.

we'll all miss you owl. stop in once in a while if you can, guns or not.

I'll miss your ass desu

>that feel when you buy a rare/popular surp at a gunshow, then walk through the show and turn down offers

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Got my SKS last year and one of the vendors asked me about it. Felt gud. The fun part is that since he's a vendor he COULD have gotten before I even got into the building.

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>got a chink mosin for 100

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hon hon hon

anyway does yours have a stacking rod?

Goodbye Friend and Thank you.

I can't really do that Friend. I'll think about you all and this too much. Goodbye Friend!

I'll miss you too Friend. But things will get better!
Alright Frens, this will be my last post. I did mean it when I said thank you for being a Friend. Goodbye, Love you all!

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So where do you get the magic tool to adjust a MAS 49/56 front band? Mine is loose and causing the handguard to wiggle.

I asked this in a qtddtot and no one answered. At Cabelas there is a rc p38 for $750 though I could talk them down cheaper. Should I get it? The blueing is a little shitty.

Bluing is always shitty on RC guns. For whatever reason the Russians stripped the bluing off and dipped them in the patented Mosin Refurbish Goo. I'd try to be ballsy and talk them down due to this, but that's just me.

Thanks I’ll try to. I’ve just always liked p38’s and I’m too broke for a mint one. I’ve already got a c96 and I figured it would fit well with the collection.

Honestly, I would really recommend to just wait and save up. When you're buying meme extreme guns (Garand, Luger, C96, P38, etc), your best bet is to go all in on a perfect specimen. Cue all the "MUH CMP GARAND IS FINE" people too by the way.
>buying a gun with aftermarket crap barrels or eroded/worn throats instead of mint condition 100% USGI parts
>buying a gun with some greasy stock that's dinged up
>buying a gun from the masters of no guarantees with "lol it might have pitting below the wood but we're not gonna tell you"

What does a large f on the butt of a k98 mean?

paint or stamped into the wood? got a pic you can share?
could be a unit designation, like "F" Troupe.


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Obviously the stock, not the butt. Woops

fuckwit, or fucking moron. it's to warn his fellow soldiers that he's a fucking moron and very well could accidentally kill them.

Haha, you're not just fucking with me are you? If not that's pretty hilarious.

yeah. since most americans aren't exactly good at saying german words (we can't even say Volkswagen correctly) the old fudd collectors just said it was for "friendly fire" once they learned what it meant.

That's some pretty cool background on this gun. Thanks for telling me man.

no prob. enjoy!

>finned rifles

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Goodbye owlposter, I will always remember you

>Finn'ed rifles

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>tfw no finned rifles

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>really Finn'ed rifles

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Found a WW2 M1 carbine in great shape for $1100. That a decent price?

That's honestly a bit high, unless it's all WW2 (no updated sights, old mag catch) or in extremely good condition. There's a $900 Underwood that looks damn good in my area that hasn't sold.

>tfw we had some people over for a little party last weekend
>a couple of my co workers actually wanted me to give them a tour of my reloading and gun room
>spent about an hour there with them checking shit out and asking various questions
>they were very surprised to find out my Sestroryetsk mosin was built in 1895

I’ve never had anyone actually show that much interest in my hobby, and I’ve been collecting for like 4 years. It felt good.

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Godspeed Owlanon, hopefully you'll be doing better in the future bud.

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Come back and post once and awhile bub, gonna miss talking with you in the VC.

Goodbye and good luck, user

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that resistance is normal its part of the locking mechanism. you wouldnt want the bolt to fly out of the receiver into your face at 60,000psi would you?

thats not a german thing to do. these guns were given or sold all over the world after teh war. lots of 8mm guns went to the middle east. ive seen lots of middle east guns with paint on the stocks like that, so chances are it was done by some dirty arabs but who knows. look around the gun for other clues

lol n1

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Helloooooo onset depression.

I was thinking it might be some capture marking or some shit like that, but I couldn't find anything at all about it. It was probably just some dude who painted an F on it.