Lets say, hypothetically...

lets say, hypothetically, someone has a chronic pain condition and want to somehow wants to end their life by rigging 2 shotguns to both go off at the same time.

how would one go about it?

Attached: 123.png (300x168, 27K)

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There was a guide on the best and least painful ways made years ago but I don’t have it.


If you're too chickenshit to cowboy the fuck up and take the pain, then fucking hang yourself, retard. The firearms community doesn't need another puppycunt fuckwad adding to statistics to disarm citizens and void the Second Amendment.

If your too stupid to figure this out you deserve to live
Two vices
Two pieces of string
Pull the string bangbang

>kill someone
>buy epic meal, saiga-12, and full auto parts kit with cash savings in their house
>try and fail to make stomach explode from overeating
>livestream yourself committing suicide by using a choke adapter to mount the barrel to a hannibal mask, and dropping a lead weight attached to a pull-tight knot around the trigger while the gun's set to full auto
>the cartoon mischief ensues
>2019 society is demoralized
>your suicide video picture stills are printed on zoomer backpacks at Target
>the only people who are shocked at 90 year old welfare check retired and thriving laborers
>Mrs. Weinford tells the kids to stop looking at bestgore 360 VR smell-o-vision, and activate their google brainstem
I'd kill myself too if I weren't still in denial about the future. Just give me diazepam so I work up the courage to slice my wrists and do GTA 5 flops around the ER. Only medtards would call me a nigger. Fuck you I can self-inject without causing air-embolisms.

Attached: mutiny2.png (2995x1543, 371K)

Hypothetically, they shouldn't do it.

By rigging shotguns to go off you fucking dipshit. Don't tell me you're one of the majority retards on this subreddit that I come here to feel smart with. You people are gun-nut cletus dumbfucks, and I hope all of you die. Death to the white race, and death to racists.

If you want to die painlessly then exit bag is the best way.
Get a helium tank and hook it up to a CPAP mask with a bit of hose. If you are real cheap, use a clear plastic bag instead of the mask.
It will slowly replace the air in your lungs and you will simply go to sleep without waking up. Quick, easy and painless. Plus no mess for anyone else to clear up and you dont become another number to be use by gun grabbers.

Attach two slamfire shotgun pipes together and tape the barrels on your head

Slam your head on the wall and die

Extra points if you do it in a public place

>Death to the white race, and death to racists.

kek, another unintentionally hypocritical mud person moron.

don't use a gun, just use the shells.

Attached: suicide helmet.jpg (680x786, 82K)

>somehow wants to end their life by rigging 2 shotguns to both go off at the same time
Next question

Attached: 1b8d7cc79cf84bfa2be2bff1b7c379ce.jpg (500x578, 37K)

You have to admire people who put such dedicated work in to ensure the intended outcome/result.

Attached: Women work on the assembly line at a submachine gun factory in Moscow, 1943.jpg (1280x820, 333K)

whos gonna clean that shit up?

Attached: 1522653259463.webm (300x534, 2.92M)

Well, I mean, for fuck's sake you might as well do the very last thing you'll ever do properly.

Why not guy to thailand or mexico and spend the money on drugs and hookers? If you still feel like doing it after, sure whatever, but at least go out with a party man

>not committing Seppuku

bro just get a can of helium and a cpap mask.

I still can't believe he's talking in complete sentences, let alone alive.
>inb4 only 9mm

Fun fact he survived.

lets say hypothetically you had raised your testosterone levels. you would not want to commit suicide anymore