Range stories

range stories

>get new fuddy five decide to take it to public range to break her in
>shoot my clips start reloading
>guy shows up with his girlfriend
>over hear him trying to teach her how to shoot with his 9mm glock
>she starts shooting pew pew
>shes not bad for supposedly first time hits everything on target
>he starts sperging about grip and stance
>I start shooting BAHM BAHM BAHM
>while changing clips I hear her "whats he shooting"
>"a dumb caliber he retorts"
>I glance over and she biting her lower lip
>she mirin my stoppan power
>he gets mad starts trying to stand in between her and me
>I am now timing my shots to when he speaks
>she wont stop looking over
>changing clipazines again
>she asks if we can practice with my gun
>he gets mad and drags her away

When will gunletts learn?

Attached: gun safety.webm (426x240, 2.1M)

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Baste and chadpilled

What was this idiot in the videos plan?

The gun had a laser sight which was activated by trigger pull. He was trying to use the laser on his hand to look at how bright it was or something

how sensitive is that sort of laser sight? sounds like a retarded idea

Shooting his hand, with no survivors!

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>laser sight activated by trigger pull
>can't aim until you've pulled the trigger
Him shooting his hand isn't even the dumbest part about this setup.

Why would someone pay for range time just to shoot his hand?

who pays for range time?

It wasn't activated by trigger pull, it was one of those shitty recoil rod lasers that hardly ever work. it's activated by replacing the takedown lever, he just had bad trigger discipline.

The guys in op

>Shooting at cardlock RO-less membership range
>Just me and gf with 22 for her and random pistols for me
>One other dude there
>Offer to let him shoot my 45lc wheelgun
>He squares up and aims downrange
>Notice he seems to be aiming a bit high
>Before I can say anything he shoots
>Must have hit part of the target carrier
>Piece of metal lightly hits my cheek


Daily reminder the only legit calibre is .50 AE

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He wants more witnesses to kill

Wtf caliber is that

>want to shoot muh nugget
>go to indoor range since it's the closest one
>get set up, fudds mirin the untouched beauty of it
>chad gets into lane next to me to strike up conversation about my "Mauser"
>correcting my stance before I shoot
>telling me to lean back so I don't put pressure on my arms
>notice he doesn't have earpro on
>literally shouting "WHAT" every time somebody says something to him

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>be at range with fiancee
>shooting my M70 and my nugget
>we're the only two people there, having a great time
>boomer fudd shows up with a girl my age, I assume his daughter
>automatically assumes the guns belong to the man I'm with
>tells me that the rifle I'm shooting (my Mosin) is really big and asks if I can handle it
>shrug it off, not worth bitching at him about
>asks about the Mosin after a bit
>I tell him what it is and what country it's from
>he gets all excited because he's never seen gun made in 1942 in Russia
>I can tell he wants to shoot it
>ask him if he wants to crack off 5 rounds and clear the magazine
>he seems giddy and says yes
>hand him the nugget
>he looks at me confused and asks if it's good to go
>tell him to work the bolt
>he clumsily chambers a round
>takes one shot
>obviously surprised by the recoil
>tries to take another shot
>"It's not semi-auto."
>"It's bolt-action; you've gotta work the bolt again."
>he works the bolt and takes another shot
>hands the gun back to me
>ask him why he won't shoot the last three rounds
>says it's got too much punch for his liking
>tfw I had shot probably 100 rounds through that thing in the one day

i got a .25 saturday night special fof free from my boss at a pawnshop. go to range to test fire it. point down range pul slide back release it. it proceeds to dump the whole mag without a single pull of the trigger i make sure its clear holster it and havent touched it since. and thats the story of why i now collect ring of fire funs.

Full Auto .25 nice

>be me
>brought my brother shooting, he wanted to try out my Enfield
>invited my dad because I'm moving out and wanna spend time with him
>rent a lane and get set up
>tatted manlet and his trailer trash gf are shooting two lanes down with an AK
>she's not too bad a shot
>but he can't hit paper
>only thing he hits is the target carrier
>eventually they leave
>I've now put 20 rounds through my Enfield
>we've been here about an hour but we were all silently watching the manlet have to take a step back to support himself with each shot from the AK
>couple minutes go by without incident
>teach brother how to shoot the Enfield
>squeeze off a hundred rounds or so of .357 from my dad's revolver
>while reloading I notice college chad and brah friends take the lane next to us
>we're at the far end and all the other lanes are empty but whatever
>chad takes out a shitload of guns, toting them around proudly
>he's not being an asshole about it so I don't sperg out
>realize one of the guys there looks way different
>just a short little asian guy, barely noticed him walk in
>overhear some stuff and figure out he's visiting from Japan and has never fired a gun before
>chad brought all these guns and bought all the ammo just so Japanfriend can be free for the night
>everyone fires off a few mags from their assortment of guns
>when one guy is finished, he walks back and teaches Japanfriend how to use it
>finally Japanfriend steps up to the lane and starts aiming
>this could be fine, or it could get ugly
>he fires
>the first two or three rounds scare him, but soon enough he empties the mag
>they pass him a fresh one
>he reloads and fucking mag dumps
>surprisingly tight groupings for a new shooter
>pretty close to center too
>everyone goes back to shooting
>nobody was hurt

College Chad, if you're reading this, good on you buddy. Also Japanfriend has better aim than you.

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i wouldn't say that. it's a "slamfire" a full auto would place it in a machine gun category. this doesnt require a single trigger pull as far as im concerned it's just a broken gun in a box.

lol, the feds don't see it that way. Just don't talk about it.

Fake and gay.

.45 Colt Grilhands

>go to range
>shoot my S&W 469
>shoot my MR-73
>shoot my Charter Arms Undercover
>pack up and wash hands
>check for grips and mags/accessories
>go home and jerk off to centipede hentai

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>be me
>be RSO at indoor range
>boomer comes in, ignores rules about handling guns behind firing line stalls.
>boomer unpacks a deagle brand deagle.
>asks if rapid fire is ok.
>say yes, if you can control it.
>boomer proceeds to rapid fire deagle, misses target at 7yds, nearly hits wall.
>next lane over not happy with 50AE sized hole in their target.
>tell boomer not to rapid fire, being unsafe.
>boomer proceeds to rapid fire, lose control of firearm, put two rounds in ceiling.
>escorted out with bill for damage.


>be me.
>still RSO
>father and son come in, unpack muh stoppin powah M&P 45.
>boomer "was police swat delta sniper"
>stoppage every 2-3 rds.
>mfw neither knows how to clear ANY malfunction.
>attempted to teach them to clear.
>mfw "we'd rather you do it"
>cleared 5 more malfunctions for shits and giggles before declaring gun unfit for range use.
Why do people insist on being dumb with guns Jow Forums?

A wise man icne said something along the lines of this. Think of the adverage American. You probably think that man is dumb. Now in order for him to be adverage half of the population has to be dumber than him.

>be me
>noguns because spaghettiland
>go to range today for the first time
Wish me luck Jow Forums, I might have to pay 100€ or more just to begin shooting

Have fun, you fucking pizzafag. Shoot something fun for us.

didn't happen.

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post dick

then you woke up in a puddle
still nogunz

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>Jow Forums at the range
>with that recoil
A .22

>be me
>14 I think
>going to a new range
>didnt have a case long enough for my mosin so just kept it freely in the truck when transporting
>before taking it out I notice signs saying any rifle out of a case within the parking lot must have a chamber flag
>tell the RO I dont have one thinking they probably sell them
>"sorry kid"
>"gotta follow the rules"
>still visibly confused
>...is there one my dad can maybe buy?
>"nah we dont sell much [anything] at all. Unfortunately if you dont got a flag you cant shoot it here"
>dad comes over, gets clued in
>asks if I can just walk it over real quick because it was maybe a 15ft stretch to the firing line from the truck
>cuts my dad off with a "Nope! Those are the rules"
>decide to shoot the other guns
>notice a single load only policy

If an indoor range lets you anywhere near the booths without earpro, they should be shut down

>happily blasting away with my M&P 40
>guy dressed in ratty sweatpants and a hoodie takes the booth next to me
>plops a handful of speedloaders and a handgun case on the bench
>out of the case comes a big fuckoff handcannon
>he loads, takes careful aim, and blasts a chunk off the target stand
>I stop shooting and watch as he blows the wooden frame apart
>he reloads and takes out my target stand
>gets a third stand before the RSO comes running over and yelling
>guy pulls a roll of bills out of his hoodie pocket and chucks it at the RSO before grabbing his shit and powerwalking to his car
>don't catch the model as it peels out but it was something expensive looking
>the roll of bills was the exact amount they would charge for three destroyed target stands
>I help bring out some new target stands
>RSO goes to get pictures from the security camera (guy is not welcome back) and I resume poking holes in paper

No they shouldn't you stupid cunt
You know who is responsible for your safety? You are. I'd you fail to protect your ears it's you who should be held liable not the range.
You've got some left think going on

did that with an airsoft gun once while I was still underage b&
don't know what I was thinking

>changing clips
This is bait

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>me and pops trying out new guns at range
>cant swap guns between stalls, have shooters move
>have my ammo and unloaded handguns pointing downrange, 22 rifle and sks leaning on stall thing facing up towards downrange
>rso comes over
>you gotta have them pointed downrange, put these two rifles on a tiny stand youre shooting in thats already cluttered with ammo and guns
>both rifles had trigger locks and were unloaded
Seemed stupid in my opinion but rules are rules I guess.

.44 Limpwrist Maximum

post dick and shoulder bruise from 100 rounds of nugget or im calling utter bullshit

That was George Carlin. And you really mangled it.

He said

>Imagine how dumb the average person is. Then realize that half of all people are even dumber than that.

As an extension, consider the following.

The average white IQ is around 100. Again, think about the intelligence of the average white person and how half are dumber.

The average Black American IQ is 75. And of course half are even dumber than that.

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It doesn't look like it'd be bigger than 44 magnum. This guy probably sucks dick for bus money then walks home.

I know it was and the more you think about it the more terrifying the statement becomes

I it’s literally not that bad I can sit through about 100 rounds of hot 30-06 pretty easy

I can too doesn't mean I'm not bruised.

Did you have fun?

I'm in Spain, so the only way I can shoot is by traveling half way across the country to shoot on a friends private land

Ill give you a hundred hot loads and bruising is optional




Average black IQ is actually about 85-90. That still means that the average white person is smarter than 80-90% of black people. However it varies by where in Africa they're from. Sub-Saharan are basically retarded. Ethiopians are alright. Nigerians are fairly smart, and those that aren't are at least highly motivated. I know one Nigerian guy who is absurdly proficient in very high level mathematics, has an M.D., and does cutting-edge neuroscience research. It kind of sucks for him actually because people will make assumptions about his intelligence since he's black, but that's life I guess. All you can ask is that people give you a chance to prove yourself as an individual.

How did you acquire an mr73? I'm seeing new starting at $3k+

I got mine off of internationalgunsales, it was on consignment from an old fudd. I paid $600 for mine. Save up and scout GunBroker and other websites.

I've got $25k sitting in my bank account from a bonus p[ayment last week so I've got that part covered. I'll monitor GB and the likes daily.

.464 cassul

I always feel like the test used to measure iq is more of a modern world thing where its assumed that the person was educated for 10-16 years. I mean what the fuck is a kalahari bushman going to know about geometry? Can anyone answer what the test is and is it modified based on who is taking it?

So it basically tests if You are fit for modern developed country, right?

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Are you sure you guys are doing it right, or did you not go outside when you were younger? My FN49 bruised me once, then I adjusted the gas properly and no more bruising. I wouldn't call it "fun" to shoot 200 rounds in a day, but I think I've only been bruised that once.

No, IQ tests are easily tailored and have no relation to education level. A bushman won't know about geometry, but an IQ test won't test that. It will test spatial awareness. Comparisons between savages and the civilised are valid. People who claim that it only tests "western standards" are just making leftist strawman arguments.