If two enlisted Marines (federal employees working for the Department of Defense) with identical TIS, TIG, Rifle score...

If two enlisted Marines (federal employees working for the Department of Defense) with identical TIS, TIG, Rifle score, Pros/Cons and both can perform exactly the same amount of reps and run times for the CFT and PFT, and they also hold the same billet in the same unit in the same MOS, but the female Marine is promoted and the male*** is not due to their PFT/CFT scores being calculated differently due to sex... how is this not a clear violation of federal Equal Opportunity laws across the military?

How can women who were previously denied occupations, billets and deployments based solely on the argument that they couldn't "because they were women" complain that their gender alone was the determining factor in them being unable to compete and be promoted along with their male counterparts- but now that there is no occupation off-limits, they're systemically promoted over men when performing identically?

>***Promotion in the Marine Corps is based upon accumulating 'points' which are added up from how long you've been in service, how long you've held your rank, how your immediate supervisors rate your ability to do your job, how well you can shoot a rifle and 2 tests which assess your level of physical fitness. Every job has a score that must be attained to get promoted which fluctuates quarterly.

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>due to their PFT/CFT scores being calculated differently due to sex

I mean it's common among all services. In the Navy the girls would need like 1/3rd the amount of push-ups and sit-ups for a passing score

It's the same amount of situps. Congrats, you just outed yourself as a know-nothing moron. Don't worry you have many compatriots.

How do I get to a place in the military where I can carry a comfy sidearm with a shoulder holster around, daily?

Not that user, but stop being a pedantic faggot. The standards for the run and the pushups are lower for women so his point still stands

Be a desk jockey officer who only "deploys" to give speeches.
You don't even need a magazine.

Men naturally have a physical advantage over women, can we all agree on that? This is why we separate men's and women's sports. And this is why their physical standards are different in the military.
It is expected that men will score higher on physical tests, because our bodies are designed in such a way that makes doing those exercises easier. Therefore, if a woman scores the exact same as a man, then it means either that man is performing subpar, or that woman is exceeding expectations.

When you think of it like that, it makes sense why the woman would be promoted first.

I want to be clear too, I'm just trying to form an objective argument. I personally think the majority of women in the military are useless.

To quote an arguably wise man "sounds good, doesn't work". Yes, a woman who performs equally to a man is above average. She deserves a high grade in PE for sure, and would expel at sports. The military doesn't care how well you perform in spite of yourself though. There should be an unwavering bar. If regular men and exceptional women are of equal capabilities, then they are equally regular soldiers. Ergo, and system in which standards are different is flawed from the get go, unless our armed forces admit to being massive welfare programs. Militaries don't, and never will grade on effort. That isn't the point. Females and Males, making the admittedly dangerous assumption the military has any kind of self respect, should see no differences in standards, promotion speed, and (I know this is off topic) hygiene rules whatsoever. No one would have any problem with women in the armed forces if they weren't different from men in nearly every capacity, all in their favor, all the way down to haircuts and all the way up to promotion speed and even ranger tab certifications. Keep things equal and no one cares. Actually equal, on results, not on feels.

if men find it tiring carrying their gear all day, imagine what a woman who passed with lower scores would feel

well put

the army is changing this next year

have fun deadlifting 340x3 and running a 13 minute two mile femoids

source please? 340x3 is pretty heavy for 90% of men

>Men naturally have a physical advantage over women, can we all agree on that?
Imagine woody "molester" allen vs :

Attached: williams.jpg (673x990, 89K)

Well of course black men are stronger than jewish women.

I agree with that 100%.
I'm sure the reason why I, and many people, feel that women are useless in the military is as a direct result of the different standards. Standards should represent the minimum capabilities that the military wants in a person, and historically has. Lowering the standards in an effort to recruit more women is a dangerous idea, and I don't agree with that, but that's a separate argument. I was just trying to make sense of OP's scenario given the current reality of our military. It doesn't necessarily mean I support it.

>calling it 1/3
>when it's the exact same number
>in an argument about how the services are all the same
Fuck off kid

Ammo tech

Butthurt boot upset you didn't make the score for CPL? Just stop being a shitbag and run a 285+ it's not fucking hard.

Just keep ignoring the other 2/3rd of the pt test with a laughable gap retard.

It is a dangerous idea, but more importantly it seems pretty clearly illegal.

The weird thing is fitness tests aren't really about combat readiness. They're more about separating the enlisted into classes for ease of promotion based on your position on the bell curve. (this is why a POG like OP is so confused even though neither him or his new wook corporal will ever see combat)