Is this gonna be a thing now?
You input coordinates, it goes to the destination, loiters, slams into humans out of nowhere. Battle-tested in Syria. In the future, they'll probably add facial recognition.

Shouldn't this be banned?

Attached: 1521490659314.jpg (924x928, 110K)

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switchblades have been a thing for years

>Is this gonna be a thing now?
It's already a thing.

>should x be banned

This is nothing new and has been done for years already with commercial frames like the Skywalker X8.
Also "drone" flight is already heavily regulated

Attached: brainlet6.png (207x243, 6K)

>instrument guided drone with explosive warhead
so a missle?

a very smart one that you can throw in the air with your hand and have it fly off, yes.

>He doesn't know that we have had personal deployed guided missles for years
What makes a fucking prop propelled drone any "smarter" than a let's say a fucking Javelin?

Maneuverability and ability to loiter for a very long time and pick its target carefully. Also, it can act independently and without an operator.

I thought Israelis have the harpy?

that's for SEAD IIRC. also, it's big. this is an anti-personnel drone.

I guess it makes some sense, but loiter handheld munitions seem to be a stop gap solution in the face of no air control etc.

Suicide drones already exist. Also called 'loitering munitions'
The US will employ them as standard on some new Strykers but especially the Bradley replacement, which will come with 6(?) launchable from the turret.

itll be great for insurgents

So a cruise missile with loiter capability?

>drone swarms
A million dollars worth of drones will end US air superiority. Check em.

I dont think you know what a cruise missile is

I don't think you know how low these things fly lol

>itll be great for insurgents
reports from Syria say they had insanely high kill rate. russians/syrians would just point them into the direction where Al Qaeda/ISIS is holed up and these things would kill them.

Love to see the vidya of that.

you're like that retard that watched the trailer for end war and thought the drone bullshit was legit?

You guys are just finding out about this?

So shotguns with birdshot will be adapted to a small AI AA droid?

10kw Solid State laser for anti drone use.

Probably because a javelin is fucking enormous and expensive as all hell. The outfit for controlling a drone is literally a college kid attire. Backpack with drone and laptop.

>I dont think you know what a cruise missile is
The point is that we already have a superior alternative to this ridiculous idea.

I mean great for insurgents to use

Yeah but it makes sense for the russians

Cruise missiles aren't designed to loiter in the same way as a kamikaze drone. A cruise missile that can loiter for an extended period of time is a suicide drone, the term "loitering munition" is although not as flashy, a far better descriptor of what they are

They're not insurgents, they're terrorists. And they did use drones... commercial ones. They're been mostly a failure since they had shit guidance systems and were basically just a nuisance.

This is where this shit is going, boys!

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I'm honestly shocked we haven't seen someone take some pipe bombs and a cellphone detonator, strap it to a quadcopter, and fly it over a crowd. seems like the perfect. you could even trace a route without cameras to a back alley somewhere, leave it in a box with some simple code to turn on on a specific date, then fly it to your target when the time is right.
maybe ISIS are big quadcopter fans and they don't want them to get banned in the west so they don't lose their hobby.

Attached: concern.jpg (480x270, 21K)

Flying benis :DDD

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nigga, im shocked we havent seen some retard try to fly one into the oval office. i hope to fuck they have some kind of defense for it.

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No user, don't think of it as competing with airpower, think of it as a mortar that never misses and is target selective with loitering capacity.

ISIS and others have been using grenade dropping quadcopters for a while now in the ME.

No shit, why the WH hasn't had a quadcopter incident yet is mind boggling.

Attached: brainletemplateuse.png (612x564, 482K)

now that is a frieghtening thought.

enter the next generation of singal jammers

guise... I found the webm.

Attached: 1545566413724.webm (426x240, 700K)

>can evade any counter measure, they can not be stopped
What if I wear a helmet?

So they're basically like the Sentry Drones from Duke Nukem 3D, more or less?

Attached: Sentry_Drone.png (212x156, 17K)

It already has been

Attached: download1.jpg (271x186, 4K)

>dedicated terrorism device that will never be used by a nation-state against another
appropriate that kalashnikov is making it

How's that different from a Cruise Missile or a guided rocket.

t. buttmad fascist

Man Portable Multi Purpose Guided Missile.

>sub 60 IQ niggers actually believe this

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>The point is that we already have a superior alternative to this ridiculous idea
Are you Russia? No? Russia is broke lol it can't afford anything except shit like this.

>Sees these going to knock off someone
>Laugh as angry seagulls annihilate them for trying to fly over the waterfront.
Do the people who make these videos not consider birds? Like at all? Birds don't fuck with planes 'cuse they're huge in comparison, but they'll gladly knock down drones if they're the bigger creatures.


>a thing now?

harpy from israel is doing this for god knows how much time

I'm guessing it's a fair bit more accurate than my FPV planes were at throwing fruits on target dummies.

>endurance 30 minutes
>3kg payload
That's not very impressive.
Though I guess the software may be

Smarter that you're not spending half a million dollars every time you want to blow up a third world family.

HAROP, HARPY, Mini-harpy, Green dragon, some other things

They kinda have a monopoly on that right now

Attached: IAI_Harop_PAS_2013_01.jpg (3400x2258, 2.41M)

Have you never considered that model airplane flying has been a popular hobby for decades and birds are a total non-issue?