So I keep hearing that the 1911 has the best trigger. Why is it rarely copied?

So I keep hearing that the 1911 has the best trigger. Why is it rarely copied?

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It’s single action only and single action isn’t good for a lot of applications

Because single action ain't exactly a hot seller.

because it doesn't

if shit is good it gets copied. if there is a feature on an older design that isn't seen today, its for a reason.

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-t. no 1911s




The single action feel of a 1911 trigger looks difficult to reproduce as a standard SA/DA.

Part of the design makes getting into condition 2 for "safe carry" an adventure:
> cock hammer
> put thumb between hammer and slide
> pull and release trigger
> *squish*
> remove thumb
Congratulations! You are now in condition 2!

Though, with enough alcohol or not enough sleep (or both), this can happen:
> pull trigger
> start moving thumb
> *bang*
Whoops! You lost a toe. Good thing you won't be able to hear yourself scream for another 5 minutes, though.

Some niggas don't like safeties. With such a smooth/light trigger like a 1911, safeties are a must.

so why not carry with a round chambered and the manual safety on if it's a single action?
The 1911 trigger is very nice but the design has some flaws.... the frame safety on some is extremely obnoxious and can lead to pushing the safety into the slide while firing or drawing.

You're an idiot.

Because SAO firearms aren’t the current fetish of the main gun world. The current fetish(s) of the gun world are either DA/SA or striker fired (DA) firearms.

It really has more to do with the fact that most new manufacture 1911s are made to very high standards and not made for actual concealed carry or defensive use, but more for fagging with a finely-crafted handgun at the range.

Also it's worth it to mention that back when it was invented, carrying it chambered and hammer back was NOT a thing. It was designed to be cocked when drawn.

t. Noguns

Most striker fired handguns are single action dude. They cock when you rack the slide. The trigger cannot and will not cock the gun.

There are like two striker fired guns that ever deviated from this. VP70 (DAO) and P99 (DA/SA)

glock is SA but is at half-cock when "cocked" and the trigger press fully cocks the gun
many other striker fired guns copy this mechanism

HK P7, what about that?

That's some extra special shit that doesn't really fit in either category in any normal sense. You could argue it's SA I suppose, because the trigger only performs a single action.

Yeah, but that's delving too deep into the autism.

>too deep

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except the last 4-5 years of striker fired releases have gone into full cocked territory.

Condition 1 carry makes a lot of sense with 1911 given the manual safety AND grip safety.

>wanting double action on a semi automatic pistol

You're supposed to ride the safety with your thumb once you switch it off, you know. Then it won't be a problem while also shooting better.

>not wanting to be able to pull the trigger again in case of light primer strike / hard primer
Go away noguns

So you chose the gun that has been copied longer, and by more people, than possibly any other gun in the world as your example?

>Cock hammer
>Pull trigger

ever hear of betamax?

I tend to shoot with a thumbs forward grip... riding along or below the safety and slide release.

Good triggers are overrated, and in a combat situation nigh irrelevant. Shooter skill >>>>>>> how nice the trigger is. A standard striker fired trigger is 5-6 lbs, if you can't make hits with that you just suck at shooting.

Oh and before you come at me, remember that ww2 1911s were known for their heavy, gritty triggers. The recent fad of tightly fit, glass trigger 1911s is entirely a result of the market pandering to dumb boomers and doesn't represent their original design and intent

Muh Glock
Muh 9mm

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I fucking hate my 1911. I hate that I wasted grand on this piece of shit that I will never ever get back.

Do you actually hate it or are you memeing? I'm considering buying a 1911 just for fun, I already have several glocks. Is it just not useful, keeps jamming, or what?

Not him but mine is a total piece. I have an Auto Ordnance and it jams 3 times on each magazine. I've tried different magazines, ammo, extractors, springs, you name it. I wound up buying a Mark 23.

Yeah this is why I've avoided 1911s so far, they look good though. I do want an all metal 9mm just for fun, but if it's not reliable then fuck that it's a paper weight to me

I do hate it. I cant carry it because of its low round count and its heavy as fuck for carry. its literally just a range toy that only can shoot 7 shots. not to mention that it doesnt shoot any better than my carry smith mp9 2.0

Dont listen to haters on the internet, there are reasons why the 1911 is still made, try one for yourself and make your own ind, it might not be for everyoine but if it's for you it will change the way you look at other handguns

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If you want an all metal 9mm, get a CZ-75, SA/DA is better than SAA anyday.

single action only*

You make it sound simple but it isn't. In a gun fight if your gun doesn't go off after a couple of rounds, you're so pumped full of adrenaline and EEEEEEEEEEeeee that you'll squeeze that trigger two to three times before you stop and realize no shooty is coming out of it. At that point I'd rather rack tap and bang than go for an awkward and slow cocking of the hammer in the middle of a gunfight with a guy also mag dumping my way 7 yards away. With a DA/SA those two to three trigger pulls I didn't notice might have set off the round and I just continue shooting as if nothing happened.

Also, most autos today are striker fired and DA/SA is becoming less popular.

>good trigger
>good handgun
The two are not the same thing.