Convince me to not spend 1800 dollarydoos on a jungle carbine (no. 5 mk 1)

Convince me to not spend 1800 dollarydoos on a jungle carbine (no. 5 mk 1)

Attached: British-Lee-Enfield-No-660x264.png (660x264, 26K)

(for hunting deer, wild pig, and for general rangetime)

Do you have 1800 dollarydoos to spare? Do you like milsurp?
If yes to both, then fucking buy it. I'm guessing that's a good price in upside down money.

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Depends on condition, but it's not horrible.

1860 Henry trapper
Used Arsenal + Shellac furniture and bakes
Standard SMLE
All kinds of shotguns
All kinds of handguns

I have no idea what you're replying to. Are you lost?

No4s will be a better shooter.

Not as neat and compact tho. I'll end up with one eventually anyway

but why

that's an awful deal and if you pay that much you're probably retarded.

I think OP is an aussie - gun prices are fucked there

Any surplus I've sold was for double at least what I paid. I see jungles going for about 600. I think they were like 325 10 years ago. So buy three for 1800. Just make sure that you sight them in really good.

if you're an aussie that's still pretty fucked but not as fucked

It's still in wax paper thus the price

Also, yes, Australia.

because they go for pebbles

you just need something to shot and kill the Chinese navy guys landing in your country then you take their weapons and your good to go. Until of luck old fellow

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Really? You could get a tikka for just under 1k and have an at remedy precise bolt gun, or even a cheap savage. Both will easily be more accurate than the jungle carbine, while also being cheaper. But you do you. There is really no reason to spend close to 2k on any gun except for a 50 Cal or something.

At least you're not one of those retards paying 2k+ for a "custom" 1911
> inb4 you're poor lmao
No I'm quite wealthy, and I stay that way by not making bad investments. Spending 2k on a subpar antique is a perfect example of a bad investment.

Just buy a No. 4 and saw off the end you fucking rube.

Already got a modern boltgun

I'd suggest you spend the money on quality glass, ammo, and practice. But I mean if you just want to collect historical pieces I guess that's fine, but even if you're going down that route there are other firearms I'd personally choose. You could just get a no4 for a lot cheaper too.

But hey if your heart is really longing for the jungle carbine, and you got the money, then go for it

Already got good glass, and plently of ammo and handloadong gear for kt

Depending on where you live, it wouldn’t be the greatest. I’ve found ones for sale in QLD and NT don’t fair that well, and normally aren’t worth anything over $1200. SA, NSW, VIC, and WA ones are better quality. Honestly you’re better off without it if you’ve already got a .303

1800 dollarydoos? Why that's enough for 2 6 hour collect calls from the international drainage commision

I paid $240 for one 6 months ago with the flash suppressor cut off. I bought a new one for $40 and sleeved it on and it’s perfect.

How can you tell if they're legit or fake?

Remove the piece of wood which covers the top of the barrel and look at the barrel where it meets the receiver. The genuine Jungle Carbines had metal cut away from the barrel here to reduce weight. It is possible to fake those cuts but it takes so much effort that nobody bothers to do it.

There is at least one video up on YT which shows this. I can't remember if it was gun jesus, hickock 45, or iv8888 but one of those three did a video showing all the differences. IMHO the one I described above is the most obvious to look for and the hardest to fake.

If you got the money do what you want brother. I just bought a brand new mk.23 yesterday for the memes.

This. Take care of it and you can always sell it again.

>dat cone flash hider aesthetic
>just bought a piece of steel to make one for my RGS

Ian from forgotton weapons does a strip down of an authentic one, shows the cuts in question

>still in wax paper
holy shit are you silly. get it. you're lucky to find a crap condition one for $1000.

They kick like a mule

I mean, I normally hunt sambar with a 9.3x62, fired from a pretty lightweight rifle. I think i'll live

no more than a Mauser shooting S.s. heavy ball