Trade, create, and sell your patches
>Previous Thread
>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Thread Theme

Attached: retro-OP.png (574x576, 185K)

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what a tiny picture, my apologies

Just pretend it's 1998, then 574x576 is huge.

Forgot to add, working on a couple tank police stuffs. Here's one of them I got from PIECES an art book by masamune shirow

Ayyy, yes!

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henlo everyone im ready for a nice thread discussing patches with my frens

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Stores broke
Use this link

Forgot pic

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So did anybody have the source for this?

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Attached: 1453536152819.gif (427x240, 904K)

Where's a good source to get custom patches?


just bought a bunch of patches from a boomer site and I'm too afraid to post them here

Sput, can you add an afro to the BP concept?

Attached: 1617107D-7D85-49C2-A201-A36922C87A15.png (720x720, 304K)

Yeah I'll fix it up and play with it today.

I have only been able to source the image itself, and I can't even find an artist.

So is someone making this? Also is the resolution good enough to be made into a patch being 900x637?

Hey fellas is nosewsupplyco. still up? i dm them on twatter and sent them an email but havent had any response....

Attached: leslie-nielsen_a12116.jpg (210x312, 47K)

Now that's news i never knew i wanted to hear

>Yeah I'll fix it up and play with it today.


To be honest, until I saw the source image, I thought this was just a classical depiction of a wave.
Turns out I'm not completely spoiled yet.

on sale blah blah blah blah

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>dont grip the shaft to tight
Oh shit its a trap!

So here's an idea I'm working on for a group of us graduating from a training course. I've got a few questions.

This is obviously a drawing I've imported to PS then colored in. Is there a way I can make it look sharper/smoother?

Any suggestions for how I can make it look more vaporwavey? Or just give it more oomph overall?

I only need about 12, so if I was to bulk order from the Chinese to reduce overall unit cost would anybody be interested in copping whatever is left over?

Attached: CTSA.png (1050x1050, 314K)

Look up tutorials for PS. Color scheme is everything when it comes to vaporwave. No.

what’s does the aheagao face have to do with stick grenades?

Changed the necklace, might make it bigger so it's actually readable and translates to patch form. Not sure I like the afro though.

Attached: skeleconcept4.png (720x720, 300K)

very close. try grey background, black hair?

First for thanks Sticky.

Attached: And so we went to war.jpg (1512x2016, 388K)

Id like to do it but I'm backed up so I'm not claiming it

Is there a specific technique I should look for?

good job man! Do you have a store or are you doing it for shits and giggles?
Also opinion here golden brim and pic relateded inside the circles

Attached: a color.png (150x200, 120)

I'll do it if nobody else wants to. I just want to try looking for the artist first.

Opening a store soon when I get my first design perfected with manufacturer.

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>Operation meteor is going by Sput now

Who even are you?

Just a namefag making patches for fun.

can i call you spud

I'll definitely buy one

And your shop is?

Do you have trouble reading posts five centimeters up the screen?


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Where can I get this Pusheen?


Good news, everyone!
"A Medical Place" is in production (for reals this time).

Sounds like a pump and dump. Either that or they forgot to keep drinking their autism juice.

Is the patch gonna come with the watermark too? I'll pay double for it.

Attached: preview.png (500x583, 200K)

What the fuck is that watermark

Attached: the sex.jpg (98x57, 2K)


I just Googled "copypasta" and used the first result as a watermark. It had a lot of Emojis so it looked fun.

Attached: 1424899820047.jpg (600x500, 45K)

>Obligatory NEET where the fuck are the shirts post #5432
>Inb4 at my house posting

Didn't his site host close his domain down early or something?

Sticky arsenal

Idk I haven't had an update since he said he got spook fucked by having it up and something was removed but he wasn't sure and couldn't login

That thumb

Crazy how breaking it several times do that

Is Marp a girl? Finally opened my package and it smells yummy.

Fuck I need that Ill slap it on my molle right next to my bandage scissors

Attached: killah.png (698x554, 48K)

I'm starting to think I'm shit at this thing

Attached: skeleconcept5.png (720x720, 278K)


Attached: 101_0747_compressed.jpg (2400x3200, 670K)

I would pay you just to help make this happen

>no green. Keep the parchment colored border. If you’re going to do a hat, then the inner circle is a black background. If you’re doing an afro, then the inner circle is a grey background with black hair.

>13 and 50 needs to be horizontally level with each other. They are related as the date to when the Black Plague struck. If you separate them, people won’t connect them with the date of the plague.

This is a memetic killshot to commie BLM fuckfaces. You can do this.

Yeah, I figured about keeping them level, I just wanted to try to stylize it to see how it looked. I'll throw together two more mockups in a bit. I think it needs more text for the outer ring too, just can't think of anything.


This style reminds me of something but I can't quite put my finger on it.

Sorry fellas, here

Attached: sk2.png (1415x715, 553K)

Also, the text is a bit wonky, I know. Just throwing it together for now. Might switch the font to make it easier to read.

black one

Attached: 1449350913838.jpg (477x600, 70K)

On the left, can the inner circle be a darker brown instead of that light beige? It would allow the smelly skelly to still pop, but would still easily see the afro.

bottom text

>the plague dindu nuffin
ad pestem esse innocentes

we wuz rulers and shiet

NEET any ETA for the Ai patches I leave for BMT on the 19th


Just have the patches shipped to Lackland, your TIs will love them

>Claiming something that someone else is already doing
I shiggy

It's already in production. Dunno how the initial sample image got out.

>operation metor is still alive

Yeah, just slow going. Not sure why it takes them so long to make a sample. I think I'm going to switch manufacturer's though, the first sample image I got is garbage.
I'll give you one for free if you hook me up with your chinks, they seem to make good stuff

So paypal, who now apparently uses the Southern Poverty Law Center to make their decisions, restricted access to my account. Luckily, I have never trusted them so only $28 is locked there. Needless to say I've deactivated the paypal option on the site. I added Amazon Pay as an alternative, and of course you can still use a credit card. Not that Amazon is any better, I just don't think they are actively outsourcing their business decisions to left wing morons. Yet.

Trump posted about this shit earlier today too, and there was a WSJ article about it last week interviewing the PayPal CEO about how good he feels about deactivating accounts.

Attached: unacceptable.png (604x315, 42K)

That blows. What did you even have on your site that they decided they had to limit you permanently?

I would assume Rhodesian stuff, I was really confused until I saw the article about SPLC being their decision making group, then it made sense.

>Southern Poverty Law Center
that reminds me maybe i should send an email to someone about this press 3 for greek thing

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delet this

now you know

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I'll message your etsy when they get made and send you one.

dont worry my dude ill buy one just do what you do and we will all be good.

wakeup call for fucking NEET who thinks paypal is some swiss bank account

>amazon pay
badger, you fucking scum. how did you know i have an amazon store card I'm irresponsible with.

It was drawn by quzilax.

someone find the original artist and tell them PK is ripping them off

are you retarded

tfw a leaf i dont think we have amazon pay pls dont tell me that means i could have bought patches with my amazon gift cards

rent free

no i like neet but he is a retard for trusting paypal

Is that even up for debate at this point?

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Marp is Chinese

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he never said it was a swiss bank account, he said it can't be levied, but you, who can never stop having NEET entirely up your ass at all times of day, like to put words in his mouth

Please don't make me spit out water on my new keyboard, thanks.

Attached: richolas cage tries not to laugh.gif (300x150, 1.25M)

Well his Chinese pussy smells delicious.

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I haven't quite gotten one touch ordering working on yet, but soon.

It just allows you to use your Amazon account, if you click it you can use any payment method you have set up for Amazon.

w2c that teal jacket

Where to cop the emerald warrior and palm tree patches?

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Did kommandostore change their prices to your IP countries (Ausfag) currency or did they just raise the price on everything in their store by quiet a bit?