SOF and Fighter Pilot Quals

How long would it take if the stars aligned to get both SOF qualifications and fighter pilot qualifications?

Theoretically it can be done (say an enlisted Navy SEAL jumps to OCS to a F/A-18 fighter position), but has anyone managed to pull off such a background besides pic related (a guy who gets royal privileges)? And will it take your whole life or can you manage to jam these experience in in under a decade?

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It won’t ever happen. The military invests too much time and money into your training as special forces. Like I know the SEALs get almost 4-5 years of training before actually being put with a unit. That’s millions of dollars spent on jump school, explosives training, combat dive school, most learn a second language, weapons training, and who knows what other crazy shit. The military won’t just throw that away so you can live a fantasy of doing both. The only time I could ever imagine that happening is if a large scale war broke out and they had 0 willing pilots. Also the Jordinian King doesn’t really count. He’s got absolute power and chooses his own brass..none of them are gonna tell him no if they wanna keep their jobs.

About five years. Currently, SEAL training is about three years, and fighter training is two. For that to even work in the first place in an efficient manner, drone technology needs to be fairly advanced to where manned fighters can operate semi autonomously. Call of Duty shows how it would work in Infinite Warfare with the SCAR teams.

The biggest question is why would this need to be a thing in the first place. It's utility is fairly niche at best.

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Pic related is a SEAL that managed to become a flight engineer (I know its not technically a pilot, but its close). But he was in his 40s by the time he managed to pull that off.

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Reminder that king playstation is an overweight faggot who larps for photo ops

It wouldn't happen. It wouldn't be within the needs of the Navy to have a qualified SEAL commission as anything other than a SEAL. Anything else would be unicorn shit just because someone in command liked you enough to literally blow you.

More realistic would be becoming a pilot and getting sent to Ranger school, which actually has happened pretty often. Hell an air guard pilot managed to finagle his way to Ranger school a few years ago.

Ranger school isn’t a special forces school. It’s a leadership school. Now if you said they went through RASP and entered the 75th ranger regiment that might be a little different. The tab however, doesn’t make you a real ranger. You have to go to the regiment.

I know. OP just wants to LARP, and being a tabbed pilot is as good as it gets in reality,

The chances of you being medically qualified to be a pilot after going through SF is slim, especially if you had a combat deployment. You need good hearing to be a pilot.

A guy I was in the Marines with flies f18s now. He got out after his first enlistment at age 21(enlisted at age 17), went to the Naval Academy and graduated top 5% of his class at age 25, and was honor grad at his flight school and got his choice of plane.

However, he wasn't SOF, he was just a regular grunt 0331 while he was enlisted. He still saw some pretty intense combat though.

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Who's this pot bellied little turd?

The King of Jordan. He's actually pretty based.

One USAF TACP became an A-10 pilot

There have at least been a couple of cases of PJ's that turned into pilots as well as SEALs turned pilots so it's possible. Also there was an airforce guy who flew F-16s and went to ranger school for shits and giggles; ended up doing the flyover during the tab ceremony or whatever.

From a pure number standpoint, no matter how long the initial SOF training is all SOF jobs would require at least a 6 year term since the military wants to get the most out of your million dollars+ training. Then if you want to commission as a fighter pilot that's 4 years of schooling (either via service academy or ROTC civilian uni) to get that required degree. The undergraduate pilot training pipeline is a little bit over a year.

But that's not accounting for the training before the military if you don't meet physical standards, the possibility of being a really shitty student and having to take another year or two in your 4-year school, or other things in life that would add on to that. Also you have to watch out for the age limit for pilots; age waivers are still a fucking mystery to me and I just assume all information on the internet is misinformation at this point. Tread carefully.

I'm retarded enough to actually want to do this btw so glhf OP

It could. People age. A 20 yo seal might be better off as a 40 yo pilot.

I would agree that it is highly improbable.

It is possible. I knew an active army ophthalmologist who was a SEAL officer before he left the Navy and then joined the army to go to medical school. He had a pretty cool uniform. The old army service greens with those medical pins and a SEAL badge

If I were a king I would do the same thing. He seems cool.

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His photos doing edgy shit is everywhere in Jordan.

what if you need a guy to go in and steal a enemy jet it would make snse to have a special forces guy train in jets. They sneak in steal enemy jets bomb the ground then come back

that guy went on missions he's also on star trek. Most royals are in military some how and have titles. Also there's some guy whoes really over weight who wears all military patches he's like an ober stolen valor case

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I think ive read something about a seal becoming a pilot in the 160th soar but i dont remember where

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This is regular for Chinese in American military. Standard is higher in Chinese military so doing impressive acts in American military is very easy.

He's Korean.

piloting skills
top athlete
black belt in multiple martial arts
top tier driver
mechanical engineer
forensic expert
expert marksman
expert survivalist
bachelor degrees in multiple hard sciences
business degree
expert in law
endurance runner
performance diver
medical practitioner

With enough will power, you can have all of these skills. All you have to do is stop wasting time.

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>Seal with over 100 combat missions
>Math Degree from Stanford
>Medical Doctor with a degree from Havard
>before the age of 35

bitch you probably aren't even cut out for normal infantry

>Also carries at least 20 punisher patches on his person
All he has to do now is write his own book and he can be inducted into the SEALs hall of fame

>100 combat missions
don't "they" count every fucking thing as "combat"?

What is this battlefield 4? Everyone knows if you go in the enemy base you only have 10 seconds before you die. It won’t work.

You look at this guy and that is what you nit pick?

Imagine how awful his parents must've been for him to do that.

>I'm SOF, one of the biggest badasses on the planet Dad
>you'll always be a 12 yr old bed wetting pussy you fag. Can't you get a job to make us proud?
>Dad, I'm an astronaut, I'm the biggest badass in the solar system
>You're a constant disappointment, I hope you burn up on reentry.

When I was in Meridian we had an ex bug driver who had been an enlisted SEAL. It happens occasionally but it's pretty rare.

you might want to call your dad buddy

>basic, buds, SQT
>4-5 years
Lmao wtf are you smoking