No questions in the OP edition
>Last one reached bumb limit
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What is a good magnification for hunting in Gatorland, preferably deer or hog?
There is something I don't get about CC, I know I have to carry with a round in the chamber but at the end of the day, should I clear my gun? Are chambered bullets more likely to deform or fail? Can I just put a cartridge in the chamber and leave it there until the next time I go to the range? Which will only be a few times a year because expensive ammo over here.
Leaving a round in the chamber is not going to hurt it. Repeatedly clearing and rechambering the same round could be bad because of bullet setback
Would a gentle press check do?
Are there any good reproduction lugers out there?
Do people put stuff on top of shotguns? Scopes? Red dots? Are top rails desirable?
I ask this every thread, no answers.
How do I start the application for a license in Spain?
Probably need the F license, but I just don't understand the damn process.
All I want to do is do some shooting at a range.
What kind of firearm you want to shoot?
Are you a Spaniard? Do you know what a Intervención de Armas is?
Handgun. All I've shot is a shotgun and a 9mm.
Legal resident (EU citizen).
Not exactly. I understand I need to get an appointment through them.
Will the Space Force ever actually be a thing? I want to enlist now but not if the Space Force is coming soon.
If she wants to shoot her cock off, good for her. Avid rip so i dont get spanked by fatass janny
What on earth am I looking at, dare I ask
For a pistol you do indeed need an F license, unless it's based on a very old patent (prior to 18XX, don't remember the exact year, in which case you can do it through an easier to get license).
I don't have an F license so I'm not 100% sure I know it right. The easiest way to get the right info is to go to the Intervención de Armas in your region and ask what you need. They'll inform you exactly on what you need (they are government agents so sometimes they get it wrong though...).
An F license requires a justified sporting usage. You'll need to compete yearly in shooting events, or they'll take your F license. It also means in order to get it in the first place, you need to get a "federative license".
So the steps would be something like:
1) Go to your nearest Intervención de Armas so they can tell you exactly what you need to do.
2) Get into some kind of shooting federation
3) Do the medical/psych tests
4) Apply for a F license
5) Do the theoretical exam
6) Do the practical exam
Once you get the F license
7) Buy a safe (not optional)
8) Go to an gun shop to get the gun you want
9) You can't just leave with it. They'll send it to the Intervención the Armas in the region so the agents can "guide it" (it's like a gun license... a license for the gun itself, not you. like every car has its own paperwork)
Finally, you did it.
I might have gotten some step wrong, though.
Basically: you need need something like 3 licenses, a test, 2 exams and pay LOTS of taxes. Oh, and you need to compete at least once a year or they'll revoke it :)
Have a nice stay in Spain. Sorry for the bureaucratic nightmare.
if it ever does become a thing, it will amount to nothing more than a super air force with a bunch of nerds manning space drones behind a desk
Do for what? Most modern guns have some kind of chamber indicator. But no, a press check won't cause setback.
Reading up on the types of licenses, I was mistaken; I'll probably need to apply for the B type.
Is joining ANARMA enough, or do I need to look for another organization/federation?
Nearest range is over 40km away, but at least it's not too far.
Unfortunately, in most of the EU it's becoming a bureaucratic nightmare.
Thanks again
the only place you'll need a scope in Gatorland is the highway. everywhere else has a maximum visual range of 300 yards. If you're in the swamp, you're visual range isn't likely to extend past ten yards.
Note that a lot of hog hunts occur on farmland at the request of the farmer in order to protect his crops.
4X max magnification should be all you need, and don't make it an expensive scope. Your $3000 trijicon gem will just get smashed if you're going to climb onto the back of a pickup and just exterminate the pests.
should I get a 5906 or a 5946? I dont have any DAO guns and I want to try one but I dont hear much about them
They are sex with great triggers
You can't just get a B license. You can get D, E, F, AE and some others.
A: military/police
B: self defense (won't get it unless you know the right people)
C: private security
Regarding range shooting federations, I'm not sure. I *think* in Spain shooting galleries (called "clubs") themselves are considered federations and will expel them, if you join the club. Rules for joining might depend on the club. Some might ask you to have several members vouch for you, for example.
I might giving you missinformation so it's in your best interest to ask in an Intervención de Armas (not trying to brush you off, I'm genuinely concerned I might be wrong).
How could I go about making a Colt-style hammer shroud for a Smith and Wesson K-frame? Im thinking of picking one of these up and want the shroud for reasons.
I left some ammo in the trunk of my car, and I think it got exposed to water. Is it safe to try to shoot it off, or should I just dispose of it? I don’t want to get a squib and kaboom my gun.
with a gatling gun (one with a crank) is it legal if the way it's designed is to use inertia to continue spinning?
>inb4 "why would you want to do that, its better controlled"
Why the fuck was nuggetfest scheduled for Easter weekend?
Is it worth it to take a rifle course and if so are there any decent rifle courses in Florida that don't have cringe worthy instructors?
Are 20ga shotguns worth buying? I'm a small, skinny dude and I was worried about buying a 12ga, but I read that the ammo selection for 12ga is vastly superior.
Why aren't left handed bolt action rifles the default? You can keep your right hand on the firing controls while your left hand manipulates the bolt.
Yes, they are. The recoil isn't significant from 12ga, though. I'm about 5'9" and 140-150 and 12ga through an aluminum framed O/U doesn't bother me.
20ga ammo selection isn't really that bad either, for the record. It all costs the same in stores and glancing online it seems like 20ga is very slightly cheaper at the moment for target rounds. I got my wife a 20ga and I've never had any issues finding ammo for it, it's been the same as 12ga.
Completely hypothetical.
Lets say as a young adult someone bought an SKS. As an older adult that someone started to log serial numbers for record keeping purposes and noticed that that particular firearm has a weird serial, it looks like the manufacturer accidently tried to mark it twice meaning that wording is written overtop other wording and the serial is very difficult to read, impossible even.
Is it legal or should that adult get rid of it?
where to buy pic related, it's the Crye Precision G3. I'm usually a black t shirt and jeans type of guy but I want to buy some good cargo pants that don't look stupid. Anybody wear these with an AIWB rig?
How much water we talking about? If it just got rained on and then dried in a few hours time it probably fine. If your car got submerged it’s probably not fine.
how much do the tools cost for building an AR? I would ask in the AR thread but its not exactly noob friendly
Poorfag mode? You need punches, a brass hammer, a barrel wrench, and a vise. so 100-150 depending on the quality of tools. Harbor freight is your friend.
Add a torque wrench, and a good vise, as well as better quality tools and you be spending 200-250.
get a lawyer
or just stay quiet
up to you really, as long as you don't get caught
What would a lawyer do? Honestly this someone is more than willing just to turn it in to whoever as long a they don't get shit for it. Not worth the paranoia/punishment.
all you really need is a cheap armorers wrench, $20 on ebay. It helps to have pliers for some of the roll pins but you can get away with a bent nail to pin the gas tube on pic related. Torque wrenches are the right way to go, but unless you have a vice you won't even get close to getting things too tight.
It doesn't matter.
As in it's okay to keep?
I'm making a UK Gun Infographic, something feels off about it, any graphic designers that can help me point out how to improve and what I'm doing wrong?
Currently experimenting with boxes and how that can potentially fix the somewhat messy flow of it any suggestions would be grand.
>INB4 Hurrr Britbong & Hurr 22lr.
Can I ask why? I've always heard it's illegal to have a messed up serial.
Here's how it was a few edits back.
FEO interview -> get refused without explanation, now you have criminal record
gg no re, no literally
It's hard to fuck up an FEO interview user implying you've got a genuine interest in shooting as it mainly revolves around basic security questions for storage and safe shooting as well as a few other questions revolving around why you want to shoot over some tea, it doesn't leave you with a criminal record if you fail it you silly Americans however if you lie on your application that's different.
Some bottled water spilled out in my trunk, so it’s probably been exposed to water vapor.
it is interesting as my friend, bong that lives in denmark said something completely different and was really really cross about it, as you don't fuck up interview its that you will not get license without really good reason aka, you are related to noble man, you have family history of hunters or your job is taking care of someones rural property, most of the talks about it was with the drinks but he is reliable person so i will lean to believe him not big brother state
i-if it pweases the crown...
I want to build an ar15. I was thinking about slapping a bcm upper on an aero precision lower. I just want a basic bitch ar and wasn't sure which upper would be best for that since there are a lot of options and I'm new to the ar platform.
These look stupid
Is it bad if your fingers are covering up the ejection port when you rack the slide?
Any non-fatties successfully conceal something G19 sized in the summer? T-shirt and jeans essentially.
I don’t feel like dressing like an autistic mechanic just to CCW, so if I need to I’ll buy a smaller single stack, just curious if it’s possible.
Skeles/athletic builds only, not interested in porky carrying his hand cannon
You're fine jesus
>I know I have to carry with a round in the chamber
You can carry in any condition that you feel comfortable. Most people recommend carrying in condition one or zero.
Dont wear skinny jeans and tight shirts and you should have no issue carrying at 330/4 with a decent holster. Nobody would notice you printing more than likely. Also, go hit the gym soiboi
those look mega dumb
what do you need kneepads for
You know what he needs kneepads for
Can Fudds ever be convinced without forcibly blocking their access to or will they always just believe that "the only thing anyone should ever have is a single-shot shotgun."
>inform your local police of your purchase within one week
holy shit britain is fucky
Looking for a good IWB kydex holster for my new P320 compact. Alien gear has a nice one but is a bit big. I like Tulster's but it is twice as much as the prior holster.
Dont fall for the fudd meme jesus. Most people you call fudds own ar15s and shit irl. Go outside someday it's pretty great
No, I'm dealing with an actual, honest to God Fudd, all the way down to the standard commonly greentexted bad arguments. All stereotypes have some truth in them.
What's the largest fuck you grips I can get for an N-frame revolver? I currently either have to compromise my grip to get good trigger placement with the first pad of my finger or maintain good grip but use the second pad of my finger. The former makes .357 an awful experience and latter causes my finger tip to run into my support hand preventing me from even pulling the trigger all the way.
Time and exposure trump all. While my dad got me into firearms he was very much a Fudd. His nightstand is a 1929 S&W model 10, loves his cowboy guns, and the only semi he owns is a narinco SKS that he bought for $100 way back because "AKs cant hit the broad side of a barn". After shooting my stuff off and on for the last 4 years he has finally come around to liking my AR and WASR. I am still trying to convince him that cans and sbr / pistol builds are useful.
It's a clusterfuck to explain with how much disinfo there is about UK Gun Law user, Here's a full pastebin I made a while ago explaining it all because I was so pissed off by this infographic.
It's long but it's 100% accurate In short and paraphrasing a lot here but all there are two categories of Firearms in the UK Section 1 and Section 2.
Section 1 Firearms require a "Good Reason" which need to be proven so, Hunting, Vermin Control, Target Shooting (Shown by a full gun club membership) and Self Defence (Northern Ireland Only), after that you need two references to say you are a good person, have a safe to store the firearms you can justify (roughly 5-7 if target shooting), then a criminal and mental health check, finally you get an FEO interview to confirm everything.
What is Section 1 is dependant on location so in Northern Ireland they're allowed SBRs and Pistols however England, Wales and Scotland are not however there are no magazine restrictions on Section 1 Firearms, Section 1 is also Slot based, meaning you will need to make a Variation and justify why you need another firearm if you run out of slots which is £20.
Now Section 2 is Similar however it encompasses Primarily (2+1) Capacity Shotguns, Muzzle-loaded Muskets and "Small Cannons", these firearms DO NOT need a good reason, however you still need a safe, one person to say you're a good person instead of two that Section 1 does and still have the Mental health check, Criminal Check and FEO interview, afterwards you can buy as many Section 2 Firearms as ones safe can hold.
On Taking care of someone rural property that'd probably fall under Section 1 Vermin Control or if their land is big enough Target shooting on their land however you need permission from the land owner to shoot their of course.
*Pays Cuck taxes to avoid having your back doors bashed down by the ATF*
I don't understand this
>Hurrr bongs pay money to get a gun license
*Pretends FOID doesn't exist*
*Pretends that the ATF $200 Tax doesn't exist on certain sized firearms*
*Pretends that the Federal AWB didn't happen*
*Pretends if Heller vs DC didn't happen Handguns would absolutely be banned in more states*
*Pretends the Hughes amendment doesn't exist*
*Pretends most states don't have magazine restrictions*
Genuinely fuck off.
It's a bit shitty but all it is really is sending an Email to keep check of who has what.
With one "fudd". Of course theres always varying degrees of truth to stereotypes, but I'd say the majority of fudds probably own an ar15 or at least a mini14. Just because you know one person that thinks that way doesnt mean they all do.
That's the problem, my Dad has no exposure, refuses to expose himself, and I've already ran out of time. He's destroying perfectly good guns left to us by relatives because "I just don't want this dangerous $12,000 to cause another school shooting." No matter what facts I tell him he just starts talking over me louder with Brady "facts" and talks about how nothing except shotguns and .38 revolvers are ever necessary.
I don't own a scattergat yet. Talk me out of buying an M4 as my first one.
It's also worth noting that he's extremely anti-conspiratorial, to the point of appealing to authority all the time and believing that "the government represents the people and the CIA and FBI are only looking out for our best interests." He almost tried to have me commited for saying that it was strange that it said on the police report that Paddock had 17 AR-15s in a hotel in the most surveilled city in America and thinking that the lack of motive isn't a good explanation.
>you are related to noble man
>jabe family history of hunters
XD good troll
I wouldn't call that a Fudd. Fudds are often stubborn and misinformed valuing personal anecdotes over almost anything else. They may have an appeal to authority (mostly police) due to law enforcement being far more demilitarized when they were growing up. The ones I know are however incredibly anti federal government due to them viewing it as compromised and trying to degrade traditional american values.
Your dad on the other hand just sounds like an ass.
I wear athletic clothes, I’m 6’0 around 180. Just don’t wanna buy a G19 and have to wear XL black shirts or flannels in fuckin July
Besides the retarded name, how are hipefire triggers?
No guns going to be good for you if you dress like a homo, except maybe a black widow up your ass.
New to ARs here.
I'm thinking about putting an a1 length stock on my carbine length rifle. What would be the order of operations for me doing such a thing? Should I even do it or would it be an affront to god? What sort of performance should I expect out of it?
What does it look like through night vision goggles if they're off/no battery? Can you still see anything?
You'll need to get a new receiver extension, buffer spring, and buffer. But no reason you can't do it.
I should know this, because I use them occasionally but it's nothing I really thought about trying and can't promise this is accurate but off the top of my head you'll see nothing. Most NODs use germanium or some other "glass" that can't be seen through by human eyes but IR goes right through.
And if you are wondering why they don't just use glass, it's because IR is reflected by normal glass, and just looks like a solid object.
Cool thanks. So perfomance wise, there is still enough gas to cycle it when I fire?
You might need to experiment with buffer weight so buy a few, but the chance of you undergassing with a carbine length gas tube is infinitesimale.
Does anyone have the link for the tennessee discord? They did a member cleanup and apparently my reply fell through the cracks when they did it.
Is it worth fifty bucks extra to get the decocker sp-01? Plan to use for uspsa, three gun, open carry
Do the backstraps for m&p 2.0s fit the 1.0?
Don’t run text all the way to the box border. Look at how text is spaced in a newspaper. Use some indention for the sections. Move your shotgun labels closer to the picture since it’s hard to tell which one you’re labeling.
please don't post on this board again until you actually get the chance to pick up a bolt action rifle with one hand
Anyone know if there would be any legal issues doing pic related with a 12 gauge "firearm" such as a tac-14 or shockwave?
Because it then moves the fulcrum so far back that ~90% of the weapon's weight is now forward, so unless you're firing without some kind of rest, theres no point in having your finger on the trigger because you'll just be shooting dirt. Theres also the issue of running the bolt over your right hand which can cause a more awkward manipulation of the action than having to move your hand from the trigger to the bolt and back again.
an M4 has an MSRP of about $2,000. Both remington and mossberg have entry level semi-autos for less than half that. Or you can get a cheapa and effective pump-action like a savage for about $250.
No reason not to.
hey I have a few .22 revolvers that i got when my father passed away and they have some surface rust on them
not totally corroded, but they do need some attention
i haven't really looked in the barrels and cylinders, but i assume there's rust there too
nothing of any high dollar value, but some decent guns which do have quite a bit of sentimental value to me
and i don't want to ruin the finish on them
any suggestions?
Is the serial number the only piece of information that can't be defaced on a gun?
I want to get a shotgun cut down, but the importer info is on the barrel...
What have prices for 22lr been like lately compared to the price jump from around 6 years ago?
Let's say theoretically I stole a gun from someone. Even if the ATF had no evidence and couldn't find the gun, best case I'd probably still spend 6 months to a year in jail while they try to extract a confession out of me, right?
What the fuck did you do Tyrone? Gtfo.
If you have a holster made for a light bearing gun, is the retention negatively affected when holstering the same gun without the light attached?