Is Kay Jow Forums, Jow Forums?

Is Kay Jow Forums, Jow Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

She is a low tier waifu, but honorable

No, but pandaren are.

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*looks at you in VATS with incendiary rounds equipped*

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Fuck off furfag
You will always be the mentally I'll people of the world

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The Klu Klux Klan
Running down the sidewalk over Africans
I'm in a big lunk of a garbage truck
Spearing sambos, not giving a fuck
My kill count is high cause their pants'r 'round their feet
So all they can do is hollar and creep
I take out the trash every day
Just another fine member of the KKK.

Furfags can fuck off, Kay is definitely Jow Forums

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A Jow Forumsoalburner.

ww@ boys

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Yep, the sherman was the best tank

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When will those nips fucking learn. Also,this is apparently a Jow Forumsfu thread. Contributing.

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Y’all motherfuckers need Jesus

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No guns in that picture or in your possession, so no. :c

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I want to bully Christ-Chan until she turns into atheist-chan!

What about trannies tho.

Faggots aren't welcome.

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Kay is pretty great!

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>jannies deleted furfag and barneyfag posts
Good, now delete the anime pictures with no weapons in them.

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These pics are alright though.

Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.

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Get out, redditard.

kay is Jow Forumsute!

looks like you've forgotten where you are son

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He's just that newfag nogunz californian redditor who keeps spamming custardmouth schizoshit.

>stop trying to discuss weapons
>on Jow Forums

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This. Anchovy is so much better.

you guys think some 19k has a pin up of her in his Abrams?

I own guns and talk about them. You weeb tards just wanna post traps and shit-tier anime here all day, while posting comments like "hurr durr i wanna smell her ass". Go to the anime boards to talk about anime, and stop putting these eyesores on the front page of Jow Forums4channel

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Go back, redditard.

Dude. Just go back.

When the fuck are these fucking phoneposters going to learn how to save pictures

GuP is always Jow Forums

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>doesn't even dispute he's a newfag redditor
You have to go back

Kay is Bae.

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I want to big spoon Mako

Post my fucking pictures, gookmoot.

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Kay is very American
Jow Forums is very American
clearly, Kay is very Jow Forums

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Even Cold War GuP?

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Jow Forums is what it is- if you hate anime so much, you should go back to plebbit. I'm pretty sure the plebbit subforums about guns will virtually jerk you off when you tell them about how you told us that anime is gay and you love pig dick in your mouth.

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Are you fucking kidding me? They love transgender anime guns there. You should stop projecting and join the 40% in the sky.

Yeah I'm masturbatinf to this later.
Damn it, fucking killed my streak

Keep going

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Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.

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Just go back there, dude.

>Jow Forums

Go. Back.

I hope mods delete this thread soon T B H desu.

Indeed this is a bad thread, somewhere out there a good or mediocre thread died for this waifu circle jerk. These anons really should keep it in /ak/.

Yes but a whole thread dedicated to one of the many characters is kinda wasteful.
Besides Kay is already but everyone knows Yu/k/ari is top tier waifu.

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How much money do you spend on proxies, dude?

clearly the answer is to expanded the range of Jow Forums tier grills being posted.
besides general's just cause cancer. it creates the illusion that Jow Forums's roots arn't mired in anime. which in turn creates dumbasses like the dude obsessed with shitposting this thread, genuinely convinced that he is in the right.

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You don't have to bump his autistic thread user.

I didn't even know Jow Forums had proxy fags, it's kinda like how all Madoka threads on /a/ are same fag bump cult proxy cancer.

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These posts aren't Jow Forums, they're waifufaggotry that belongs on /a/. Let people post about weapons, and keep your cartoons on the anime boards.

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espcially Cold War GuP
Imagine a GuP season whose premise was a Cold War Fulda Gap scenario with teams fighting on occasion to determine how the campaign goes. Even winning teams get tougher scenario's when another key team fails.
The season is spent in fighting retreat to the Rhine with the final battle being the key reversal for a push for NATO troops to go on the offensive.
You can't tell me you wouldn't be hype as shit for that.

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I want to kick your ribcage until it turns into rough pulp.

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>those eysores
Nigga,can you just fucking kill yourself,so I don't have to listen to your faggotry?

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next you'll tell me that this isn't Jow Forums as fuck.
We must never forget our roots. it's what distinguishes this place from all the other gun forums.

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It's pretty pathetic.
>claims he isn't nogunz
>posts a pic of himself without any guns

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Your roots are fucking gay. What distinguishes this place from all the other gun forums is the low(est) hesitance to talk about exotic weapons and resulting mischief without being afraid of the ATF boogeyman crawling out of their toilet, not your retarded anime.

You couldn't be any more newfag if you tried, goosecuck.

imagine being this new

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You really don't belong here if you have absolutely zero chill and can't even talk about anime. Go back to Plebbit. You can discuss guns on there too,but without the ''cringy autism''. Fucking dumb crossposting cocksucker.

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Fucking Robin Hood over here.

Fucking degenerate. Even we atheists like her as-is.

I hope we get some more Finnish antics.

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No, I went to Rhodesia and South Africa, and wondered why the apes decided to ruin those two places instead of staying in their own dozens of shitty countries.

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Jow Forums is an anime imageboard.
Jow Forums is a weapons board on an anime imageboard.
Get used to it.

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Except in this case, people like you are the niggers.

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>my board
Top kek, its always these wannabes that act like that. They desperately wish they were janitors so they could impose their will on the rest of us.

That's it janny, I'm docking your pay 8000%


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Put me in the ban screencap.

Anime will always be part of Jow Forums.

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>waifu circlejerk
At least here I can post my waifu without some cucknigger from /a/ telling me to die for not liking a generic moeblob.

what GuP scenario for an OVA do you wish would happen Jow Forums?

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The Ducks get an upgrade, and then proceed to wreck all kinds of shit.

I know it’s not realistic, but I want it

I would love an OVA that focuses on the Finns. A practice match against Pravda would be fun.

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