/sgg/ shotgun general: masterrace edition

What is the pinnacle of firearms and why Is it the shotgun?

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Rifles are more useful for 95% of things but shotguns are cool

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Are less-than-lethal shells a meme?

In what scenario would a slug gun not suffice for a civilian?

Shooting beyond 100m
Holding more then 8-9 rounds without being massive/heavy

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I agree ammo capacity is an issue, but when are you gonna be shooting 100+yards in anything short of a fantasy scenario?

Hunting, target shooting, competitive shooting?
Have you considered not being a commie faggot?

I like rifles too faggot but that's not the topic here

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Unless you are law enforcement dealing with a riot using LTL ammo isn't going to bode well for you. If you are using a gun for self defense it's because you need to immediately incapacitate someone meaning to inflict great bodily harm or death. And in that case, lethal means are called for. If the situation is anything else, use of a gun (whatever ammo) is not called for, and you'll get raped in court (and subsequent prison stay)

So something like shooting at an intruder or aggresive dog with 12gauge pepper rounds would be frowned upon?

Then stop asking stupid questions

They'd live and sue you

>sniping deer from a quarter mile away

But I think the overall versatility of shotguns is what makes them superior

>killing animals for food or sport
>not hunting
>deer hunting is the only kind of hunting
Fudd git

Other way around. Other than concealed carry, a shotgun is going to do 95% of what you need to do.

>too beta to get within 100yards of an animal


If you live out west, it makes plenty of sense to have a rifle able to accurately hit a deer several hundred yards away, because you're hunting deer in the desert. If you live back east, a 30-30 will do just fine because no shot you'll be taking in those woods is over 100 yards.

The way most laws would be interpreted are if you deem use of LTL as appropriate, the situation is not dire enough to be using a firearm at all. If you are using a firearm, it's because you need to put down the intruder or dog immediately.

You also run the risk to yourself, that you use LTL and it isn't effective enough, and you still get attacked/murdered/raped

That's wrong tho
I'm just cognitive enough to know that not everyone stomps around in a swamp looking to shoot hogs from 30 feet away

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Also, think of it this way. We all have heard anti-gunners or no-guns say "Just shoot over their head to scare them" or "Just shoot them in the leg to stop them". We all know this is wrong, and will send you straight to jail. Using LTL ammo is the exact same thing.

How many jihadis wear armored vests? Also gut shot/head shot is a thing.

Just shoot them in the nuts ;^)

>Holding more then 8-9 rounds
But my shotgun can hold up to 105 projectiles with the right load, and it only has a mag tube to match the 18.5" barrel.

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>cuddling with shotgun in bed
>want to put it down on the floor
>end up scratching up my laptop
shotguns a shit.

You've probably answered this before but did you do the stencil yourself or get skinwalker to make it for you?

I ran it through a program to B&W it then gave it to a laser engraver whose program is able to read B&W images and then laser it on

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Oh, it's laser engraved. Neat. I want to do that to my mossberg but people here charge too much for that. Jelly of that gun

It cost me like 60 bucks for my NFA engraving and Arashi at the same time, 40 for NFA and an extra 20 for Arashi
My local engraver is pretty based, used to be a class 3 and just consolidated to lasering shit

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What funs are those?

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Fug. it's like $120 here just to do one and it's hard to find anybody willing to work on even just the receiver.

1897 and Benelli M1 SBS

Oof, lasering is fucking easy too idk why they're charging so much
Check with trophy shops and shit too, see if they can do it

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How do you store your scatterbois?

I keep mine muzzle up in the corner, full tube, empty chamber, slide locked, trigger cocked, safety on

So, long range hunting, defending yourself against snipers, and drawn out gunfights with round counts well into the double digits with no time to reload are what you think comprises 95% of peoples firearms needs?

Riflefags are such chronic larpers that it'd actually be funny if they were joking.

Why safety on? Just one thing to add to picking it up and using it in self defense. Obviously chamber unloaded is best because racking can be done so quickly (and is fun af) and prevents ND, but the safety only just adds one step with no apparent increase in safety.

>dumb shotgunfag thinks you can't do competitive shooting or long distance target shooting
The C O P E

I don't own a scattergat yet. Tell me why I shouldn't buy an M4 as my first one

Literally 0 reason, the Benelli M4 is probably the pinnacle of autoloading combat shotguns

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If I was in a SHTF/drug dealer/any kind of scenario where possibility of violence is high, you want a sniper. Each guy has a couple people with guns behind him swapping the food/resources/drugs/etc, but if you have some guy well far away who can pick off someone and disorient, you win.

Hunting elk

those sights are quite the bait buddy

By far my best score

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thoughts on m4 vs vepr12 / vepr12-04sbs?

You should try
>chamber empty
>safety off
>trigger pulled/slide lock off

Just pick up and pump to shoot, 3 safeties seems overkill unless you have kids or stupid family members/roommates

Do you have 2,000 to drop on a top-of-the-line "tactical" shotgun? If you have tons of disposable income for a range toy/LARP gun then nothing is better (saiga clones might be more fun but the m4 actually works). You will own both eventually anyway. There is really no reason not to own a cheap pump action. If you can't afford to drop an extra $250 on a mossy then you can't afford the benelli in the first place.

if you could only have one shotty, which would be the be-all, end-all?

Not him but a higher end pump with an extended mag likeThat way you can cycle anything without having to worry about a gas system

Ugh I was literally just looking for that bayonet mount, I found a couple Ohio nasty girl models on gunbroker but I don't need a 5th 12ga and a second 870...

Probably a decent pump gun. Only because it is the most versatile. If I had to use one to defend my house against a group of dindus it would be a benelli but there are more uses than that. It would definitely be an 870 for me. I own a couple mossbergs but they aren't as versatile in design.
Mossberg makes you choose between
>extended tube
>interchangable barrel
these features are mutually exclusive which kind of limits versatility if I could only have one.
870 can go from a skeet gun to a tac'd out 8+1 pistol gripped folding stock shotty by only swapping out a few parts. (Pistol grips on mossbergs are retarded as fuck because the safety and slide release are literally inaccessible without taking your hand off the grip completely.)

Fabarm makes some truly sexy boomsticks

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Haven't used a Vepr12 but by all accounts they're more reliable than the saigas. However they can still be picky and are nowhere near the reliability of the M4

all those activities the target aint shooting back retard.

>user writing this post

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First for Ithaca DSPS being the best

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>those sights
Cool scattergun otherwise

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Shotguns are boring. I have 30 guns and I haven't even shot my Mossberg in a decade.

Buy a shockwave or tac 14. Load 3" buckshot. The experience can be called a lot of things but boring is not one.

>the most aesthetic guns are boring

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