Armslist experiences? First timer

Generally how is the experience... is it similar to a craigslist experience just with a gun? Do I meet at their place or somewhere public? Just trying to get an idea on what's normal and what isn't.

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That's actually extremely low

honestly the pic means fuck all, I just wanted an armslist meme pic

Very similar to craigslist. Agree to a deal via email, meet up wherever and buy/sell/trade. I usually like to do a bill of sale to cya. My bills of sale look similar to the 4473 for an additional safety net.

Meet outside a gun shop, where it's not out of the norm for people to be handling firearms. Make sure the dude you are trading up with is cool with following laws in your state. My state does not require dealer involved in exchanges, but I ask for photo ID and permit if we doing pistols. I've traded and sold firearms in this manner through armslist on two occasions and had no issues.

>criminal record
>got an assault charge for a bar fight 30 years ago

Good thing the law says felonies and not criminal records

Boomer detected

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I generally try to only buy or sell above the $400 mark, so to avoid dealing with shitheads and trash. I've probably bought/sold/traded 40-50+ times on there and scored some great deals, never an issue. Usually SW's and the gentleman that I dealt with usually have good money, careers, etc...Just be wise and always choose a good Meetup. I'm fond of bestbuy myself

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I mailed $1300 in money orders to a guy on Armslist last week. My first time using it, actually. But I also knew the guy's Gunbroker account and I could verify he wasn't a scammer. Guess I'll find out if I was right in about a week.

post more boomer pics please

I wouldn't be surprised if OP's image includes all recorded events, including things like parking tickets, even though they aren't criminal acts.

>I usually like to do a bill of sale to cya

A bill of sale is a replacement for signing over a lost title. It goes to the buyer. Guns don't have titles. You're just keeping a sales record. Stop misusing legal terms.

They send you money. It's in your account. You ship to a FFL. Sometimes the FFL is fishy. Usually the send you their FFL, and then it ssimple. Sometimes you need to have the FFL sit down on your lap, and give them atalking to about their first numbers, and last.

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I got a handgun through it. Pretty simple, finger fuck gun in the parking lot then go in hand him the money and done.
I'm too paranoid to send money for people to ship, I can only do face to face.

Uhh no. A bill of sale refers to any document that refers to the details of a transaction between two parties. Google it.

some guy money ordered me 700 and my account wasnt even registered then trusted me to mail product after money cleared. another time some beaner sent me the tracking # for a check and it was delivered to another state. suppose he was hoping id mail out product before receiving payment when the dipshit himself said to ship after the check clears. good try paco.

I sold a few guns on there. It's 50/50 you need to trust someone. If they got good reviews that all you can do. I always send my shit.

Where to meet if selling in a big city?

Well lit parking lots. I like home depots, walmarts, etc. Sporting goods stores that sell guns like cabelas or bass pro are perfect because nobody looks at you weird as you fingerfuck guns in the parking lot

quick quick post your guns teenager

You are incredibly wrong. You need to do basic research before posting.

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Politi stations / well lit parking areas and bring black up.

Uh, yes.
>A bill of sale has been defined as a legal document made by the seller to a purchaser, reporting that on a specific date at a specific locality and for a particular sum of money or other value received, the seller sold to the purchaser a specific item of personal property, or parcel of real property of which he had lawful possession . The Black’s Law Dictionary on its part defines a bill of sale as “an instrument for the conveyance of title to personal property, absolutely or by way of security”. According to Omotola the bill of sale is “a form of legal mortgage of chattels”. Bullen and Leake and Jacobs define a bill of sale as “a document transferring a proprietary interest in personal chattels from one individual (the “grantor”) to another (the “grantee”), without possession being delivered to the grantee”.

>In essence, a bill of sale is a written instrument showing the voluntary transfer of a right or interest or title to personal property, either by way of security or absolutely, from one person to another without the actual physical possession of the property leaving the owner and being delivered to the other party.

The most common usage today is when selling cars with missing titles. You're not just selling the car, you're selling the title to the car, which you don't actually have to sign over. So you give the buyer a bill of sale stating that you no longer claim to own the title to the car, even though you may, in fact, still possess the physical title document somewhere.

If you've never bought/sold a gun in a parking lot from a stranger are you really Jow Forums?

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Take your own advice. Note, reading some forum posts by other dipshit Fudds does not constitute basic research.

>A bill of sale has been defined as a legal document made by the seller to a purchaser, reporting that on a specific date at a specific locality and for a particular sum of money or other value received, the seller sold to the purchaser a specific item of personal property, or parcel of real property of which he had lawful possession
Come on guy, bills of sale have been used as proof of transfer of ownership for literally ever in america. Just because it's most commonly used for transferring ownership of cars doesn't change that. Read your own source.

>but I ask for photo ID and permit if we doing pistols

Oh, you're THAT guy huh? What exactly do you think you're achieving with this?

A bill of sale I can understand, this always just strikes me as dumb

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>I did not understand the wiki text
A genuine bill of sale for a firearm sale would be needed if the seller of the gun kept the gun for whatever reason, and the bill of sale would go to the buyer.

> (You)
>Uh, yes.
>>A bill of sale has been defined as a legal document made by the seller to a purchaser, reporting that on a specific date at a specific locality and for a particular sum of money or other value received, the seller sold to the purchaser a specific item of personal property which he had lawful possession .

Yup sounds about right. Thanks for proving my point.

Bought an HK USP .45 from a dude in a parking lot for $400. It was legit though and the dude was a chill old timer just clearing out the safe.

>I am also a retard that can't understand legal concepts


I've had nothing but good experiences

>Show interest in FS2000
>Guy has a mega listing with some other guns
>Ask where he'd like to meet up
>Suggest our local range
>head out and have a range day with the guy, get to shoot all sorts of cool stuff
>His wife sat in the car for an hour while we shot/she counted the money

Second one was my SPAS 12

>Guy from out of state
>message him asking if he's willing to ship
>"Actually, this is my secondary residence, I'm a residence of your home state too. I have my main home there."
>house happens to be 40 minutes from me
>he offers for me to swing by his house, grab some coffee, go shooting
>swing by, pick up gun, all went well

You're either underage or have a poor understanding of the language.

It's not very often that I see someone this blatantly stupid in the wild. Congrats.

>>he offers for me to swing by his house, grab some coffee, go shooting

>Yeah bro I have French Roast and 7N6 in the basement
>Keep going down the stairs, that's it

Sold an XDm 9mm to a bank manager, in the bank parking lot

Fugg u

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>man wants to make sure he's not selling to some shifty nigger so he does his due diligence and asks for a state id and a state issue permit for pistols because he lives in a communist shit hole that issues those and also doesn't want to be raped by said shit hole
Once again a Bill of Sale is something you give the buyer you dumb fuck.

My friend came with me and the entire time kept cracking jokes about me always taking him to "murder cabins".

Dude was super nice though, had the shotgun on his truck when I pulled in and walked me through it. Had slugs, buckshot, and birdshot around so he could show me how it functioned in its various modes and to demonstrate that low brass, low power wouldn't cycle it in semi-auto.

It was a really nice house on a nice piece of property. I figured a guy who has two homes and a gun as uncommon as a nearly NiB SPAS 12 wasn't going to murder me. He was also willing to meet up at a local business, but I opted for his home so I could test fire it.

A lot of Armslist is just about using common sense. If you're buying a Glawk 40 and the dude offers to meet up at some hood house, then you might want to reconsider.

You look like you're living in the southwestern suite of a brothel.

>"bills of sale, which do not represent any form of security whatsoever, are simply documents evidencing assignments, transfers and other assurances of personal chattels, which are substantially no more than mere contracts of sale"
>"A bill of sale is a legal document that records the transfer of ownership of an asset to a second party in exchange for money. The document is commonly used to record the sale of aircraft, autos, motorcycles, and watercraft; however, it also can be used to record the sale of personal property, such as animals or furniture."
>"A bill of sale can be quite complex or quite simple, it all depends on the type of transaction. A typical retail purchase receipt can be considered a bill of sale, as it details the specific goods that have been sold to the buyer and the specific price that was agreed to and paid for each."

I have two kind if conflicting views on this. If you're released from a prison you should have played your dues and be rehabilitated and get to enjoy your rights again. But I know people who are released chances are will reoffend again

I have bought dozens of guns from people on Armslist and have never been scammed or even lied to. Gun sellers are extremely upstanding.

If you're selling and are worried about crims you can ask to see or copy their driver's license, or just do a transfer at a gun shop and make them pay the $30 or whatever. That'll clear your conscience.

If you're buying from out of state so you can't inspect the gun yourself, I usually ask for pictures of parts of the gun that people wouldn't normally show, like the face of the hammer or inside the magwell. This way I know the person actually has the gun and the chance of scam instantly drops to near zero.

Buying and selling guns on the internet isn't 100% risk free obviously, but if you put in a little effort and believe your BS detector, you'll be fine.

tl;dr If it sounds to good to be true, it is. Don't be stupid.

Attached: do you see a sign on the front of my house that says dead gatter storage.jpg (2598x3900, 1.47M)

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

Mine was great!

>be a few years ago
>finally gonna bite the bullet and get a nugget
>Find one for $150 on armslist
>e-mail the guy for a few days about the basics
>meet up in between us a police station
>look gun over
>pay him and leave

Pic unrelated.

Took about all of 15 minuets and the guy was really polite and nice.

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It seems like more and more sellers are asking to see a CCW permit, since it shows you're legit.

>That pic

Never has autism looked so good


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>tl;dr If it sounds to good to be true, it is.

>tfw I bought a latemodel Mini-14 for $250 from a 0-feedback Gunbroker seller and it arrived eight days later

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Check those digits. 5 5's. Impressive.

I've tried calling my police department to tell them when felons have tried to buy my guns but they literally don't care. So if there's anyone to blame it's police for not doing their jobs, there's more than enough laws in place just no enforcement.

It's illegal for felons to own/be in possession of a gun, but is it illegal for them to just attempt to purchase one?

Betcha they forget to include that traffic tickets are counted in that statistic.

Forgetting implies an accident rather than malicious intent to promote an agenda of misinformation

I've done this like 5 days ago. I sent him a $1,000 money order through the mail first. And now hes saying that he's shipped the firearm. When asked for a picture of the packing information I've yet to receive a response. Also he says its apparently it's going to take a week to arrive, but he lives 4hrs away... How fucked am I? And if possible could I sue if I don't get the item I've paid for?

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Dude why wouldn't you just make the drive if you wanted it that bad? Sounds fishy as fuck, if it's not an antique it should ship directly to an FFL, has your FFL heard anything?


did you really do that? Are you really that dumb?

I'm currently at another state on a business trip and I didnt want to wait untill I got back.

Yes. The guy seemed genuine. He offered to meet in person to conduct the deal since we were in the same town for that day, but I couldn't make it because of work (12hr shifts). And because the trip started the next day, I offered to have him ship it. Instead.

If it's legit, that shipping time isn't unusual for things like UPS ground. They sometimes send it way out to a depot somewhere before it comes back to you.

You're fine relax.

A criminal record isnt a disqualifier to own a gun. A felony or DV is

Don't forget misdemeanors that carry a possible maximum sentence of greater than 2(?) years. Some guys in my state have gotten denied because of a single DUI they paid a fine for because the max was 2.5 years.

Have you spoken with the FFL?

>He doesn't live in an area where meeting in a 24/7 Wal-Mart to trade guns is common and nobody gives a fuck.

Vegas bro?

Yes. They pretty much said that they'll be calling me whenever they receive it.

Thx man. I guess I needed some reassurance, that people will do the right thing.

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realtalk, the walmart supercenter outside of mansfield ohio is the gun crossroads of the state it seems.

I have a criminal record. Speeding tickets.

I'm trying to sell my pistol and I get nothing but scammers saying they'll accept "INSTANT PURCHASE"

>Yes. They pretty much said that they'll be calling me whenever they receive it.
They aren't going to be calling you, you got scammed for 1000 dollars and the guy can't provide a tracking number? He hasn't sent it.

>that people will do the right thing.

aside from a lot of email flakes and randos asking you stupid things, my experience has been pretty good. i just met up with a dude to trade some ammo recently, nice guy. we talked for a good 20 minutes about guns.
my only suggestion to you is be crystal clear on terms. reiterate it when you confrim to meet.
"item x for y dollars at 12pm at this gastation".
that way theres no "well i thought you said this..." bullshit

The Buger King of immense safety, and the Walmart of security.

Bring the sight to your eye, not your eye to the sight

Call them beforehand, if they're a nigger, spic, or sound like a tweaker don't meet them.

Easy peasy.


>>Do I meet at their place
NEVER do this.
>or somewhere public?
Always do this.

About 1 in 4 us adults have a criminal record so...

>First Armslist purchase was an SKS in a parking lot
>The guy brought his mom with him

I bought a 1916/20 Luger off of a guy in an abandoned Christmas shop parking lot while on the way to a Democratic convention once.

You should meet at a gun shop and fill out a 4473 complete with background check, precisely because of the pic your posted.

"black up"?
You mean I do this? Got it.

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this actually from armslist?

what's their methodology for that stat?

what counts as a "criminal record?

are they actually prohibited from owning firearms?

who gives a fuck? just don't sell to niggers

>sold all my shit guns on armslist
>never sell to blacks

My thought precisely Good Sir.

I have had nothing but good experiences. Just carry, meet in a parking lot (Cabela's, Academy, Gander Mtn, your LGS, etc) that is public but somewhere that guns are sold -- and most of all, research who you are selling to.

Online fingerprints are yuge and unsecure anymore. I recently bought an SLR-107FR from a guy for $700, lol. How? I had made him precious offers ($900) and this nigger refused. Too proud of his gun. Anyways, I tune into his FB account and check it once a week. Three weeks later, I see he gets his retarded lifted and spaced Nissan Frontier in a wreck.

Now he owes money.

I waited 2 days after the wreck and said, "I will make you one final offer for $700, take it or leave it."

"sumthin happend recently and I will have to tke it. hate to see it go"


>tl;dr Google who you're dealing with, pack a gun, meet in public

is 425 a good deal for a beretta 92fs? or should I just buy a 92s police trade in for 300 and some change?

pulled out of some liberal's ass.

You should be able to get a 92FS/M9 for $400 or less in the original box. At this point I don't think I'd buy a 92S over $300.

how about 1:1 with a gen3 glock 22?

I've bought a couple guns from armslist.

We always meet in a parking lot I know is videotaped, and during daylight. Everyone has been polite and asked for a CC permit.

nvm ill figure it out, thanks for the help.

Was probably a murder weapon

Came with two stocks and three mags and the guy selling it was an FFL.

Make that two now hehe

Asking for permit and ID is great for weeding out niggers.

I always go fast food. One time did McDonalds and the other time did Chik-Fil-A

Yes it is but if you're going to pay that much you might as well just buy new:

>Bought a PTR in a library parking lot
>P38 in UPS parking lot
>Star BM same as above
>Tokarev in a different UPS parking lot
Yep... love me some parking lot sales.

Bait? Isn't guns on USPS property a felony waiting to happen, or is that just if you carry into the post?