Oh shit, fucking infographic thread

Oh shit, fucking infographic thread
Post them, my African American gentlemen

Attached: 698E720E-733B-4334-A058-9B263E63AC41.jpg (540x748, 100K)

Other urls found in this thread:


A proper gentleman would post several images that pertain to the thread subject at hand in order to get the ball rolling. Faggots post a solitary OP image and expect everyone to just jump in.

Attached: gardevoir slav_squat.png (500x600, 421K)

faggots post pokemon on the weapons board.

Attached: 1543689758039.png (900x1136, 616K)

Dicks! Dicks everywhere!

Attached: 1543688643303.jpg (492x475, 56K)

This has to be a troll or it was written by a Hollywood screen writer


Attached: ANFO.png (684x1110, 408K)

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That doesn't actually work like that, all that happen is the stalk grows long so tha the leaves can get to the sun. You end up with really deep potato plants.

The way to get that to work properly is to separate the layers. 10 inches of soil, then a foot and a hal of open air, then another box, etc etc. And then they need an open space so the sun can hit them.

Attached: hafted-about-build-j-johnson-med.jpg (770x387, 76K)

Now that's actually Jow Forums and useful

How much depth of soil does a potato need? I wonder if you could have a bunch of shelves and then use hydroponic lamps to grow them.

Mgnesiumpowder, ESBIT and unknown = 7 times more energy than Thermite

Attached: redhotknife.png (901x593, 303K)

throw the noodles away and use spagetti for 2x times more CAL per volume

Not infographics, but a useful collection of documents on survival.


There's more sodium in that MRE than a Gulag prisoner can mine in one day.

>it can't go off
>trust me

It is not the pineaples crown that yield pineaples but stalks that grow in the plant besides the fruit. The crown will yield a plant that does not produce any fruit

The noodles come prepackaged and with their own flavoring


The spice is single packeged. Use high density inside MRE or go home.

Sure, its Anfo and needs a explosive booster

you'll need it in an emergency situation

people thinking this chart will help them suture are stupid.
If you're new to closing wounds at least get one of pic related and practice, you'll still do a shitty job. Maybe not as shitty if completely unpracticed. Do knots all the time too.

Attached: Suture practice.jpg (1500x1227, 196K)

neat thanks for the heads up

what about practicing sutures on a banana? I heard that's what surgeons do to practice

>Remove the bullet
Time to immediately disregard!

Attached: 1396156016217.jpg (500x446, 59K)