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Previous thread:Somebody make a guide how to reactivate an ak edition

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Canadian AK lovers, it's time to come out of the closet!

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Unf, nice gat. Peak fucking performance right there.

I wonder if the dudes who build these aks actually go shoot them or if they just fap to them in their basements.

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Got nowhere to shoot em in metro Ontario, either need to move to BC or the midwest.

For the first time in a while I’m excited for a rifle, pumped to see the WK 181-C come out

Oh my god just stop trying, it's embarrassing

Sasuga newfag san

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I've been here for fucking years i just dont start threads fag boy

>I've been here for fucking years
Sure you have, guy who can't even figure out how to link a post

Suuuuuure bud
Well first read the pastebin and get your pal and maybe after that you can start to make threads ;^)

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Why must you lie?

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hwy are you gae?

Do you import the parts then build them yourself? Is that legal?

Could I get away with an 18" barrel on a modern sporter build? Would bushpigs or ROs care?

It's only legal to import the parts, not build them

470mm is the minimum barrel length for a semi-auto centerfire rifle or shotgun to remain NR. No less.

Meant for

Is there anything I can do to make an 18" barrel NR? I had hear about people modifying their ACR barrels to get it reclassified as NR back before the DMR was available and it only came with a 16" barrel.

You sure they weren't replacing the barrels themselves? There's no "pinned and welded" rule like the states, a barrel either is NR or it isn't.

All parts minus the trigger group and receiver are legal to import.

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LOL i have a PAL dont worry.
I'm not.

no you are

We know you're lying.
You know you're lying.
Continuing to lie about it only makes you look like a tool and, frankly, if this is the quality of your character, then you're really not welcome here.

I went shooting for the first time yesterday. Started cleaning the guns today and it took me a couple hours to clean 2 of 4 guns. Any way to make this go by quicker? Used like 50+ patches before I got to tired to keep going.

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>You will comply with gun laws that gradually become stricter every year.

Why haven't you built an AK yet user?

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Buy a bore snake for the barrels and use G96 CLP on the action etc. If shooting corrosive then that's a different story

Shoot non-corossive and this won't be a problem.

Otherwise remember to use lots of CLP.

Wonder if carbon tax will have an effect on the price of bullets

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I didn't use corrosive on any of my guns. I was pretty liberal with my Hoppes 9.
Probably should seriously invest in a snek. I'm just using a cleaning rod since none of the guns are in the same calibre and I can change the top part out for different sizes.

too lazy, build one for me nigger

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You're overcleaning your guns to fuck

This, especially if you plan on shooting them again soon. (Non-corrosive )

Shit. What's the problem with overcleaning? I just used bore solvent until patches stopped coming out dark and came out grey-ish. Then just oiled all the parts.

Nothing wrong with over cleaning if you dont mind spending the time. But unless you are shooting corrosive, you just need spray it down with clp, wipe it down good and snake the barrel.

It's milsurp if that makes a difference I didn't want to risk ruining a piece of history.

>What's the problem with overcleaning?
It wears out your guns faster for no good reason. Just remove the gunk, brush/boresnek the barrel once or twice and put a thin coat of oil or grease (some guns like one better than the other) on moving parts and steel ones.

To each is own. If it has sentimental value then you might want to spend more time on it .

You really don't need to be cleaning your guns that much. As long as there's oil on the bits that move and you wipe out the excess carbon buildup on the inside, they're fine. It's ok to clean your bore, but you don't need to use 50 patches. 2 or 3 at most. I run a bore snake through my barrels a couple times and then I stop. On my semi auto long guns I clean out the gas system maybe twice a year. I just wipe them dry, check for wear, make sure the gas port is clean, and wipe down the bolt parts wit an oiled rag.

Keep water off and outside of them and they're going to be fine.

If you want something because of historical value, just buy another one and shoot the fuck out of the one in worse condition. It's a surplus, mass produced, 100 year old gun you bought at bargain bin price, and there are thousands of them out there. It's not really worth that much.

Sask user here.

I've been helping my grandfather renovate his home and he asked if I wanted this instead of the $500 he was going to pay me:

I know nothing about guns. Should I take him up on his offer?

Thanks anons. I'll keep this in mind for tomorrow so I don't waste half my Sunday on the last two rifles I still haven't cleaned.

Do you like guns, or have an interest in getting into them?

That's like someone offering me 500, or a really nice set of... I don't know, Skis? that are worth 1000. I have no fucking interest in skiing. I could sell them and get more money, but that's not really that genuine/honest/respectable, is it?

Stop asking people to tell you what you want.

is this bait? lol

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Stop posting this you autistic wheatnigger fuck

what do you want me to post instead?

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rude ... dont EVER reply to me again

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fuck off retard

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Can we post like it's CGN? I'll start.

rare supergrade mosin $900 shipped on your dime. This thing is a real beauty guys, sad to let it go. Serious inquiries only lowballers will be ignored.
>PAL is a must
>EMT is king
NFA Member Since 2009
Molon Labe
make trudeau a drama teacher again

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He goes target shooting and has a couple guns. He won this one at a show a few months back and has only shot it a few time. I mentioned I'd like to go with him sometime and he offered it asking if I'd want it instead of the money.

I know I want to shoot with him, but haven't put much any thought or research into what gun I would want.

reminds me of all the overpriced garands
is this legal in Canada? The website says it ships to Canada but I can't find any info except a thread on some gold prospecting website full of retards...

nice dewat


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Are there any no compromise gun groups in Canada?
All the CCFR does is muh dialogue

Start one

im gonna guess no

pls send me $50 on paypall for membership

I guess it depends on what is considered a firearm in Canada, it has no chamber and no barrel, just a firing pin and is useless when used with live ammo because the gasses can't accelerate the projectiles, basically harmless.

i like the firework one

Highly custom SKS for sale
Comes in Tapco stock with 50 Tapco magazines, with top rail and a $50 Chinese made red dot sight that I swear is just as good as an aimpoint. No tire kickers, photos can be taken by a Polaroid camera and shipped via carrier pigeon, all I ask is $1500 and your first born son. Willing to trade for a Lahti L39 with ammo.

the chad knows what hes got boomer vs the beta market researching zoomer

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I'm guessing you don't have a firearms license then. You'll need that first before you can possess firearms here. Try going shooting with him first, then decide if you enjoyed it enough to invest in the hobby or whether to take the $500.

>50 tapco magazines
>$30 each
Free SKS $80 rail adaptor and shitty reddot, just resell the magazines to recoup your losses! This basically sells itself! Buy buy buy

Put on an album of a bad you like and just do it, man.
Make sure to use snek properly.
>Bump ten year old thread for guns that are no longer in production
When are you getting the next batch????

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With regards to allowing Manitoba into a western canadian republic there is one advantage to allowing it...Manitoba has access to Hudson Bay, which has access to the Atlantic, we could get our oil & uranium to international market that way.

How's the railway heading up there?

Saskatchewan is great, and better than any of the lands that lay east of it.

Just build more pipelines...perhaps a massive covered conveyer belt for all of the yellowcake.

Right, but in the interim...

It's Sunday. Who else is going to the range, and why?

I'm going to play with my WK180-C, my newly upgraded 10/22, and to fire 1 round out of my t3x ctr in 308 and my mod 70 in 300wsm strictly to get the brass to for to my chamber so I can drill and tap the brass and make my own modified case.

Will make reloading on the lapua and nosler brass much much more consistent.

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You going to cut a slot for the new TUF-22 mags?

Nope. I don't care for dlask anymore. I was on the pre order list for their new receiver but their piss poor inability to communicate on cgn turned me right off.

They've had the receivers for at least a month now, which is all i wanted. But they're only going to sell the receiver when the fuckin mags work properly because the company they contracted cant follow blue prints.

Dlask is just fucked. I emailed them asking for the receiver and they told me 'No. We're going to send out your bill when the mags are ready' so fuck those guys.

I aquired a dewat sten mk2.
Should make great again?

You should keep talking about it on the internet, post pics with your face next to it and provide your address for the lulz and science

How much you pay? you in calgary?

Dont worry RCMP, i think the bolt too cut up and welded to shit to make work. Probably just keep it dewat and sell it at an inflated price when i get boomeritis


buying dewats _is_ boomeritis

*sips* heh kid one day you'll understand

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Enjoy your pro israel man children.

redpill me on nfa, people told me they were bluepilled

They're borderline sovereign citizen types who LARP as Canada's NRA despite having no pull anywhere and spend member funds to shitpost on facebook. There was a scandal at some point when the manchild in chief, Shawn Bevins, went rogue and caused a bunch of ruckus because he didn't agree with the board of directors or some shit. Can't remember all the specifics, but you had a significant fracture in the org at that point and as far as I know they've faded into complete obscurity.

Wouldn't paying for someones pal/rpal course be more effective than donating to some faggy org
Like what have these nerds done about c71 aside from grifting boomers from cgn

Thoughts on Alfa proj revolvers? I kinda want one in .22lr for plinking at the range. Held one and it seemed decent for $600.
How are they?

alright so basically what i thought, some zero pull organizations that draw in the faceberg retards

Can't go wrong with Czechnology, Satan.

Thats got to be the dumbest way to get seating position.

>have to wait another 47 days for RPAL

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>didn't listen when we insistently tell every one of you retards to get both at the same time

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>rpal class was filled 3 months in advance
>at height of bill c71 scare last year
o well maybe one day

Just drive one city over where the wait times are lower. Don't pretend like there's only one place you can do it.

I went out of province for mine

lol somebody saved my oc snek use image

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thx this info will now be stuck in my head and helpful

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