Board Culture General

Recent jannies have, through their policies and policing (ie removal of Winter Ball), created an environment that kills board culture and welcomes in redditors and the like. This is an attempt to revitalize board culture. Talk about your favorite Jow Forums things here, and shit on other boards if you like.

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The jannies on this board specifically are facebook tier with how normie they handle shit

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We need gun control threads.

>you arent allowed to talk about extreme events which will affect the ownership of the very object this specific board is dedicated to

The faggot jannies are runing this board. But Jow Forums is dead anyways

I don’t know why people say it’s dead honestly. It’s more the fact that it can’t return to how it was before because of jannies stomping out any fun things between boards and such.

Fuck animay.

This board want made for animay, its not an animae website, and it doesnt cater to your gay ass cartoons or fandom.

Moot is dead too. Fuck gook cartoons and the virgins who worship it

Jannies need to do a better job of removing Jow Forums content.

4chans going to be doing post ids or some shit soon anyways, where we all migrating too?

>I dont understand why people say its dead

Because all the good things are gone. Its like when there is a badass set of movies, the director ends it all, then some stupid faggot comes along, buys the name and rights, then just SHITS all over the movie. Like, pushes out a serious piece of shit that is an absolute disgrace.

Kind of like what disney did to starwars.

Everything fun and amazing about this site is dead and gone, and now its infested with faggot plebbit transplants

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Not clickin that gay shit, thats for sure

We both know you already clicked it.

I actually didnt. And im glad I didnt.

See what im talking about here? A bunch of fags always just come into some thread and try to shit on everything. Like on command

I know. What I was trying to get at is that I think it’s death is due to jannies limiting shit so much. No one comes to Jow Forums to try to make it more PC, because it’s known as not that and the people who come here want to fuck around anonymously, and people wouldn’t act like redditors if they could act any other way. So if we get rid of jannies, we get rid of the problem.

Jannies are only part of the problem.

There are the people, and the government.

>jannies are gov
>community is people

And it really sucks dick when the jannies are all a bunch of fuckheaded faggots, while at the same time the community is over saturated with plebbit tranplants, 9gagfags, and funnyjunkers.

Its a cancer cesspool and mostmof the cancer was brought here by edgy media trying wolf about Jow Forums being this underground hatepit.

Fuck off back to pol antisemite shithead

>fj being mentioned on Jow Forums
no way

Would solving the jannie problem help cull some of the plebbitors?

God forbid.

If anything, it would make it worse because you would be letting the idiots run loose and spam endless cancer without any sort of retaliation.

Dont get me wrong, the janitors are fucking faggots, but I cant imagine some of the idiocy they have to deal with daily. Its not a glamorous position. They are here to sweep up our shit when were done throwing it and laughing

What? Its just as mainstream as ifunny, memebase, or whatever faggot infested image board now a day.

I bet you never even saw FJ when the background was green. Faggot

Alright cool thanks. Excuse my retardation, I just want Jow Forums to return to its glory days and I don’t know how to do it.

No we have to move
Who owns Jow

This, no website is a special club.
They all have a certain feel and this place has fucking lost everything that made it decent.
Where the fuck did the threads go where everyone takes turns adding defenses to buildings or designing the most meme worthy weapons in photoshop.
The creativity here has been stifled by all the fucking critics who can't contribute to a discussion unless it's unnecessarily pointing out flaws.

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What if we tried coming up with a list of demands for revitalizing Jow Forums and presenting it to jannies directly? Then if it didn’t work we could just move. I’m honestly so tired of the constant shit on this board. It needs to be rectified.

Its not retarded.

Jannies are faggots, the community is made of faggots, and everyone is sour because of it.

K will never be back to the good days. The only hope we have is a civil war, or some kind of event that will bring us all together.

So far im boted and uninthused, and I dont have any hope of anything interesting happening

A protest is a great step. Make such a mssive fuss/issue for months at a time with hundreds of people on the same page and you might get your wish.

Good luck getting there.

Worth a shot I guess. I’ll get on it.

Tell me the plan and Ill help.

I spam shit daily to piss off jannies anyways

That happened though, and is still going on. It’s just to bad the based protesters get banned like if this was china

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>Waah waaaah my safespace

Did it?

Because Insure havent noticed.

And If i havent noticed after being here for 3+ years and coming on at least once a day, its not nearly as big as it needs to be.

I’m going to try to compile a Jow Forumsonstitution that addresses multiple problems and controversies on Jow Forums (shit like flags, animeposting etc). I’ll create strawpolls on each of the issues to see what Jow Forums wants to happen to each of the issues, posted in multiple threads which I’ll probably start tomorrow. After we have most major issues compiled and decided on what should be done with them, I’ll present the constitution to the jannies through some way or another. If they don’t accept it then we protest our asses off and eventually bail if that doesn’t work. Pretty simple.

I like it. Alot.

Lets do it

Yeah it kinda died after a month or two of 4channel being established

Fuck the mods, fuck jannies, and especially fuck whoever came up the asinine rule that we cannot discuss politics surrounding gun control on a board devoted to weapons. Its completely fucked and I feel like was done on purpose so that any sort of reasonable discourse gets shuffled off to Jow Forums, where the thread gets buried to page 10 within a minute among all the other garbage that gets posted there

Dude /k has been dead for like, 3 years.

4channel was just the 100th nail in the coffin at this point.

I agree, it’s fucking stupid
Yeah. It’s so weird watching it die. Two years ago, it was bad but there would be threads every now and then there would be a great thread. Now, there’s not even that

Does anyone have any issues that I should address in the Jow Forumsonstitution?

>But Jow Forums is dead anyways
Ahem..... 4channel

1. Jannies
2. Politics
3. Bait threads
4. The over abundance of generals
Anything else is a community issue, because I doubt you can regulate how many have guns or post OC

I don't see why post IDs would be out of order, it would certainly cut out a lot of faggots sameposting

Very true, and out bots

First and foremost.

>ONE thread about politics and gun control will be allowed. At this point, its a necessity for this board, pol is a shithole, and the fact that every gun control thread created on this board gets 200+ replies in 30 minutes is reason enough.

Two- I really want animay to be banned from this board. Shits gay and annoying. They have their own fucking containment board.

And lastly, ban ATF and frog memes. That gay shit killed this board too.

Honestly I want rule #1 the most. I doubt theyd entertain the last two

That's a good question, every other site is ded as fuck, where the hell are we supposed to go when gookmoot finally drives the final nail in?

>weapons board to discuss weapons
>politicians decide on laws directly affecting public ownership of weapons
>every thread on pol not hating niggers/libtards dies immediately

I really dont see how gun control threads belong only on pol, but there's a cringe anime thread every day full of r9k/wizardchan-tier virgins OwO'ing over gay little cartoons of usually underage girls.

It’s an anime forum. A few anime reaction pics are acceptable, but I draw the limit at the gay ass anime camp threads. ATF memes I agree with, but I frogpost reaction images. Sorry lad

Nigger moot left years ago because he couldnt handle the cancer he created either.

What about flags? GEO FLAGS ONLY, mind you, none of this memeflag bullshit you see on Jow Forums. I knew Jow Forums was going down the shitter when they introduced memeflags simply because you no longer have context as to who is posting what.

I said gookmoot retard, not original moot

That’s the real kicker. People that defend lolis are the absolute worst humans there are
Yeah geo flags would be perfect

Nigger, you frogpost because youre probably a plebbit transplant.
I mean one or two here and there is fine, but seeing the same five fucking peepe-e memes a day gets old. Really old.

Its not an animay forum. At all. The guy who made it may have liked it and enthused it, but this particular subsection is about weapons. Not crungey cutesy drawings.

And ATF is just retarded and beaten like a dead horse.

I just miss the fact that most pictures Jow Forumsommando's took of themselves were funny (or at least trying to be) screwing around instead of just bathroom selfies try to get praise for how cool they are.
When the fuck did this place turn into fucking Instagram?

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Moderation has been pretty shit lately. I've had a thread which stopped bumping with 150 replies only. Mods decided they wanted it gone but didnt' want to delete it outright.

I've also been banned/warned for starting a thread, a normal thread without any rule breaking, which eventually degenerated because of two autists who were fighting. So what do mods do? They ban me for 3 days for starting a thread. It's fucking bullshit.

Anyway, I hope this board doesn't turn to shit because of bad moderation.


Alright I’m with you there. I’ve spent years on here, and a combined 5 minutes on reddit ever, so don’t get to accusing. Again, i just use whatever reaction image I think fits, frog or not. And I’ll concede the anime point, never liked those chink tunes with terrible eyes. 100% with you about atf memes, so fucking stale

Id agree with the facets of anime reaction pics and frog posting are ok, but you're kidding yourself if you don't think that the alphabet agencies arent keeping logged records of your "family photos" and planning accordingly if they deem action is neccesary on their part.

Ok, so far for issues to vote on I have:
Pol-posting (related to guns, all other pol nonsense can fuck off)
In-board events
Multiple-board events
“Countryposting” and Jow Forums shitposting (chinkposting, vatnikposting, etc.)
Generals (with limiting options for allowing it)
Bait threads
Anything else guys?

Its always been shit.
Most of my favorite threads get shut down cuz the jans are faggots here.

They closed my thread and banned me for asking why You cant eat coyote meat. What a bunch of retarded niggers.

Mark my words, this threads getting stuck down soon too.

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I’ve noticed this too, made OC way more fun and original, shit you wouldn’t see elsewhere. Now it’s the same as some gay larp forum on an airsoft site
God the mods are so shitty. So so shitty. There’s no fucking excuse for the atrocious job they’re doing

I don't post anime or pepes but I don't mind them either, as long as they're actually either relevant to conversation in the thread (like reaction pics, parodies, etc), or adornment on an otherwise on-topic and decent post (it is an imageboard, after all).

Specify Geo flags only and no memeflags

Dont get me wrong man. I used to frogpost all the time.
Then being here for a few years, and every day seeing some thread with the exact same frog, day after day asking, >WhAt GuN iS tHe BeSt OnE?

Ugh. Kill me

Too many niggers and discord tranny faggots on here nowadays

What a damn shame that would be, this is one of the better threads sadly
They already use Facebook. Some picture of me in jungle fatigues and a nerf gun is all they can have if they want to look here

The moderators here are bad but they are like Jesus Christ compared to the moderators on any other gun forum.

I have voting options for both on the straw poll draft.

This is the first thread thats been remotely interesting on this board for what feels like fucking weeks.

Cant fucking stand anime. Its not cute, its not funny, its not fun to look at, it just makes people look cringey and virgin-esk.

God I fucking hate those threads
>why is the Ak better than ar?
>why is ar better than ak?
>which gun should I buy
>why is (this country) so bad?
>LOL (you know which one) got beat by rice farmers, all (why don’t shills just shut up) should kill yourselves

It’s all so frustrating

I’ve been on for the past two weeks. The only interesting thread was the stal/k/er thread that died

What are the other big gun forums? They’re boring vanilla shir compared to Jow Forums, and that’s current Jow Forums mind you

No, no option for memeflags and Im not backing off that. Memeflags are fucking garbage and remove any and all context as to who is behind a post. You allow memeflags on this board and I can gaurantee with 100% certainty the quality of this board will suffer immensely

>Its not cute, its not funny, its not fun to look at, it just makes people look cringey and virgin-esk.
I agree. I still don't mind it.

Alright, Jow Forumsonstitution user here. I’m going to bed. If this thread gets deleted feel free to make the straw polls and start collecting votes, and if not I’ll do it in the morning. Add any other suggestions in here to the list at the discretion of whoever takes over while I sleep.

Yeah, Jow Forums only suffered when they did it
Goodnight man, take it easy

Memeflags removed from draft. Jow Forumsonstitution user signing off for the night. Good luck guys.

Look, I get your position on anime, the particular demographic it appeals to always takes shit too far. However, you cannot expect the already poor excuse for mods to start banning everyone who posts some anime reaction picture because you simply don't like it. Also, if you can't find some sort of inherent humor in a bunch of teenage girls operating a Panzer, then you need to lighten up. Never even watched the show, but its still somewhat surreal and humorous

>Anime - allow it. Reaction gif's/JPG's are practically historical heritage at this point. Not every picture has to be a weapon.
>Pol-posting (related to guns, all other pol nonsense can fuck off) allow it.
>Flags - country only. Maybe add a secondary meme flag.
>In-board events - don't care
>Multiple-board events - you mean raids?
>“Countryposting” and Jow Forums shitposting (chinkposting, vatnikposting, etc.) - pointless, no thanks
>Generals (with limiting options for allowing it) yes. Needed to contain faggotry
>Bait threads - delete on sight. Obvious b8 anyway.

The mods and jannies are fucking redditards hand picked by the japanese kike to make the site as shitty as possible.

Humans need a major event to come together. Jow Forums needs another Klankening.

That’s a neat idea. Imagine the day all of humanity is forced to band together in brotherhood and honor. Makes me feel warm inside

When we talk gun control we will bash the Jews. They are the ones trying to remove rights from the goyem. This board is really Jow Forums but more about guns.

I kind of enjoy that kind of dick measuring.

People sometimes have genuinely interesting things to think about and ponder.

I also love caliber debates. If you think all calibers are equal, you are pants on head retarded.

I mean jews are at fault, but they are victims of their own nature. Jow Forums gives them too much credit

Yeah, but that opens the door to chink and vatnik posting

What is so hard to understand about this? You allow one, then some faggot is going to complain that you don't include their faggoty memeflag as well and it just snowballs from there to where no one has any sort of context as to how to construe a post

Its really not humorous though.
Ok yea, the first time you see it, its fine.

After that, its just like jesus fuck off already. Its almost like their goal is to corrupt anything remotely enjoyable.
>lets add this cutsey shit in here and say some overrated or public quote evrybody knows

Fuckoff and die japan

Then fuck off, newfaggot, this is an anime website first and foremost.

No, you can’t say that when this site has changed so much

good night based user we shall make Jow Forums great again

I got banned from AKfiles. I criticized US foreign policy and some fag threatened to pay me a visit. Of course I told him he'd die in my front yard. How retarded can you be to initiate threats towards someone on a gun forum?

>poster IDs
>cut down on the anime posts (reactionss and posts in Jow Forums media threads are okay)
>politics clearly related to weapons are allowed
>maybe something to limit the generals but idk

This is what I would like

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As retarded as /b/ was a few years ago.

>how to set up a goverment sting op to gather incriminating evidence

I don’t think that’s how it works

When you faggots can point out the golden rule that defines every board and subsection of this website as being "made for animay" ill beleive you. But this faggot tier "i said so" bullshit holds no merit. Fuckoff virgin

>ps, this is 4channel now, not fourching.


FUCK 4channel

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Indpendance Day Level of Event.

A Borg cube on the Mall and Red Square, Taj Mahal, Giza Plains, Ayers Rock, Smashes the Eiffel Tower flat.

That might do it.

What? Source now

Oy vey its anudda shoah! Its almost as if 6gorillion of the chosen people were gassed again!

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