Speaking to retailers and owners of the Glock pistol...

>Speaking to retailers and owners of the Glock pistol, two filmmakers shed light on the politics of violence and its implications from Chicago to Kirkuk.

Anyone seen this? Is it woke or a joke?

Attached: 1545265305707.png (341x192, 47K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>implying they aren't mixing hi-points with glocks

>niggers affording guns that routinely retail for $600 at gunstores
what a fucking joke

>nigger sellinh drugs gets nigger rich buying big gold chains and rims
>nah 600 bucks for a glawk is too much
The eternal cope of glockfags will never cease to be amusing

Plenty of niggers buy phones that cost more than that.

t. sells iphones to niggers daily

Niggers have different priorities. They'll spend more on shoes than on firearms.

So I take it by the comments, no one watched it yet

where can I watch it for free?

What is this obsession with glocks journalist types have? Between this and that other article written by that retard a few days ago you would think they are convinced glocks specifically are imbued with magical powers that make them far deadlier than the average pistol. It's just a gun.

Blame Glock for ensuring huge amounts of product placement of their guns in various movies, TV shows, so on and so forth.

Sounds kinda neat, but only if they don't talk about the weapon itself, but what people see in it.

Because if you talk about the weapon itself, you're just going to get this, ad infinitum:

>Why do you own a Glock?
>Because it almost never jams.

They would instead need to ask about the more subjective parts.

>the politics of violence and its implications
what an excellently-composed phrase for conveying nothing of value

The Vice interview with Kel Tec was fucking hilarious, it made me want to run out and buy a sub2k.

Cant find it to stream anywhere.

Idiot journalists probably still think the line from Die Hard 2 about them passing through metal detectors is accurate.


kills all credibility with one word

My favorite part is where the Kel Tec PR guy says "mass shootings" in scare quotes.

The only time I've ever agreed with Phil
Their priorities are shoes/clothes > phones > cars/car shit > haircuts > weed > XBox > food >>> everything else

They are calling legal gun ownership the politics of violence. Honestly why would you even look at this twice.

My thoughts exactly.

To most intellectuals it's a fat joke.
But that's the problem, the vast majority of normal people are brain dead drones that go about and parrot what their superiors want them to say and believe.
At a point you'll realize it's not about facts. and it hasnt been for a long, long time.
Its about guns. It's about firearms. It's about the fact that citizens are armed, full stop. The left has been socially indoctrinated to call for their abolition through thick and thin and anything that even slightly pertains to their position - no matter how factually incorrect and downright disingenuous - will be turn and spun in their favor and used to fuel their fire.

Wtf? They go for $400 new in store where I am at.

You can't finance a Glock

Guns get meme status if they're popular enough. Back in the 1990s I remember hearing a guy being interviewed on NPR saying the AK-47 should be considered a weapon of mass destruction and regulated the same as nuclear bombs. But then the memes died down and today everyone things the AR-15 is the most evil thing on the planet.

Jow Forums here to help out!
Lets check and see who made the film?
IMDB tells us it is made by one "Fritz Ofner".
Ofner...Ofner...now where have I heard that name before?
It seems kind of familiar.
Time to get WOKE.



Attached: Hmmmmm.png (669x478, 122K)

It's another slight apparent tie to the Jerish religion and Jow Forums is expecting us to run wild with this information because they truly, genuinely believe everybody on earth is just as naturally anti-semetic as them, but they just need "waking up".
My thoughts? I think it's nothing. Because it is.

EVERY SINGLE TIME pol is right pol is always right

Attached: 5ad28f07feec3f46a8cb529769671c976ef33d23baa3ee8f3d1864e3396a845e.jpg (1231x866, 205K)

Jow Forums then: Trump is on our side and is pro-2A
Jow Forums now:

To be fair there was a lot of debate then as there is now. As fun as election night was, I'll admit that voting for Trump makes me feel like an asshole now.

My 17 gen 4 was $400, practically brand new

They literally think there mean guns and nice guns, nice guns are guns like grandpas Remington 700, mean guns are Glocks, AKs, and ARs

Huh, that Vice video was surprisingly close to proper journalism.

>former Trump voter here, it's hilarious to watch Trump crash and burn, but in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes

I want to watch this but at the same time I really don't want to give VICE any views

Attached: how vice writes their articles.webm (640x360, 2.54M)

Why would you still support Trump after he's gone against nearly everything he ran on?

Based and redpilled.

he's the best option until a more based republican appears, and I'm sure as shit not going to vote for the modern socialist "fuck whypepo" democrat party.

If we're going to get accelerationist either way, I'd rather get the accelerationism that doesn't make MIGAtards think they're winning.

It's all chicken or the egg bullshit. Christian prohibition of usurey gave Jews a foothold and edge in banking and finance. They formed tight knit communities from being shit on throughout the centuries and gravitated to urban centers to get safety in numbers. Back in the day, big entertainment productions required big cities to support them through local audiences, hence you saw a lot of Jews in the industry due to proximity. Combine a history of finance, nepotism, and industry insidership and it's rather expected that Jews are abundant in the film industry. Big city concentration is also why many Jews are liberal.

Brand new Gen 4 Glock19 was $425
Everyone was buying the Gen 5's so I bought the old model
Its a great firearm.
Hell you can buy a make your own 80% lower Glock shipped to your house for $500
Niggers like sneakers though.
I saw 500 articles about that nigger basketball player from Duke's $500 pair of sneakers blow out during the game in front of Barack Obammy.

Attached: NOGGS.png (899x995, 304K)

>and gravitated towards urban centers so they have safety in numbers
Or because, you know, that's typically where bankers get business.
Big city concentration is why many people are liberal, not just Jews.