My right to bear arms was revoked due to a felony conviction (Aggravated assault by vehicle(I got into a car accident...

My right to bear arms was revoked due to a felony conviction (Aggravated assault by vehicle(I got into a car accident when I was 18 and a passenger got hurt. I had been speeding.)) How do I get them restored?

Attached: Recruitment.jpg (236x290, 17K)

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Speak to a firearms lawyer specifically, you can get certain things overturned.

If you're cozy with a local politician/justice, you can have your record scrubbed or your conviction vacated.

Thank both of you for the advice.

You don't, hopefully. Dangerous faggots like you shouldn't have any rights. You should be drug behind a garbage truck down a gravel road till you die.

For now, you can at least get into black powder.
He's not Milo Yiannopoulos.

Jesus that sucks. A felony conviction sounds a bit harsh for that, how fast were you going? And how fucked up was the passenger/did they hate you?

Mill out an 80

Move to Virginia. Or do they only let felons vote there?

Try not driving like a retard

>I got into a car accident when I was 18 and a passenger got hurt. I had been speeding.
I belive what you really wanted to say is:
>I got into a cat accident when I was 18 and my penis got hurt. I had been drunk.

This here
We need less retards with guns. Old enough to known better but still does stupid shit

What we need is for people to stop trying to regulate everything in our society. Car accidents and speeding in no way correlate to gun violence. Lick harder.

The faggot only let felons vote here so Dems could eat more votes

This is the only acceptable response.

All i hear is some 15year old faggot yelling 'anarchy anrchy'
Grow up kid and own the fact youre a dumbass

Bro, a felony conviction for speeding? Are you retarded?


Dont Fret user! You can still own guns of the black powder type, while being a felon. Under US law all weapons that don’t use modern cartridges are considered replicas and not firearms. Here’s a website I bought my first gun from when I was 19 (Texas).
Good luck with overturning your felony!

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>15 yo
>driving accident

Coulda used your own logic to come to the conclusion that I'm not OP.

Social freedom is, in a sense, agreed upon anarchy. We agree to stay out of each others business, because all men are equal. You can not impose your will on me, nor your punishment unless agreed upon. Just admit you don't want a free society and have learned to love the soft yoke of servitude. Or, grow up.

>Bro, a felony conviction
yeah, you are literally on the same tier as niggers. you should let that sink in and try to change your ways. but you are a felon

just because you are not op does not mean you're not a faggot

Only in this shithole failed experiment called America do you lose the ability to buy a firearm because you were speeding in your car.

Fuck this place

Some states have laws allowing for you to petition for your right to gun ownership to be restored a specified number of years after you are released from prison, but only for certain types of (almost exclusively non-violent) felonies.

If you committed wire fraud, you can get your guns back, if you raped someone, you're fucked.

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