/meg/ Military Enlistment General

Boots are made for walkin' edition


>Do your own research to start, then come here for clarification.
>No vague questions, like "What job is best?"

/meg/ official discord

Guides to prepare for high-speed shit. (SEAL, Ranger etc.)

For Ranger info, obviously.

SEAL/SWCC site with videos and fitness plans and a forum

All around SOF website. Great info and run by former/active members of every SOF unit. Mentor program. Also has forums for international SOF.

For all Army SF info.

For Navy Corpsman info.

This is an all-inclusive thread for MARSOC/Force Recon stuff.

For Coast Guard info. Good site, lots of vets able to answer questions.

>Naval Aviator forum with info on Navy OCS as well

US Army High school to Flight school

Before you ask a question, check the FAQ

>Should I go Navy Enlisted Nuke?
tl;dr: Long hard school, long work hours, with good job prospects. It's definitely not for everyone or even most people in general.

CG info

ASVAB for Dummys


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went for an 8 mile hike yesterday and my body hurts like a motherfucker. mostly tendons and ligaments it feels like around my knee and in my groin. just standard soreness so I'm not super concerned especially since this was the most activity I've had in a while since I mostly sit around and shitpost when I'm not working.

I've started exercising regularly just doing pushups, situps, and squats whenever I go in or out of my room and that's been nice, but wanted to work hiking in to prepare for the rucks. any advice on how to become a stronger hiker/how I should schedule hiking and resting so I strengthen my shit but don't pull something?

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>60 percent white military

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Don't go on 8 mile hikes off the bat. You'll only injure yourself. Work up to them. Do them one a week

what progression would you recommend? I have a minimum of like 3 months before basic because I have some tattoos I need to get off that need prolly 2 or 3 more treatments

post your guns user

Long shot, but asking for UK help

ExYPG volunteer and I essentially want my old job, but this time to not be poor. Any roles in the UK armed forces where I can go in as an Officer and medic and still get to shoot people in the face? It seems to be the illusive triangle, I can only do two.

Looking into MSU/Black Serpant but not much info about them or from recruiters other than "OOOH SpEcIaL fOrCeS HuH"


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So my AF recruiter is telling me I need to have one aptitude area on my jobs list. Which aptitude do you guys recommend? Most jobs I want are in open general, but that's a huge crapshoot apparently and I don't want to get stuck with security forces or services.

I was thinking of putting the jobs I want on my list and then listing an aptitude area I wouldn't mind working in if I didn't get those jobs I wanted. Does this sound solid?

Lastly, open mechanical or open electric?

And the best in the world

So if you go enlisted infantry, the only thing they look at is criminal arrests, right?

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>crashes against freighters
>loses tank competitions
>horribly understrength
>Scavange museum planes for parts
>Le women in combat roles

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>ExYPG volunteer
Kill yourself.

How did yo join the YPG?

Going Navy HM, was wanting 8404 but recruiter is shilling HM-ATF at me because "muh enlistment bonus" and "Bro you'll end up wanting to go SARC anyway if you're going 8404 why don't you just go HM-ATF -> L02A?"
Thoughts? Should I take him up on it? What happens if I fail at any point in the HM-ATF pipeline? Am I even likely to get accepted into L02A program if I make HM-ATF or will I get fucked doing some gay shit?

If a woman wants to die in combat, then so be it

>if a woman wants to die in combat, leaving a hole that can easily lead to the deaths and/or injuries of her male comrades, suck up valuable Doc time that could be used on male soldiers or on fighting (I know all Doc does in a fight is TQ, then keep shooting, but TQ time is still time), or get injured/captured and gang raped thousands of times by dune coons until a dozen male soldiers die trying to rescue her before $400M eventually just "disappears" and she's turned over, so be it

no u.

I emailed them. If you're still interested, YBS is probably the way to go, they have an op against AQ soon reportedly

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Why are military guys so beta? I used to think they were alpha until I saw how they fall in love with girls so easily and marry them and obey them like lapdogs and bribe them for sex and fail shit tests constantly

What does an average day look like for deployed leg infantry?

Ground pounders are easily replaced.

Join some foreign legion if you want this kind of companion


why don't they just let you go to a local doctor for your physical? everyone at meps seems so bitter and burned out

So I am worried about my knee and my back. Should I go to the doctor to see how bad they are, or just hope I can make it through a deployment?

>why don't they just let you go to a local doctor for your physical?
you're at MEPS to build a medical profile, it's why they try to scare you into disclosing anything they can't find or don't test for

Is it true that if you don't already have medical / military experience and/or don't speak Arabic, they just give you a rifle and stick you in a low speed base somewhere as a guard?

dont go open anything. Go in with a job guarantee

>So if you go enlisted infantry, the only thing they look at is criminal arrests, right?
Anything that's on record. Traffic tickets and other misdemeanors, felonies, that sort of stuff. Warnings don't show up since the cop is usually telling you not to be an idiot and doesn't hand you a ticket.

Not gonna lie, that was awesome.

Lie Lie Lie about all your medical shit

are scars on the palm of your hand disqualifying

What do they look like? Obvious emo shit or just stuff you could get from everyday wear and tear?

Isn't there some funding program for AD enlisted to attain a private pilot license? I can't get TA right now otherwise I'd be going for my BA

Infantry OSUT we started with a 2 mile ruck on the track, then added 2 miles every week until we did the 12. Regular basic I think you only go up to a 10 mile, so you have plenty of time to mirror that progression, or even add one mile a week to avoid injuries.

surgical scars

What they want to know is if it affects strength and range of mobility. If they ask, it's never bothered you and stuff like that never crossed your mind.

Nope. Even if you use your GI Bill you have to have your PPL first, then you can use it for advanced stuff, but there is a tuition cap. Only thing that gets you behind the stick with no prior education/training is Army WOFT and that's an entire career move.


>Regular basic I think you only go up to a 10 mile
New POI as of October. I did 46 miles in four days, but it was all done at a fairly slow pace, and we had to pull security every hour or so.

bls resbond

if you have to ask youre not gonna make it so dont do it

How do I work at Area 51? Do I join Army or AF and get to a high rank then, what? They must have all types of MOS working there besides Intel.

>46 miles in 4 days
>thinking they figure in only distances under ruck weight
The forge shit? They mirrored after and pump the numbers just like the Marines and the Crucible, '45 miles in 56 hours', yeah right. Still not doing more than 10 at one time. OSUT FTX was the same shit, patrolling between battle drill lanes and friendship walks, then the bayonet at the end, something dumb like 80 miles but they don't hit you all at once.

This does not answer my question whatsoever. I have absolutely no idea what the pipeline or program training consists of, and my recruiter is giving me bullshit about "yeah those dudes are so badass fuck yeah bro". I want details on what to train for.
>if you have to ask what to train for you won't make it
Is this some kind of LARP?

>Still not doing more than 10 at one time
On two of those days, we did 12 in one ruck, and all of our rucks, except the last one, were done with 50lbs rucks. I know it's not much more than 10. I'm not bringing this up as a dick-measure. Just relaying that the POI has been changed, and trainees are doing more rucking now than they have been in the last few years.

Even in say like Iraq 2006?

What about school disciplinary shit?

That’s CIA Spook shit nigga

Sorry im late. Run, run far away. HM is horribly over manned with absolute shitty advancement. Unless you are a blonde with boobs, your job will be to sort medical files and put doctors notes into the computer all day. If you go FMF you get to take peoples blood pressure and temperature.
I spent 4 years in that shitty rate before crossing.

My IRR counselor texted me that I was eligible for the Army Reserves Pilot Program initiative, where they need MILTECH civilians... what does that mean?

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How do I get into a role where I get to shoot at people+get shot at while actually using TCCC etc in a real setting?

Do you get bullied if you never talk and only speak up when it’s it response to an order?


no. weird quiet kids switched from being bully targets to people you don't want to fuck with recently

Idk you should probably ask your IRR counselpr though

Federal Technician or 'Dual-Status', you drill like a normal guard/reserve member, but day-to-day you are a federal employee that shows up in your military uniform. You see it a lot in aviation or ground maintenance, easier and cheaper to have longevity and consistency in the motor pool, while having the workers interface easier with the local base/unit than a contractor. If you end up doing this as a pilot you are more than likely doing test flights and maintenance, you'll have a ton of takeoff/landings on your logbook but little actual flight time.

Without the TMU(disbanded) and a decent western unit(all disbanded/taken over by commies) those in charge of getting people in and out and "training" don't give a shit about prior military or medical skills. They should be hanged for the damage they've caused.

That said, language is key and should be your primary focus if you want to go. There is also a western unit with the YBS who are recruiting and led by ex Spanish SF; you can find them on facebook

If you get stuck doing guard (nobet) far away from the frontline it's because you're useless. (Language makes you invaluable)

No fellow Brits?

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If I want to be a sapper for the rangers, what is the chance of me finding a 12b option 40 contract? Will I be able to find one or are they too rare?

So if I know Spanish and English, I'm good? Or I need Spanish and one of the three languages of Rojava? I'm native English, learned Spanish (2 out of 3 on fluency tests)

Pick medical, so worst case you end up living the least mil life.

Aerospace medical and get assigned to nellis. Done.

If I joined the airforce for something like electrician or HVAC or maintenance would I be stuck on the same base my entire time? Would you suggest this or should I do something a little more specialized?

Dont join the mil for that. Super fucking rare for that to happen even if you were an 18D or SARC.

Just go AF 4N and go flight medical or GRF, and get sent all over the fucking world treating other service dudes, since thats y you should go medical in the first place, to help people, not get shot at dumbass.

You probably wont get sent to sapper until all the other 12 series who came in before you at regiment get sent. Its just an additional school, you can sign up for it once you hit the reqs and command approves it.

What are you trying to get out of doing those specific jobs?

Does the GI Bill pay for aircraft dispatcher school?

So what the fuck do I join then other than a gang? Is this just something that doesn't exist anymore due to the way wars are fought now?

yes, I got my Dispatch license from a college tho

Stop playing video games. The overwhelming majority of service members never see combat. Even combat MOS hardly ever do.

Actual gunfights are not cool or fun.

Im just saying dont join for something stupid like that. If you want to get into firefights go combat or special operations. If you want to be a medic to help people, then be a medic to help people.

Also, AF 4N explicitly states zero history of mental disturbance.
I checked myself into a detox/rehab program for alcohol. While in detox, they gave me 4 doses (1 per day) of sertraline. They said this was SOP. This was why I wanted HM-8404 instead of 4N, because when I said this over the phone to the AF recruiter he just said, "Nope!" and hung up.

Thanks for the explanation pham

Will they even hire you on with exYPG background? Or does anyone know about that

>muh vidya gaems
Stop projecting. I don't play vidya. I understand that about 97% of the U.S. military is support. That and a desire to help take care of fellow soldiers/Marines is why I am looking towards these MOS and rate.
I've already fired at people in civ world and been fired upon, have been stabbed/slashed, have fair share of MMA type fighting. Watched some Boomer burn to death in a bad auto wreck. The amount of gatekeeping faggots who "Hurr durr muh PTSD you don't know what real violence is like, kid" is insane. Sure, you may have issues from it and I completely respect your right to have those issues. That doesn't mean everyone else in the world will react that way.
Are medics not sent out with groups/patrols/etc that expect to see combat? Did that end in Vietnam?

would trying to commission at 29/30 for swo/nfo be possible? would it be shit to be that old and an ensign? would being prior enlisted give me any bonus'?

Pro-tip for newbies
Their will always be a guy who seems extremely friendly and wants you to be their friend tell him to fuck off he’s the type to stuff his contraband in your shit

>Are medics not sent out with groups/patrols/etc that expect to see combat?
Of course they go out with the infantry boys you fuckin mong

So then how the fuck do they not see combat, retard?
>if you want to see combat, go combat. If you don't and want to help people, go medic
>so medics don't go out?
>nah they do
The gargantuan think

Holy shit do not got surface warfare. Literally choose anything else. And no, age is not a factor in doing your job, especially as an officer.

i dont know what the age limit for NFO, i know pilot is 27/29 with a waiver, but for most other jobs it's 35.

Google says 27 / 31 with waiver

He means they don’t see combat as far as shooting back

This is what I meant by "getting shot at" as a positive, not that I had some kind of masochistic fetish or suicidal urge. My fault for not better explaining earlier. Thanks.

I was an Army medic for many years. Unless things have changed and they split the MOS , you’re a 68W. Which means your type of duty is a complete dice roll. Even if you land at Bragg / Campbell / Drum ( high deployment rate) you can still get tossed in a support bat instead of an inf reg. Even if you land in inf reg, you’re hhc ( aid station) unless you are a supreme stud / better than the rest.

It’s not impossible it’s just the deck is stacked against you.
I also don’t know how much things have changed, I retired in 2014.

You can be a platoon medic but you really need to start asking for it, or be very PT strong and start dropping requests to go flight, ranger etc.

If you land in a hospital unit you will likely hate it and ets / get chaptered

Again thing may have changed but platoon medic life in an inf regiment was the bees fucking knees man

English for the foreigners. Kurmanci is the main language for locals as you'll be in a Kurmanci speaking group (both the YPG and YBS) and some arabic can be picked up easily. Always learn "what is that" and carry a notebook to right down the answers.

Touch and go. My criminal record is clean which is nice

I wasn't that guy talking about medics, but he was saying that medics join to help people, not to see combat. They see combat, but only sometimes. They also might be working in hospitals.

whats so bad about surface warfare? and arent only ULO's allowed to command units?

Don’t trust anybody who seems friendly in general. It’s like prison in this bitch.

Whatever makes ya feel better, Rambo

So my only "guarantee" (I know there are no real guarantees) of being a medic/corpsman who sees combat is if one of these "oncoming wars" finally kicks off?
This all originally started because of this post. I'm trying to actually see higher speed shit than 5 years of being forced to take blood pressure and temperatures. I thought 8404 was a "guarantee" to at least go to a hot area, if not actually see combat myself. That's definitely the goal, but I'm afraid of being in a situation like every other HM that posts here winds up where they want to neck themselves because it's such a shitty desk jockey rate. A guy like 2-3 threads ago said he spent 3 years filing papers. Nothing else. Just filing papers.
I'd probably fucking shoot myself if that happened desu.
There is NO medic role that has a high chance to see combat, and it's all luck? That just sounds unbelievable to me. Is that really how it is?

Former AF 4N here. Most things have drawn down, I was almost deployed to an Army FOB as a supplemental medic, then it was canceled because regional authority was handed over to the ANA. It used to be you could vol once there for outside the wire, doubt it's a thing anymore.

Most combat roles are already taught some form of SABC. If you want to hone skills in both combat and medical, special forces is where you should apply. Good luck getting passed indoc and not breaking something, catching meningitis in the dorms, or any other reason for them to drop you. Next best thing is to go army medic and try out for airborne after a few years I guess. Enjoy being a mule pack with all the shit you have to carry. Choose your suck wisely.

>So my only "guarantee" (I know there are no real guarantees) of being a medic/corpsman who sees combat is if one of these "oncoming wars" finally kicks off?
Even then you could still be stuck in the rear in an on post hospital helping a dependa give birth to Jody's baby. You just got to roll the dice. Some people are lucky, and some people aren't.

The only real shot as a medic would be if you were in a high speed unit like the 75th. SF medic is a thing but that's way too hard for any edgelord on Jow Forums.

>not shooting back
nigga what, care under fire is literally: 1. hasty tq or 2. shoot back
>marines in current year
>hot areas
Only chance of you seeing action are SARC, which would still be rare, or the Army, specifically 18D or 68W in the 75th.

Ranger/ SF/ Flight Medic for enlisted

FST ( forward surgical team) , bat surgeon for medical doctors

With Iraq wrapped up and Afghanistan winding down, it’s just not needed anymore

I was a plt medic early on in Iraq ( two tours) my second tour I was already senior line medic so I lived on the COP aid station and patrolled rarely.

By tour three in Afghanistan I was a SSG in the aid station. I ended up being embeded with a platoon because so many people got hurt / killed and we had no replenishment coming for 6 months

This was southern khandahar 2010-2011

Unless you’re super high speed and go the high impact route, no your chances of being in combat as a medic are very low

IIRC by April 50% of everyone deployed to Afghanistan is going home

Its called GST ground surgical team now old man.

if I fuck up the duck walk do I have to go back and do all of meps again or just the duck walk?
and do I get pdq'd if I fail it twice?

350F here. Ama next few hours.

Why would you fail the duck walk?

Do they really really feed you bullshit about the outside world to mess with you? I heard the NCOs tell you about everything from celebrities dying to “holy shit WWIII just got declared! you all deploy at graduation, hope you wrote final wills!”.