Civil war thread, whats your loadout?
Civil war thread, whats your loadout?
Exactly what you posted dixie brother, that's what we are all useing.
>Kentucky long rifle
>a list of yanks who killed my sons
>setting: in Tennessee
should i buy one of these for my old west larping? I don’t have anything for a classy look, my current setup I’m either bartending or a road agent
Fuel lots of fuel.
Based and black powder pilled
They are great for larping and even at the greatest recommended grain amount (30) it’s barely any kick. However they take a shit load of time to load. I would recommend not getting brass frames because they are unable to be changed out with replacement cylinders.
Gamers rise up
Jeb Stuart? Is that you?
Alright boys, let's go
Jesus Christ, just imagine how hideous, obese and virginy the owner of that abomination is
A lever action, or revolving carbine. I'd probably want some antibiotics.
Thanks doc
Either our 12 lb bronze gun, or our 3 in. ordnance rifle.
only if you dress like Rambo
>not choosing the Williams gun
hmm... can we have a Civil War 2 loadout?
Is that a car mirror?
Already done
Am I the only one who gets the reference?
im here to change history, one misogynistic, racist and cis male piece of shit.
the only weapon i need
No, you aren't ;)
Old man hickock would never shoot name brand sodie pops.
Get me a henry rifle, a horse, a backup colt cap and ball revolver, and a musketoon.
Wont always have expensive cased ammunition for the Henry,
the revolver covers my need for firepower at close range when Henry is empty
and the musketoon is easily stored and will cover me in most longer range engagements.
Horse is self explainitory
are you eating the horse? are you fucking the horse? are you slicing open the belly and climbing inside like a tauntaun to last the frigid yankee winters?
Same, but give I'll take an 1861 Springfield rifle instead.
I watched some videos. That is adorably wonky and I want to make one. Is it not a DD?
lmao nice edit
If I could id go back in time and give him an AK
wonder how Sherman would react to johnny Reb cheering him own as he burns Atlanta for a 2nd time
>he doesn't have a tactical car mirror
imagine being this new.
repro m1840, brass frame percussion pistol, confederate flag. Its all there. That flag spends to much time screaming in embarrassment at those that post it
do warehouses full of slot machines and shopping trollies full of tin cans burn?
Reminder that the uptick in SHTF/civil war threads are spam as an act of outside agitation.