I want an M&P 2.0 Compact to conceal carry, is that a good choice?

I want an M&P 2.0 Compact to conceal carry, is that a good choice?

Really I would like an XDm but I don't want to buy a fake-American Croatian gun. Is the M&P American made?

What are some other good conceal carry guns?

>Comfortable carry
>Made in America

Attached: CrossBreed-Holsters-Smith-Wesson-MP-2-0-Compact-Holster.jpg (2000x1333, 633K)

Do not buy a smith.
Fuck those cucks. Don’t support them.

Get a keltec pf9

As far as the firearm itself, it’s perfectly reliable and would make a fine conceal carry gun.
I don’t know the politics surrounding the supposed anti 2a moves of S&W. Is it the lock on the revolvers?

>Is it the lock on the revolvers?
Yes, and for the record the people responsible for them were fired years ago. THe thing is the company that makes the locks owns smith and wesson too so they aren't going anywhere because money. Politics has nothing to do with it at this point and it's stupid to not give them business for that reason.

What did they do?

Smith pistols are okay.
When a percentage of their stock holders demanded that Smith perform a study regarding their handguns and crime, they concluded no correlation.
In that same study smith also concluded that smart guns are unreliable and no resources should be used to develop them

If I was to buy an American striker fired pistol, I would definitely buy that model

I feel like someone has this to say about every American manufacturer, what am I supposed to do buy a European gun from a company that pays VAT to the EU?

Yes, the new M2.0 is a great gun. Ignore the smith haters.

Atleast you know what you are getting with them instead of being patronized by the US cuck companies like S&W.
I wish Savage still made pistols.
Get a Walther or Styer M9 or a Ruger or KelTek if u want US.

Forgot to mention, looking for .45acp

Never said it was a bad gun, just a bad company.
Support them if you want, but I won’t.

I absolutely love mine

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Why though? The whole trigger lock debacle in 1999-2000 is old history and that old S&W was sold in 2001 so the current management has nothing to do with old S&W.

Compare a current production smith revolver to a vintage one.
That’s why I won’t support nu-smith

In the '90s, they bent over and let the Clintons have their way with them by adding an additional trigger lock/internal safety to their revolvers (aka the "Hillary Hole"). They still put these on them, despite no longer being required to do so.

Attached: Smith-Wesson-Model-60-3.jpg (640x401, 81K)

so, before you were born, and the company has been sold twice, and nobody that was part of that is even alive anymore
but by all means boycott over the hillary hole
you sound just as stupid as people that dont buy rugers because of shit bill ruger said

Fuck off user. Take that autist shit back to /v/

Don't listen to the fuckin autismos on here. fanboyism is so fucking trash, buy what you please it's a free market and SW revolvers aren't what they used to be sure, but they still make great autos at reasonable prices

Hey, I'm not saying don't buy it. Thinking about getting an m&p shield for my CCW myself. Was just telling OP since he asked.
To be fair to Smith, Boss Hogg is kvetching over their existence. Wants them to give $5 mil to a Grabber organization

The pistol gets very good reviews, user. I’ve heard numerous people prefer it over the popular Glock 19. It’s also very affordable and has a decent aftermarket. I’m considering one myself.
Don’t let the autists on here bug you. The events they’re complaining about happened before they were born and the people responsible were flushed out of the company more than a decade ago.

Glock 30.

Strike that. Only some are made in Georgia, most are in Austria

M&P 2.0 is an absolutely based and dependable gun. S&W also has great customer service. Go ahead and get one.

if rugers and smiths are both shit then what revolvers do you buy? Taurus? fuck no.

Rugers arent shit.
Bill ruger (long dead) was a anti high capacity shill
His children on the other hand have been doing buisness right.
They never went as far as to add a safety on a fucking revolver

Then don't buy a revolver you tard.


>what revolvers do you buy?
Buy used.
Revolvers are obsolete,.

This. In 2018 i owned a walther ppq m2 3000+ rounds and a glock 19 gen 4 6000+ rounds and now i have about 1500 rounds and counting in my mp 2.0 c.
It’s a pleasure to shoot, trigger is great i like the stock sights and live the recoil impulse

If I were, hypothetically, to get an LCR for CC, what caliber would you all recommend? .357 would allow me to shoot .38, right?

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They're good pistols. In terms of size they're the sweet spot between a Glock 19 and 26, same size as a Ruger doublestack compact or FNP. Made in America doesn't mean much until you get to the warranty or parts. Skip the Springfields. Walther has a PPQ sub-compact out now.

Everyone crying about companies and shit have never shot the guns or probably owned a pistol.

Its the same size as a glock 19 and 2 ounces heavier
Walthers ppq subcompact is made at their umarex plant and has plastic internals

I own and daily carry a 1.0 Shield 9mm.
It’s got good ergonomics and is very easy to carry and conceal due to the single stack mag.
I practice often but I’m not very accurate with it, possibly due to the trigger (which is fixed in the 2.0)
I’m much more accurate with a Glock 19 and it has almost twice the ammunition capacity.
I’m leaning toward replacing my shield with a Glock.
But it’s not a bad gun, just outperformed by other options.

U suck at shooting

>Bill ruger (long dead) was a anti high capacity shill
Well honestly in defense of Bill, he had an NRA mindset of compromise, the compromise he wanted to make was to prevent weapons bans because the thought process was that the gun grabbers would be satisfied with just banning magazines and in the future overturning a magazine ban would be easier than a gun ban. Though he was dead wrong and the gun bans still happened. It's exactly like how Reagan cucked on Machine Guns in order to remove some of the shit from the GCA. Even now the NRA cucked on bump stocks thinking the house dems wouldn't introduce another AWB. Surprise they still fucking did. All these retards defenses are "We're playing chess not checkers!" yet still get their ass whipped and the people who defend the NRA are even more pathetic. In recent times it's been other organizations passing gun laws through lobbying and fighting court cases, not the NRA. DC vs. Heller for example, the NRA told Heller to eat a dick and he just went to other organizations that gladly helped him.

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I will also have to add that Reagan also cucked with Machine Guns to make sure a gun registry would never exist for regular guns normalfags have. Though again gun grabbers are never sastified and basically are calling for bans on all the stuff they gave Reagan in trade for banning machine guns for civilians made after May 19, 1986. Lesson of the day kids, compromise gets you nowhere.

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I own a .38. It's fine but now there's .327 which comes as a 6 shot. Worth looking into.

Perfectly fine gun, not for me though. I absolutely hate the triggers on the M&P series, even the 2.0s...never tried the Apex replacement, hear it's good though.

I recently switched from carrying a Glock 19 to a Sig P320 subcompact, size wise it's somewhere in-between a Glock 19 and a 26, which for my hand size (average) is the "sweet spot"

I can personally vouch for the apex trigger, replaced the trigger in my first gen M&P 9mm and it's great. It's my favorite gun to shoot now, and is a favorite among my friends as well.

>I want an M&P 2.0 Compact to conceal carry, is that a good choice?
Honestly, its probably the best overall striker fired carry gun on the market today. Its got better stock features than a glock, is nicer shooting, and is cheaper to boot. It's just as good if not better than considerably pricier designs. An individual might personally prefer something else but if we're speaking striker fired mid size CCW guns for some nameless faceless statistical average of a man then it is the cream of the crop all things considered. The only real downside, and something you'll certainly notice if you don't EDC an undershirt, is that the grip texture is rough enough to agitate skin with enough movement. Personally i'd consider this a feature as well as a bug, as the M&P has bar none the best grip texture for traction(AKA grip textures purpose) of it's current contemporaries. You really notice the difference between it and something like a GP k100 in the middle of a missouri summer, those bitches can get slick. Mine has been flawlessly reliable, the trigger has improved with break in over the already acceptable stock levels, it's softer shooting than comparable guns i've owned, and the ergos are better than most other brands( i shoot a lot of 1911). If you don't believe me then check the reviews, it's a constant top tier pick regardless of price. Overall its my general srs business platform for the foreseeable future.
>t. somebody who has owned and/or carried over the years: Sig p229, p320, g19, g23, S&W M&P 1.0, Ruger SS, Steyr S9a1, H&K USPc, GP p11, and several others
>They never went as far as to add a safety on a fucking revolver
Actually they do have safeties on some ruger revolvers...
You're thinking about the Gen 1, Gen 2 is exactly g19 sized.