SHTF has started, you’re ready to larp, but what hat will you wear?

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Inner thigh holster for my snub and nothing else

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Infinite ammo brah

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viking helmet. like MUH ANCESTORS

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No.4 instead of that shoulder punisher

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Came here to post this

>what hat will you wear?

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>wearing a hat to the birth of the New World Order

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Oy vey

>Pic related

Tyrone is going to run away faster than Usain Bolt on crack.

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My favorite. I bought it off Valve one night. It was at my house the following morning.

>wearing a bolero

Something along the line of this era.

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Hold still for a picture would you?

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tastefully nude

gomu gomu....

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Based & grip-pilled

Flex a little harder buddy, your forearms need some work

Nice tattoo, faggot

Learn to take a good picture you fag, the shadow makes you look like a fat piece of shit. Next time face towards the sun and take the picture.

So top hats then?

Based and propellerpilled


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Campaign hats are my aesthetic.

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Sonething that says "if you see this you're fucked"
Maybe a plague doctor mask

Think I'll just stick with the flat caps that I wear now

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one w/ lights.

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A visor

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Shoot, one of those aussie outback hats would be fine by me

t. fatties

Almost there, just get rid of that beer gut

That isn't even a question worth asking.

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Nigga I weigh 145 lbs

Then you need to walk around with rolls of quarters in your pockets so you don't blow away.

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Lmao weak ass twig

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Fuck off Henry Rollins

Meant for

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beat me to it

you're gonna wear him as a hat? no judging.

it's smart, which guy with the gun do you shoot?

Hiding under a hood, like these spooky scary skeletons, would be fun.

Hm, hiding a thin layer of armour inside have a nice angle for a ricochet. Not that it would work.

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Baseball cap.

Boom I’m a gray man.

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>Not that it would work.

It's the thought that counts

Shit, for some reason I missed the "hat" in the title.

Thank god this is an anonymous board or I would be flustered by my brain fart.

So, yeah, I'll use Sean Connery as a hat in the apocalypse.

The only hat that will save you when SHTF

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A trilby

Where my gnome niggas at

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chạy trong rừng

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ryder is cute.

>Assuming Tyrone can read

If you live in the south its a good idea honestly, my yankee skin was blistered without mercy when I went down to Key West. I don't know how you guys live down there, that sun is a fucking nightmare, I'll gladly live in -20F over that shit and 90F with high humidity every fucking day.

We tf2 now?

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Stuck between this and regular army gear. Probably this because it will give me energy and hope in dark but exciting times. I'm not a weeb.

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Something like this

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I already posted my Magnificent Mongolian

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The forward thinking man who really wants to wear a thousand styles. I see you Lindy you get off my board you no guns anglophile

Peak comfy

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A little steam, and any felt hat can be changed from one style to another.

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Not mine but a museum down the way has an original.

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That’s good. I got a pink one at a friends brothers gay marriage.

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If you don't yeehaw, then get out of my face

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based and feldpilled

with a sash made from a dozen jewish scalps draped across my body.

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I hate Pinkertons

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SHTF I put on a masonic ring and a star of david necklace.
bam. now the entire federal government and armed forces exist soley to protect me from the rest of the unwashed hordes.

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Probably a Tricorne

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Ushanka to go with my nugget


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including the cravat

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what are you

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are you a fuckin manlet?

litteraly a fedora

i quite litteraly have a phryngian hat. 10/10 patrician taste


Unless your a farmer or low skilled worker then your hipster faggot
