I need cheap gun self defense. Help please I'm gonna be on the street. W2c Grendel p10. I like guns

I need cheap gun self defense. Help please I'm gonna be on the street. W2c Grendel p10. I like guns

Attached: reality_begins.png (480x480, 423K)

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What state?

Assuming you are following all local laws. Go to the hardware store and make a pipe shotgun. You could be done today.


Find a hi point or some kind of Saturday night special. Phoenix Arms HP22 or a Jimenez 380

Go to pawn shops and look for cheap used guns.
How much is your budget?

>phoenix arms

Our Floridian Patron Saint used KelTec to deliver great justice at a great price.

Your thread is gay faggot, think for yourself and buy a pistol that goes boom boom stabby pow I have a mosin no wait too poorfag gotta get out and get an ar-15 PSA parts kit and hit a reasonably aged hijab woman in the mouth with it and collect her drool.

Fuck your thread topic, does anyone DAE realize how the phillandro castile shooting girlfriend POV is very similar to the guillotine death shits video?

It's not even the philandro castille shooting to me, it's the *BANG BANG BANG BANG* "auhghghghhgghahghghgh" "you just killed my boyfriend sir" "agujghuguhguhghahhhh", shooting.

Every time I drive down PCH (too based for you despite being in Cagayli), I think of the EXACT renaming of 'The Shooting of Philandro Castille' in the above passage, every time I drive by some poor drivelet who got pulled over by the cops.

Hahah you're black and another potential AHUAHUGHAUHHUHUA shooting case.

Attached: philandro.jpg (316x321, 277K)

Based schizo poster

They make a decent .22



Hi point C9


Shotgun. Keep it short and compact. Shells are cheap.

Mossberg Maverick 88

Whatever can take down a cocaine crazed cuban/haitian/alligator reliably every ten minutes forever. You may need some type crewed emplacement or powered exoskeleton.


I was just about to type this, but you beat me to it.


How do you cc a shotgun

Op here. Can I get a cheaper version of this? Doesn't have to be 12ga

Attached: DCCA537F_A36C_4568_AEA9_64350DE7B5E7.png (1242x2208, 971K)

With these bad boys

Attached: B857AF7F-8F8A-4B02-8D9E-50D980C95DF0.jpg (550x400, 45K)
