At what point does paranoia over WW3/the gubmint cross-over into mental illness territory? Like if I:

At what point does paranoia over WW3/the gubmint cross-over into mental illness territory? Like if I:
>work out constantly *just* for combat (endurance, carry gear, less recoil, aiming longer)
>train with my guns twice a week+ just for tactical tactics
>map out my town for escape routes/resources/people that may have guns (for shtf)
>do LSD occasionally to purposely induce terror/emotional pain so I'll perform better under stress (like tripping and watching combat footage/gore/rekt/9/11 videos or playing F.E.A.R./Left 4 Dead)
Does that mean I'm just a prepper/survivalist or I'm losing my mind?

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Probably just losing your mind. Buts that’s okay, we’re all nuts anyway. Why even worry about ww3? Just embrace the shitstorm when it comes up

When it stops being done as an excuse to go to the gym, have fun with guns, go camping, learn a skill and/or prepare for natural disasters.

You crossed that line with the LSD

It sounds like most of this is good but I don't think doing LSD is going to help, and it's difficult to artificially train mental strength anyway

Don’t listen to these absolute plebs. There’s a reason LSD became the favorite drug of the CIA

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that’s mental illness, or the beginnings of it. I’m sorry user, try to find something or someone to love in life and you might find a more wholesome experience

Though it may be mental illness, it’s definitely not a bad one to have. I wish I had the drive to work out and prepare for the habbening, even if it doesn’t happen. You know what I mean? At least you aren’t a furfag

>mkultraing yourself to prepare for combat

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>someone to love
T-the problem is finding someone to love me ;-;

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>t. someone who knows nothing about MK Ultra

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Be yourself and don't let anyone take that away or change you unless it benefits you in a way you see fit. With that being said keep an open mind rather than, am I losing my mind. You only have one life to live and how you choose to do it is entirely up to you. Judgement can seem big but if you open your mind you will find that it is nothing compared to the universe you have been given with to make yours. Have your own morals and standards and let others have theirs. Those with similar views will eventually gravitate towards you so as long as you are honest with yourself.

Everything is fine except the lsd thing. You can drive yourself insane doing psychedelic drugs and exposing yourself to "bad vibes" shit.

Do lsd, shrooms or whatever but do it to enjoy yourself and have trascendental trips not to give yourself ptsd and schizofrenia what the actual fuck user dont mess with your mind like that. Believe me, it only takes one bad trip to fuck you up for life, you've been dodging bullets like a motherfucker.

I would agree with this but everyone handles it differently. It can be useful for exposing yourself to high stress situations or training your mind to react in tactical situations under pressure because your brain’s capacity for learning is increased so much while dosed.

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>what is creating multiple personality disorder through trauma based mind control techniques

OP have you noticed mood swings or any other bipolar symptons since you started subjecting yourself to such content while on hallucinogens? you may be creating multiple personalities within yourself to cope. do you feel damaged and dont just want to come out and say it or do you feel as though watching extremely violent media while on lsd has benefited you?

why is it a bad thing? I started running because my country might be in a civil war in my lifetime, not a negative thing
>tfw need to get it from just under 8 minutes to 6 min 30 or i wont be satisfied

I’ve taken LSD over 100 times and noticed no negative residual effects. When used in the proper setting and in the right mindset the applications are limitless.

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Actually it *really* does work, trust me. I used to be scared of a lot of things: loud sounds, dogs, death, etc. Now I don't feel any fear at all. If I have to take a bandaid off I tear it off, or if I have to remove a piece of glass from my foot I go into it hard without the fear of pain. Fear is just an emotion, like hunger. If you're starving, you can just try to ignore it. That's my main takeaway from my MKmyself project.
The problem is that it's really dehumanizing how I can't talk to anyone what I'm going through. It really isolates you. How am I supposed to connect with anyone if they don't have anything close to my worldview?

>At least you aren't a furfag
God, I wish. I can't even get off to normal porn anymore. Probably too much acid. Really perverts the mind into something weird. Human sexuality does absolutely nothing for me now unfortunately.

I can't trust anyone. I don't feel lonely though.

Also the worst part of all this is that I feel like I KNOW (delusions of course) that it will happen """soon""" but I know in any sort of SHTF scenario I would just KMS so I don't starve to death

you have to love them first, and it doesn’t have to be romantic love it can be for a friend, but having someone you can actively care about and show them that through actions and sincerity is what helps you get to a healthier mindset, once you get that down you can start expanding that to other people in your life or community. Being emotionally invested in people around you is hard work, especially for men ngl, but the benefits are endless and once you get some practice it will start coming naturally
also, listen to this dude, the way you’ve been using LSD is really dangerous

take care of yourself user, we need you to be all you can be and that doesn’t mean super soldier it means being a good person that’s present in life and responsible and caring, these are the true markers of strength

This. Also shooting while tripping is really cool. Sometimes I trip and play tactical shooters like Rainbow Six Siege and it's surprising how competent I am

Only while tripping. I get though loops and sometimes I feel like a part of my consciousness "breaks off" and speaks to me with a British accent. I know it sounds like I'm making it up or joking around but it's really serious. I hear it when I smoke a lot of weed too.

Also should have noted that I haven't tripped in like a year

>he doesn't have any HPPD/noise
What were you taking, 50ug every time?

No HPPD or visual snow. Only positive lasting effects. Each dose was between 50ug and 200ug depending on the setting/application. Incredibly useful for tactical training, stress management, learning a new language faster, learning to play an instrument faster, or just having a transcendent experience and understanding how your mind works. Bear in mind I have a background in neuroscience so I’m not just some average joe doing this.

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>cant ever point out specific things you came to know while on acid

when it endangers your livelihood
if you still show up to work and you don't sperg out in public then you're still golden

>watches Sam Harris once
>"I have a background in neuroscience"

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>being this confrontational over nothing

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>emotional pain
Pussy. Its a task, you're either justified or you aren't why would you feel any guilt for protecting yourself.

>background in neuroscience
The only people who say this just have an uncle who's a high school anatomy teacher and once talked about the brain to them

Think of it more like a hobby OP. It helps alot in general life too. I think because of all these vidya and mentally brainwashing myself is why i'm dead calm in a lot of situations that would stop a normie. Idk user, the one time I had to shoot at a crack head on my property my heart rate didnt even go up 2 beats or the couple times I've been in a fight I kept a completely level head. But when I play a scary vidya or watch a tv show I get anxious AF and shaky and my heart rate goes up to like 120bpm.

How do you work on brain power?

Sorry for being modest. Master’s degree in neuroscience from a big university. Is that better? You people are such fucking trolls

Honestly user I admire you and your initiative. I wish I had the time to do half of what you do. Shine on you crazy diamond. It's folks like you who are going to make it. Not fat asses sitting on couches polishing their AR15s they shoot once a year, like they're magical talismans against hardship.

I want to be you. Where do you buy your LSD from?

Yeah nobody calls that a "background". My dad works at Nintendo too. Post proof or gtfo

>dox yourself or GTFO
I couldn’t care less if you don’t believe me. Get the fuck off me you fuckin kike

>do LSD
There it is.

brain lifts

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Listen to this right here
He is speaking truth.

Don't listen to the casuals.

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Well the lsd induced paranoia is probably a bit to much the rest of it sounds like preparing for shtf things when it comes to ww3 you might just be better off making a bunker
>make bunker
>get foodz
>get lots of water
>porno for entertaining yourself
>some sort of renewable energy like solar or wind
>lots of things to entertain yourself

>mental illness territory
It doesn't, considering that this "mental illness epidemic" is a total rehash of Victorian-era "mental hygeine" in the first place.
And especially since the increase in governments PROMOTING the idea that literally everybody is crrrazy seems to follow the exact same curve as public dissatisfaction in government/revolution talk.

Reminder that before 2004 you would have been locked up in a loony bin for telling anybody that you suspected the government is spying on everybody, for example. Post-Snowden, it's no longer a case of being crazy because you believe in something: you're just innately crazy.
"Mental illness" isn't just amorphous, it's now a widespread identity thing that they encourage you to internalise.

Yeah there are people with legitimate brain tumors and other actual pathologies, but "mental illness" being some broadly invisible, unprovable, unfalsifiable, yet somehow diagnosable thing which literally everyone has and the entire public needs to be medicated for--yet you can still somehow have more of if you're critical of your government--is horseshit.
Drones don't question any of this because they're scared of being accused of being crazy even though they've already internalised the idea that they and everyone they know is crazy and that's normal, despite the fact that there's multiple contradictions in this. Cognitive dissonance like that has been a state control mechanism since at least the fucking Romans.

There's nothing remotely nuts about prepping. A nation going a couple hundred years without shit hitting the fan is an anomaly.
And one of the big things that makes psychadelics helpful is the way they can help your brain adapt to stress and disorientation. You're totally right on that one.

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lsd and watching violent media wont prepare you

Well if SHTF does happen, you'll be prepared the best. You're 90% more prepared than the rest of Jow Forums.

if you want to train yourself to perform better with stress go on a trip to el paso, infiltrate into mexico illegally, go splinter cell tier and murder a handful of military aged males with only a knife and try and make it back to the us. if your heart can handle creeping the outskirts of juarez knocking off grown men and the infiltration back to the us, youll know youre good for shtf.

I wish I lived in Far Cry 2 too ;_;

I prefer 5 desu

I don't like how the new games are all about skill points and leveling though. 2 was all about tearing shit up, no bullshit especially when it came to story. 2 is just way more nihilistic, gamers rise up

You can destroy just about anything and it’s got a far better gun mechanic

>playing L4D
My nigga!
But seriously don’t worry about that, instead try igniting the civil war to help better our country!

OR just join the reserves in case something happens, I don’t know

>acting like barely off the playground is a big deal to anyone butt highschool dropouts

Go to bed Gremlin. Its Sunday

T. Hastings

>physical fitness for personal safety/performance
>range time for proficiency
>being aware of geography for a SHTF scenario
>literally taking acid and traumatizing yourself

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>>work out constantly *just* for combat (endurance, carry gear, less recoil, aiming longer)
nothing wrong with this, practical strength/endurance is a valid niche
>>train with my guns twice a week+ just for tactical tactics
nothing wrong with it, you're training/teaching yourself how to operate a possession that's dangerous
>>map out my town for escape routes/resources/people that may have guns (for shtf)
this is getting grey. having a plan-a/plan-b/etc. for getting out of town isn't a bad thing, especially if you live in an area that's prone to natural disaster (hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, etc.) but marking people's locations crosses into a "premeditated/conspiracy to commit ___" territory.
>>do LSD occasionally to purposely induce terror/emotional pain so I'll perform better under stress (like tripping and watching combat footage/gore/rekt/9/11 videos or playing F.E.A.R./Left 4 Dead)
this is just being a degenerate.

seek some help

>do LSD occasionally to purposely induce terror/emotional pain so I'll perform better under stress (like tripping and watching combat footage/gore/rekt/9/11 videos or playing F.E.A.R./Left 4 Dead)
That's fine and dandy as long as it actually works. It sure would suck if it didn't work and you just turned yourself into a schizophrenic.

> There are other Jow Forumsommandos with HPPD/visual snow

What's your story?

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I get it when I poop over exert myself or stand up too fast

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Fucking crazy. I had never thought to ask other people or to research this; I've been having it for my entire life. Thanks for putting a name to it, user.

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Sidenote alot of people Ive heard mention having it also have a myriad of similar issues tinnitus autism and brain tumors/cysts and some symptoms of autism are similar to issues caused by circumcision ect ect

Must be nice being a normalfag. For those of us who aren't, the risks outweigh the benefits.

>>work out constantly *just* for combat (endurance, carry gear, less recoil, aiming longer)
>>train with my guns twice a week+ just for tactical tactics
It could be worse user, I do these things to impress a 2d girl who will never exist

I get it when I stand up suddenly after long periods of sitting down.

Not OP but if you have half a brain go through dream market on the darknet, its pretty fucking easy and cheaper than street prices.

My side wouldn't stand a chance in a shooting civil war. We don't even have guns.

>At what point does paranoia over WW3/the gubmint cross-over into mental illness territory? Like if I:
>work out constantly *just* for combat (endurance, carry gear, less recoil, aiming longer)
perfectly normal
>train with my guns twice a week+ just for tactical tactics
justifiable hobby
>map out my town for escape routes/resources/people that may have guns (for shtf)
highly questionable but not illegal
>do LSD occasionally to purposely induce terror/emotional pain so I'll perform better under stress (like tripping and watching combat footage/gore/rekt/9/11 videos or playing F.E.A.R./Left 4 Dead)
DING DING DING you went full retard

Does that mean I'm just a prepper/survivalist or I'm losing my mind?
seek psychiatric help

Lower your standards and visit bars

Your doing good bro

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Any recommendations for a good setting?

I recommend Infowars Brain Force.

give me a in depth rundown of MK ultra.

Its mental illness but its actually not as bad as you probably think
working out constantly is great for your body and will get you friends if you interact with any of them
train with your guns doesn't have too much of a practical use aside from shooting guns better but like the working out, you can get friends by discussing guns in the range
mapping out your town means that you will know every direction to take to get somewhere making you very helpful as a guide.
LSD is a bit weird though.

>tactical tactics


>do LSD occasionally
>losing my mind
>>do LSD occasionally
>losing my mind

Imagine being this much of a newfag

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What kind of exercise do you do user? You've inspired me to do something similar to you.

Operating operations with operators

anything besides being a mute hunter gatherer is basically mental illness

what kind of autistic sperg do you have to be to plant seeds in perfectly even and square plots instead of going out and getting your own food like a real chad

>I’ve taken LSD over 100 times
>losing my mind
>Probably just losing your mind

>I’ve taken LSD over 100 times and noticed no negative residual effects
>that’s mental illness