>he doesnt use quick tight lacing
ITT best show lacing methods
Other urls found in this thread:
Better be careful around cia niggers
not op, but I don't follow
they glow in the fucking dark
current lacing platform im running. have noticed superior shoe dexterity with this combination of angles and carefully measured string tension
Nothing personnel, kid
>dirty matted carpet
>shoes falling apart
>'tactical lacing'
I love you Jow Forums
Cia used to use shoelaces to send messages n shiet. Different patterns meant different things
Would this work on boots or is it just a meme?
“Army” lacing from Ian’s shoelace site, paracord lacing, knots tied in the ends of the laces so they won’t come back through the first two eyelets, tied with a slipped overhand knot. Easy on, easy off,
I use it on my caterpillar work boots and it works perfectly. If you have tall military boots I suggest using paratrooper ladder style laces
Thanks. 8" boots 7 eyelets btw
Like a normal fucking person since I'm not an autist
You have to be 18 to use this board
This one
Normie, I’ll bet you don’t even use Ian’s shoelace knot to tie your shoes
lmao what a fucking faggot
its okay to be gay user
what is not okay is to give up fighting against it
Boot company? Shit is Jow Forumsowboy as fuck
>lacing platform
Brazos @ Academy
Good cheap workboot from a based company
I was under the impression that Jow Forums only used velcro shoes like i do.
Reminds me of the comic of the guy with a leverghat at the range and the guy with the magpul hat and tacticool ar
Thanks Jow Forumsomrade, I owe you a night on the mountain ;)
Oddly enough, I have relevant OC
Kek'd, thanks user!
Sorry, which?
tactical loafers
Unironically lock laces. They look a little autistic but they're solid as hell. I have them on my running shoes and they're more secure than double knotting.
Like this guy:
That gif works fine in my browser or clover app but if I just view it on my phone with it's built in photo viewer, it does not stay on the last frame for the punchline it just zooms on by and just looks it's looping him saying he can't quit being gay.
It’s a stick figure drawing of a guy with a leveraction shooting bullseyes and a tacti-tard telling him his leverghat is no good and you need a Gucci ar if you ever wanna be any good as he sprays bullets all over
I don’t have it saved :(