Do the Chinese have good ships?

Do the Chinese have good ships?

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Currently the best Destroyer in the world.


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not op, but how about the fact that chinks make shit?


I seriously would not trust these things in +15 years.

Look at their ships they built 10 years ago, should give you a good idea of their qc standards


The Chinese ships are low quality knockoffs of burkes. The tried to reverse engineer the u.s. radars and steal as much intellectual property as possible to build their shit fleet. In 10 years the will not have upgraded anything and their logistics will be in shambles. Also, fucking ramps.

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Make shit. Don't invent shit.

They have unlimited manpower and budget but those don't mitigate massive corruption at all levels, rigidly limited autonomy and a host of other uniquely Chinese social conditions (like Face) that means everything they crank out is a shitty copy of something an actual human designed, and which they don't fully understand.

They may make lots of them. But then again their crews and commands will be inferior for all the same reasons.

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Indeterminate. They have not really been tested in decades, if ever.


>rigidly limited autonomy and a host of other uniquely Chinese social conditions (like Face) that means everything they crank out is a shitty copy of something an actual human designed
what's it like repeating 5th grade over and over?
>low quality knockoffs of burkes
>while having AESA
your mom attempted at least 1 abortion on you, right?

Because USN ships were tested in real war right?

Except they are not even similar to Burkes at all?

Chinks have all the ingredients necessary to make good ships. 10 years ago they were obviously far behind but today it's not obvious and future looks really good for them.

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>Be me
>Need better navy
>90% of my ships are rusted/not good/outdated
>"Hey america. Ret us have ship design"
>Copy their ships
>They're still trash
>Can't even copy a ship right.

This american patriotism is fucking hilarious to behold. You guys are like US car industry when good Japanese cars started to appear.

There’s more to operating a warship than warfighting, Hop Sing. USN has decades of experience in putting ships where they need to be, in at least nominal condition to do what they need to do. Incidents like the Stark, Roberts, Fitz, and McCain also give the USN a real world baseline for determining the effectiveness of current DC doctrine and ship design criteria. China has none of that. The latest and greatest toys are useless if the platforms they’re installed on can’t survive the first engagement.

The difference being, the Japs were making superior cars to US standards. The chinks are making disposable ships that look pretty. In 5 years, the chink ships that are still afloat are going to look like Russian navy rejects.

Says the nation that swore up and down that the Russian carrier was going to be a floating casino, really!

On the PRC payroll.


All unproven in combat. Like chinese web shopping sites (aliexpress), lots of inflated claims but not a whole lot backing them up. Notorious liars.

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>i have never had sex
>but I watched a lot of porn and masturbate often

look at those rusty pos

When it comes to killing people in large numbers, you'd do well to not underestimate the United States. Not then and not now. China's biggest weakness is internal, it's related to clean water and air and social conditions. It is a risk because the power over the internal population is illusory. A famine or a pandemic they cannot contain is more of a threat than any weapon they have, and the drastic measures they would take to contain it is equally threatening. In scale, 10% of their population = half of of the US population. Bio or nuke f-up results in panicked human wave.

On the PRC payroll.
Hey, why don't you post a pic of Winnie the Pooh?

>the Japs were making superior cars to US standards
in other words, you're a fucking retard.

overweight undereducated shitmutt repeating to himself "I matter! I matter! I'm still the best!"
lol. pathetic.

They're all right and will lob a missile or two, but in 10-15 years they will be falling apart because of their construction methods and lack of union regulations. Worker safety, troop safety and quality control don't rank highly in their priorities. China is a communist dictatorship shithole. All they care about is pumping out enough ships so that, on paper, they can look as tough as America. Their entire doctrine for military building is to make their political leaders feel like they have the biggest balls. Generic safety and redundancies, which have been accepted in The West as mandatory and essential, are ignored. Totalitarian dictatorships always suffer from the arrogant pride of their leadership caste

this, next question.


The cars had to meet or exceed US safety, performance, and smog standards, dipshit. Japs did that, while simultaneously selling them at a better price point than Detroit products, you fucking window licker. And they also made them stylish enough that consumers were willing to buy them, you inflamed hemorrhoidal pustule.

Oh, and the real kicker; they weren’t half-assed knockoffs of Western designs. Japan actually innovated, which China seems incapable of.

Like USA is in better place. 20% of society are blacks and immigrants looking for occasion to riot and loot. And it's only getting worse every year.


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Ok, thanks for sharing user. I think we can all agree that you don’t need to be quite as open about the details of your personal life. Now, if you could focus a little more and try to limit your posts to the subject at hand, that would be marvellous.

>lack of union regulations.

>Do the Chinese have good ships?
They're working on it. By 2022 they'll have 50 Type 052D and 10 Type 055.
One thing ti keep in mind is that they're not in rush at all, as time works to their advantage.


Depends, are they the ones bought from Russia? Than no

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They are alright.

>as time works to their advantage.

Until they need to start replacing their sheet metal ships

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sorry, that's not going to make you any smarter.

>China manufactures the best iphone in the world
>Not even Korea, Japan or America can come close to making such quality with cheap manufacturing.

Americans can't handle the truth.

But they bought it from khohols

Show us this phone of yours Mr Cheng

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Beautiful metaphor for the PLN

even "American" phones are made in China, lol

Nice try Ivan, you can only blame the Ukrainians on so many things.

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and also the US Navy and Airforce. When's the last time they bombed anything besides goat herders?

Most compact technology is, the US doesnt have enough pairs of tweezers lying around for workers to assemble tiny components with. Compare that to China where every man in the country has a pair that he can use for both work and jacking off during his 3 minute break he gets every 60 hours.

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Are you blind, or just retarded?
There's not even a pixel of rust in the entire pic.

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Fuck you, unions are awesome

Maybe. But at least they don't have sub-80 IQ shitheads that the US Navy has.

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Don't make me take away your pension, Bob.

Have they figured out how watertight hatches work yet?

Attached: Chinese Navy.webm (480x284, 2.91M)

>has broken hatch

>collides with merchant ship, almost sinks, and 3 sailors die, $300 million in repairs

Still waiting for a Pooh pic.
How hard can it be?
Just search the internet!

A hatch is probably the hardest thing to fuck up in building a ship.

Not very assuring that Chinese ships can handle any significant damage.

Hatch wasn’t broken, it was installed backwards. That takes a special kind of retardation to accomplish. Also, it wasn’t a hatch, it was a watertight door.

Actually, the usn has had lots of opportunities to test it's ships. Endurance, damage control, systems reliability, weapons reliability etc. I don't see how what they've been doing for the last 20 years isn't "real" war fighting just because they haven't been fighting a conventional surface navy

>one is a systemic design flaw inherent to an entire class of ships
>compounded by no one with enough expertise to realize this was a bad idea
>on top of no one knowing how to do proper damage control


>we nuked our manpower and training into oblivion and shit happened

Wonder which one of these is an easier fix.

your ass loves talking. Stop it. Give it some fiber.

China doesn't have a zillion feminist professors running around measuring sexism and gender scales.

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>I have no argument, lets insult him!

Yep the Navy totally isn't declaring a Sea Duty manpower shortage of over 6000 sailors right now to fill all the shorted billets.

"Acute manning problems were found to be a factor in the fatal collisions of USS Fitzgerald (DDG-62) and USS John McCain (DDG-56). For example, Fitzgerald did not have lookouts on the bridge wing immediately before the crash, and sailors aboard McCain weren’t qualified to use the helm controls which contributed to its collision."

Yet again compared to a brand new ship coming from construction with an inherent design flaw that was missed by not only engineers, officers who accepted the ship but also the construction workers themselves who built the damn thing.

I still can't believe that Winnie the Poo triggers communists so much. It's a meme that should be exploited more.

Im glad that they aren't.

Why is everyone in here so angry? We should all get along.



It's on there backwards, user. External watertight hatches on a ship are supposed to open outward so they can't be pushed in like that.

and we both know how that fucking turned out, right? Yugoslav ground forces were essentially unscathed.

the only argument I really need is that you're a fucking retard.

>largest shipping manufactoring in the world
>are known as one of the best ship builders in the world among with koreans and japanese



Lol this is like saying we didn't fuck up when we made aluminum hulls, it was the aluminum hull's mistake!

Just like with the JF-17 shooting down a Su-30MKI, Chinese ships will one day sink some Jap or Aus Burke copy and everyone will be surprised that they work as intended and are very decent pieces of hardware.

You can continue your denial as much as you want, until one day it will shit you on your face when your daddy wont come home because he and his entire ship filled with his ass-fuck buddies and diversity hires are with the fishes.

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Threadly reminder

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you're right, I served and, a ship doesn't have rust on it means that it spends a lot of time in the dockyards.

There is rust and then there is SHITTY MAINTENANCE

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Cope and cherry pick.
post some ultra chads next time not some onions boy
chink ensigns.

Pic is acceptable levels of rust.

This task force of the PLAN has just completed a year long anti priacy patrol off the coast of Somalia.

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>they weren’t half-assed knockoffs of Western designs
You know nothing about Japanese cars. They are well made, true. But all of their nice models are totally a copy of Western designs.

>American quality

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Japan also bought from America, so same shitty quality

Attached: Japan smoke.jpg (500x348, 41K)

Do you realize how fast metal rust under way?
+ spending all day in the hot sun with no cover.
the reason I mentioned dry docking is because a US navy ship sees dry docking less than once in a decade.while I Chinese ship will sit forever at home because it won't sail to far into the blue.

In summary the chinks are all pollywogs.

And this is the smokiest the Chinese carriers can ever become.

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Holy shit what are they even burning?

Do not bully the Russians.

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