What is the legality of ordering a bullet ant queen with larvae and have a bullet ant colony? Is it legal?

What is the legality of ordering a bullet ant queen with larvae and have a bullet ant colony? Is it legal?

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No insect is illegal, user.
U need to bring your undocumented queen and her anchor larva out of the shadows

Fuck you faggot stop bringing in invasive species. It’s bad enough we have nigger stink bugs everywhere

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What about a bulldog ant then? Can i legally order that or at least the Japanese wasp or what about the amazon bee that was thought to be extinct but found alive?

But i want to have a bullet ant colony farm in my possession

For what purpose

I'm not telling you but it's for my own experiment.

Are you trying to shoot bullet ants out of guns

No, i want to try and see if crossbreeding them with fireants is possible.

That would be fucking tits

bullets dont have queens theyre inanimate objects

Oh god it's you...

honestly though can you imagine getting shot with a bullet that had ants inside of it? Imagine the ants eating away at the wound, and the only way you can squish them is to root your finger around the bullet hole

That would just produce worse ants inferior to both

Dr. Lesko gtfo

Why not try cross breeding them with wasps or killer bees? Ants and wasps are closely related.

it can't be

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Post the Jow Forumsomic

not sure I have it

I don't know if anyone told you this but you can't shoot bullet ants out of regular guns

Ask /an/

This one?

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Holy fuck this has me laughing

If you're talking about the US: The USDA technically prohibits importation of ANY animal or microorganism products without a license, but it's not strictly enforced, to say the least (especially against individuals doing it noncommercially).
You can apply for the permit if you want since bullet ants aren't banned or known invasive pests, but only businesses usually bother with the bureaucratic crap.

The problem is finding someone who will sell you some.
Ant suppliers don't stock them so you'll have to look for someone from south america that lives near some colonies.

Insects are not like mammals. Crossbreeding insects is not going to work unless they're VERY closely related, like Apis mellifera scutellata x Apis mellifera ssp = africanized honey bee (different subspecies of the same species).

Look at pic related: bullet ants are the paraponerinae and fire ants are in myrmicinae. Way, way, way too far apart.

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>op plans to larp as the pain with ants instead of hornets

Don't weaponize bullet ants please :(

So i just have other ants that are bit closer down the tree and have those breed with bullet and fire ants and continue to breed their offspring eith few more that are closer down the tree to the point i got the two species close together to be breed together. Good to know

> bringing over a virile dangerous BLACK ant so it can kill and interbreed the cuck native species

Your Jewish ancestors would be proud

I laughed


That's not how it works

Fuck you i know what I'm doing

Just because there's "bullet" in the name doesn't make this Jow Forums related.

Ants always been Jow Forums related

To give the Covenant back their bomb.

didnt mean for that gay ass random greentext number

Fuck off
Antman is dead


Some men just want to watch the world burn.

The Seconds Abettment said and I quote 'Don't tread on me'. So, it is illegal to tread on bullet?ants. Thusly, you are good to go.

Based and Chiefpilled

I think they would suffocate. The worst part would be all this dead organic tissue (read: pieces of ant) that bacteria could eat.

It is ILLEGAL to transport a queen ant over state lines.

Wrong board brother hahahahah

Antman is back

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Thanks for reminding me of ant man, friend. All kinds of memories.
God how times flown.

And then shoot the offspring from a gun?

this. especially if the ants also had guns that shot even smaller ants

The g forces that the payload would be subject to on firing and impact would also be an issue.



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