Going hog hunting for first time soon. What’s a good rifle against them?

Going hog hunting for first time soon. What’s a good rifle against them?

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Shot placement is more important. You can do fine with a .22 if you hit the right spot. If you don't have confidence in your ability, go with .308 or larger, or stay home and practice more if you have hunting ethics.

Don't you mean nog hunting?

>What’s a good rifle against them?
First, take a better haircut !

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I personally like an AR-15 with red dot sights for hog hunting because of their pack ability.

>Don't you mean nog hunting?
No Jow Forumsumando would kill a poor hog !

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Had a lot of success with 6.8 SPC. Great hog round.

12 gauge

Seconded. Got a 2 for 1 kill at 40 yards with a 6.8, second one had a literal softball sized exit wound. Federal 115 grain Fusion MSR from a 16" barrel.


lure them out with some Goobas then finish em’ off with some Clark

No, leftypol

i've been trying to figure this reply out for ten minutes and i've still got nothing, do you think pic related is OP?

to me it smells like
>German humor

I mean, its entirely possible that OP is actually sam hyde

458 Socom
Disregard middle finger, fren

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I just bought 240 rounds, how do I tell if it's corrosive?

Watch the IV8888 video about brush guns. It's not as strong a result as he seems to think (needs a lot of replication) but it seems like the fuddlore might be true for once.

It probably isn’t, even if it is, it’s not a big deal.
Effects of corrosive ammo are extremely exaggerated

Dat my nigger !

>be Sam fucking Hitler
>taking MP40
>go to Detroit
>have fun

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I've never been hunting before but I bought myself a .270 win Mossberg Patriot for hogs. how bad did i fuck up, guys?

If it’ll kill a deer it’ll kill a hog.


why did you post a picture of radical white cleric Samir Al-Hyid?

.270 will take any game in NA if you’re not dogshit at shooting. It’s a very good round. The Mossberg Patriot choice, however, is gonna yield a slight yikes from me.

You did fine, lad
Get a comfy sling and warm socks.
Carry a sidearm.

Y he wearing whiteface?
Here he is irl

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5.56 seems like to work decently enough against hogs that anything more expensive at least to me has reached a point of diminishing returns.

Go away discord trannie

.308 real fuckin' nato. So a PTR, FAL or AR-10.

i uh, yeah ok, that all makes sense honestly. god i love samile hyeda. but fuck, he really cant keep getting away with it.

6" 357 Magnum. 158 gr HPs.

.270 is unironically based

it's not much to go on, but based on your response, i'm at least glad i chose the caliber i did.
however, based on the actual rifle i chose, this takes me in the opposite direction a bit. care to elaborate on why the Mossberg Patriot would be a yikes from you, user?

Not him but (((Berg)))

They let him get away with it

Shut the fuck up you retard, unless you shoot it in the eye it's going to gore you. It has to die the first shot or the adrenaline hops the thing up and it'll take 2-3 shots.

6.5x55 master race dropped it first shot into the skull

Weak B8 faggit
here’s ur (u)

imagine that headline on BBC !

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I’m mostly memeing about the yikes part on the rifle itself. It’s a fine choice in all actuality.

.270 master race checking in

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ya fuckin bamboozled me, friend. i was kinda scared not gonna lie. good meme tho friend.

An AR or an AK, either round will do just fine, and you can get quick follow up shots because they travel in packs.

This user is right, I brought both and ended up taking the ar innawoods

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Time to shoot some mystery shells!

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>against them?

Getting in close where they are going to fight back? Might want to consider something with a bayonet. Hand to snout combat isn't pretty...

It’s not bait. 5.56 has more than enough penetration and energy to kill a hog and you have 29 more follow up shots with an AR. You can get as autistic as you want about it.


Worse, auction goer

What does a cardboard box full of ammo have to do with race?

I have never seen ammo packed like that. Where did you get it?

An auction I went to today the box has 16 boxes of 15 rounds. Box says 70 S production.

I think anything .270 and up would be plenty. I know that many people use 5.56 to great effect with the heavier bullets and longer barrels.

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.30-06 or .308, killed probably 200 hogs the last few years.


Cheap, and knocks them down.

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It does seem like a Arizonan boomer thing

How do I into hog hunting? I understand that there aren't really any limits on killing them, but where do you find them? Live in Ohio btw.

Ask local farmers. Does Ohio even have wild hogs?

The only 22 i would use on hogs is .22-250. They work great on yotes too

I've seen them killed with almost every caliber and every type of round capacity, .22 in the right spot will kill them, and I saw my father kill 6 of a massive group of them with a single shot rifle he simply shot the smallest ones front leg off and it let out a squeal I've yet to hear one make again and the rest began attacking it and my dad just picked them off until they killed the one that was first shot and bolted back into the woods, so any rifle should work long as you know how to use it

Any centerfire rifle using modern bonded bullets. Pic related -- they hunt they hell out of hogs with AR-15's in Texas.

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22 works for medium game unless you can't aim for shit

Yes, checking Ohio's DNR website, I found a state park with confirmed hog sightings about 30 minutes away from me.

enjoy being gored.

Id agree with going bonded or copper monolithic, especially if you intend to eat them but that was 75 tap. Probably the best fragmenter for game in 5.56x45 because it somehow penetrates deeper.
Im going to start handloading them soon becausr theyre cheap

Thermal optic

.44 mag, .45-70, .458 socom, .357 mag, .375 h&h, .300 winmag.

Why do you call everything leftypol? I've seen you in every single racist post, replying "go away leftypol" to them. Don't you know leftypol is full of nigger loving faggots?

He's doing it for the same reasons retards flap their hands and try to bite their own ear: cause he's a retard and doesn't know any better.

one of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn't belong

They are all cartridges that can be fired out of a rifle and they all deal sufficient damage to deal with any kind of hog. I don't see a problem.

recommending .44 mag and .357 mag in the same sentence as saying you need to use .300 winchester magnum to kill a hog is kind of stupid

It's called variety. I don't know what he wants, if I were a mind reader I'd go into gambling. Maybe he wants a really large, versatile, hard-hitting cartridge. Maybe he wants to take them at significant range that the other calibers wouldn't offer just to be safe. Maybe I just wanted to see a greentext thread later on about him blowing up hogs with a .300 win mag. I didn't say that he *needs* to use any particular caliber, I'm just throwing him ideas. Any one of those calibers will kill a hog deader than shit, just some quite a lot more violently than others.

Hell, .357mag is enough to deal with dumb ol' hogs, if you really wanted to get down to nit pickiness, everything past that could be considered overkill.

>maybe I just wanted to see a greentext thread later on about him blowing up hogs with a .300 win mag
no man he obviously needs to use .338 lapua magnum, nothing less is going to do the job

Nah man, for the things he's trying to bag only incendiary .50 bmg will do the trick.

he needs some SLAP those hogs are tough

.270 is the caliber everyone forgot. It's literally the best all around hunting caliber for mid to large game every designed. I wish they made more high BC projectiles for it. It would be an awesome long-range round then.

>enjoy being gored.
le gored meme. that shit is a wive's tale that only pussies like you believe.

David Hogg?