Soft Armor

Level II body armor or this?

I need it to be able to stop up to .357

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Baby probably won't stop more than .380 ACP senpai

Lol, what a poor fag. Can only afford single plate, while I'm over here strapping one of my things to my chest, other to my back.

Considering adopting a black baby for the role of meat shield

Not sure why this isnt always considered, you can had 3 black babies for the price of one white one.

this is sad. kid deserves better. get this shit off Jow Forums

You also get some extra cash when tax time comes around

Yikes. Now that is some cringe OC.

fuck, now i need to sell my fns

If I've learned anything from Dwarf Fortress, it's that babies make for highly effective ablative armor.

Cant believe it hasnt been said yet, but I am going to say it.

Typically I dont care what retard optics these people do. Want to open carry? Your God given right. But the fact that if I was ever in public and this retard thinks its acceptable to muzzle sweep me with his basedblaster and tacticool mammy drives me up the wall. Probably would have go into an argument that escalated kf i met him irl

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it's a firearm in a holster, it's not magically going to go off and kill you.

also, you wouldn't say shit and if you did, you would be the asshole going apeshit over a non issue

In Chicago black infants are issued a handgun at birth, so you don't even have to buy one.

It's still a mechanical object which is prone to failure, you shouldn't blatantly muzzle sweep EVERYONE and EVERYTHING you come into contact with, this is like firearm safety 101

This. Extra 3k this year, all going to funs.

You shouldn't carry with a baby strapped to you chest obviously but people who think that a weapon in a holster is 'flagging' are retards. Are you concerned about guns in cases? Cardboard boxes?


Yeah maybe if I go around in a contorting my self trying to aim my chest holster gun at your head while smacking the back of it with a hammer, and it's a pre recall sig 320, yeah maybe you might be in some trouble. Otherwise stop with your retarded thinking.

I have this exact same baby carrier, only whenever I put my daughter in it I always make sure to have her facing outwards so she can act as a shot spotter.
I mean that's like tactical baby tradecraft 101. what a fucking amateur

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>actually putting your kid in one of these

Attached: Baby Armor.jpg (612x612, 142K)

Post first trimester abortion is legal in NYC, so that plan might result in a 40mm lobotomy.

They're surprisingly comfy as far as baby carriers go - for both baby and daddy.

lvl 2 will stop 357 bit it will hurt unless you get some trauma liner

Spoiler: it a not extra. You quite literally already own it, so they give it back. It's an interest free loan you are giving to the government for absolutely no reason other than "I plan taxes poorly"